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Everything posted by DavidW

  1. As general advice when REPLACE_TEXTUALLY fails on a dlg or bcs file: use WEIDU itself to decompile it and look at, instead of NI. You can do it at the command line.
  2. OK, looking at this more closely: the cult wizard (cult2.cre)definitely needs a level reduction. There are two cult enforcer files: cult3.cre and cultt1.cre . Of these, cultt1 should be being lowered to level 10/10 by the demon-cult component. cult3 doesn't actually fight you - he's just there for the cutscene where the dagger is stolen, and he disappears at the end of that cutscene. Can you confirm that cultt1.cre is also level 15/15 ? That's very odd if so.
  3. SCS is supposed to do that already, so this looks like a bug somewhere. Do you have the ‘improved demon cult’ component installed?
  4. DavidW

    installation error

    I don't need a debug file (not yet, at any rate). Are you installing components in an unusual order (i.e., not in the order they were presented to you)? If so, try installing in the standard order and see if that sorts it out.
  5. Yes. Though it sounds as if it may not be working quite correctly.
  6. I wrote it, and I think it's supposed to work that way. Does that count?
  7. It's inert in SCS (as Cam knows) - just leftover test contents. The 'test' subdirectory' of SCS tends to contain random bits of cruft, but they're not actually touched by the mod installer. There's some discussion of this particular edge case here as regards PI. My line there was (and still is) that an auto-installer ought to be applying an appropriate logic to identify the 'real' tp2 file, not blindly parsing the subdirectory structure and treating any .tp2 file it finds as a live mod. This particular copy really is just there because I haven't got around to cleaning out SCS's test folder, but there are real (if rare) cases where you'd want to include other tp2 files in a mod - IWD-in-BG2 did it, for instance. (Admittedly, if you're trying to install IWD-in-BG2 via a mod autoinstaller you might want to rethink your life goals.)
  8. SCS doesn’t include any of IWDification, so I don’t know what you mean.
  9. The condition is fairly elementary - REQUIRE_PREDICATE (!GAME_IS ~eet~ || MOD_IS_INSTALLED ~eet_end.tp2~ ~0~ ) @24123 - and hasn't been changed since the original release of v32. I've no idea what could be causing the OP's issues.
  10. Noted. This kind of assumes I put it in just to be annoying and make difficulty, rather than because I actually need it for something concrete that I can't work around on the current version of WEIDU.
  11. 2.0.14 is now out, fixing that issue with non-English translations and removing obsolete uses of LONG_BOW as a synonym for MAGE_ALL. Apologies to prowler et al that it took a bit longer to get to than I'd hoped.
  12. DavidW

    installation error

    Define 'works'. Versions 1.5-1.7 were written for 1.3, but they have quite a few bugs.
  13. Sorry, I missed this when you first posted it, but in any case you're probably better off doing your own first pass - I probably wouldn't have had a chance for a while.
  14. Most of this doesn't *sound* like SCS issues, though you never can tell. The arrow thing is a bit suspicious given that you're removing unrealistic items... I will have a look when I have a chance.
  15. Impossible without engine hacks, I *think*. (If there’s an ingame way to edit travel times, I don’t know it, though it’s not something I’ve looked for extensively.) If you’re set on this strategy, I agree with Lynx: do a technical proof-of-concept before worrying about fine details.
  16. At the technical level, the simplest way to do this is by script and dialog. Teleport just summons an invisible creature that initiates dialog. Use the dialog options to select where you teleport to and to control what options are available and whether you're allowed to do it at all. Implement teleportation to an area via an area-specific cutscene called from the dialog, and put the special effects into that cutscene. That's fairly easy to implement. It would obviously be cooler to have a graphical select option but it would be radically harder to do (lots of UI editing at the least, possibly EXE changes.) That said, I think the problems of breaking the plot are fairly severe. You have to lock down quite a few areas, with not very much in the way of in-game justification, in order to avoid messing with the whole leave-and-return structure of chapters 4-5. (A party who can teleport doesn't really have any reason to accept the underdark-vs-Saemon dilemma at the end of chapter 4.) And it would be quite difficult to deal with the various forced random encounters that the game (and probably also some mods) triggers from time to time.
  17. You can detect the main character's name: use the Charname() trigger. (The game uses it to get Drizzt to attack you if your character is also called 'Drizzt'.)
  18. Question: AI scripts for the planetar hardcode the spells they expect it to have, so if you add new spells, it won't use them. There's no workaround to that, short of writing your own AI. Requests: probably not in both cases, sorry. The complexity is excessive relative to the gain; use EEKeeper. And in addition I'm not aware of all the ramifications of putting kits on multiclass characters like that either, which means I don't want to risk implementing it and finding it leads to trouble down the line. I am *slightly* more tempted by the ability-score swap but it's very much not a priority.
  19. I think it’s more elementary than that: if a string is already in dialog.tlk, there’s no reason to pad it out by adding a redundant copy.
  20. @Luke you can do it with LOOPs though. BEGIN LOOP(x||65) INCLUDE FILE(test.ssl) END LOOP //////////////////////////// /////////////////////////// BEGIN LOOP(x||85) INCLUDE FILE(test.ssl) END LOOP I actually think I might have done it that way before and changed it on an erroneous assumption about how variable-substitution works in SSL. (Obviously, in this particular case it would be better to do BEGIN LOOP(x||65;85)
  21. No idea, then. It may be that this bit of SCS isn't working properly either. Ultimately this is the price paid for SSL being a messy bit of PERL I wrote 13 years ago when I knew a lot less about program structure, but also so embedded into SCS that I don't want to risk breaking anything by rewriting it.
  22. To be fair to Beamdog, it's not as if the flags are called that in any official material. It's what Near Infinity calls them. If NI's description doesn't match what the game engine does, that's for NI to fix. (The writing on the tin was put there by third parties, not the tin owner.) The proper description of the SPL flag would probably be 'ignore the dead-magic settings of opcode 66'. (And to be fair to Near Infinity, their descriptions are not intended to be full descriptions, just something short enough to fit in the interface.)
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