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Everything posted by mickabouille

  1. I was less interested in whether is was a problem, or if it was worth the pain to do something about it, and more about how it would be possible to work around. Say as an intellectual exercise.
  2. Well it's the total travel time you experiment (and the party suffers), that's the one that counts. EDIT: after looking at https://gibberlings3.github.io/iesdp/file_formats/ie_formats/wmap_v1.htm I think I understand what you mean. The games walk the "links" (probably with a path searching algorithm) and adds durations. Then (probably) when you trigger the travel if walks the path again and for each one computes an encounter (or not) and adds time.
  3. Not sure, From Ulgoth's Beard, Nashkel and Durlag are 56 hours and Ormyrr's Peak (spelling?) is 88 hours. Cloackwood maps are also far from anything. Anyway, anything above 24 hours is already an issue.
  4. The way long trips (say, 68 hours, multiple days in general) are handled bothers me a little. No a deal breaker, more a paper-cut. You reach a map transition area, chose a destination, say 48 hours away and when you arrive, the characters start to complain and ask to rest if they used spells before the trip, they are in the same state, same for per-day abilities and per-day items abilities On the other hand, when some character has some slow (CON) regeneration, they gain some HPs back. So... They death marched for two days straight with no sleep, no rest? What I would (probably) expect, not knowing if anything is possible at all: if a trip was more than, say, 16 hours long, the party has rested at least once (spells, abilities, items, fatigue) maybe they needed to use spells along? Well in this case probably "you've been waylaid..." happened If you want to be more precise, maybe you can divide the duration by 24 and compute a fatigue value from the division rest, but that's probably not the hardest anyway... So.. I'm not sure if anything like that is possible. I'm no modder (and maybe this could be a way "in" ), so I'm not familiar with the kind of things amodder can do. I kind of hoped there would be a travel "hook" (onTravel(origin, destination, duration) ? ) but there doesn't seem to be anything of the sort. The nearest I saw was that areas contained a "region" with a script (but then, iesdp doesn't explain what those regions are not when this script is called. On enter maybe? Or on use?) and that the area itself has an area script (same level of precision. On enter?) I didn't even get to try changing that as I didn't find anything to access the "in-game" time counter, only ways to set timers. I'm kind of stuck with no idea how to go forward or, more importantly, if there is a way at all.
  5. Don't know if it'sup to date, but the top post says EDIT: looking at the readme:
  6. Or have the backstab damage not be a multiplier but an additional damage die (die size TBDecided) Oh well, no, that something else entirely (and, I guess, very hardcoded)
  7. I don't remember the campaign really well, but I think there may be _some_ other dialog changes, though probably not that many. There were some quests around the villagers that were prisoners, weren't there? That could be kept for the most part, I guess. There is a part around the blacksmith's son that maybe couldn't, and the priestess maybe? Those characters could simply be removed... On the other hand, the elven tower has no real quest from or to the outside except the main story (I think). Maybe the difficulty would be a little on the easier side? I don't remember around what level you reach the dragon eye.
  8. this links just leads to Permission Problem You don't have permission to do that.
  9. I think I remember you didn't like 3E, but there are all those feats that give bonuses to saves...
  10. Not under linux at least, they display perfectly in the console in general. In weidu.log, on the other side... Every mod writes in whatever charset they are using so you end up with a mess. To be pedantic, é ö, ñ (and are latin letters. You can say "basic latin letters" I guess (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_basic_Latin_alphabet) And I thought weidu worked fine wth utf8 TRAs, at least for the EEs? (not a modder, just someone who occasionally submits translations, so I'm eager to know) To be precise, according to the weidu documentation (but not the one https://weidu.org/WeiDU/README-WeiDU.html that seems outdated), the charset 'standard" for spanish is CP1252 https://github.com/WeiDUorg/weidu/blob/f5d342ecfc990ae0a95faab8753c6f61b599a0e7/doc/base.tex#L9682-L9698
  11. (Just for reference, better have any bug reported than forgotten)
  12. Hi, following you recent release, I updated the french translation there https://github.com/subtledoctor/d5_Random_Tweaks/pull/10 The new strings you added in english were translated The ones you added had some slight fixes done I replaced the component names (which go in weidu.log) with pure ASCII (using UTF-8 for these was an error on my part). (Really, shoudln't weidu normalize the content of weidu.log in a single charset?)
  13. whilhill is this one I suppose https://downloads.weaselmods.net/download/the-journey-to-the-whin-hill/
  14. I actually prefer the second version. To each their own I guess.
  15. Wow impressive. I had thought that should be possible but probably impractical.
  16. Hm I know i used it but I don't really remember how it works. Does it go in the quick items slots?
  17. Sorry, I didn't try further. I had just noticed the issue with tests of my installer (https://github.com/mleduque/modda) so didn't really have a reason to. I got the message that it (eefixpack) wasn't really for prime time, though
  18. I think that probably the same problem as
  19. Can't say I know enough to answer "can it make things worse", not a modder, but: I assume you mean for your install only, in any case you could obtain a report of all .CRE that would be modified and check nothing is amiss. And then weidu allow to revert if it ecer breaks anything and you can detect it immediately. For the more general case (not limiting to your own install), it would be interesting to know _what_ mod broke this (unless it was like this in a vanilla game?)
  20. Ok thank you. I hadn't used google translate in... a decade? Not sure. And I'm impressed because that's now more like actual text I saw at the end of the thread that there are now some repositories (with Tipun's greenlight) at https://github.com/11jo/IWD1_EET https://github.com/11jo/IWD2_EET https://github.com/11jo/Worldmap_IWD_EET and https://github.com/11jo/Icewind_EET (though sadly not for the HOW self-contained one). Not much technical activity though (mostly translation work).
  21. @Endarire Thanks. I knew about Argent77's totlm mod, and sort of knew about Tipun's iwd inside EET, but hadn't looked at it (it appeared to me,at the time, as a "maybe, one day" mod). But I don't see anything in this link about how in eet (and nothing from Tipun themselves, with doesn't scream "it's ready now" to me). In Subtledoctor's weidu.log, I think it appears as HOW_EET, which seems a more contained and attainable that the whole of iwd1, which is why I saw a parallel with totlm and imagined a similar mod.
  22. I'm curious, what mod are you using for HoW in BG1? I feel I should be able to find it but my fumbling gave nothing (unless it's an in-house, personal mod of your, of course)
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