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Everything posted by mickabouille

  1. SCS is many components, to help determine the cause you should really which components from SCS you installed
  2. Which mod is this? I don't know it. Or un der another name maybe?
  3. I suppose you can either keep all your BG2 npcs and not take any from NWN or take only one NWN npc. In NWN you could only have one "mercenary" anyway so if dialogs are taken as is there is no inter-npc dialog or banter so you can't miss anything. (Thought maybe this was changed in nwnforbg ?)
  4. Well, maybe scimitars and katanas ought to be the same weapon category anyway? Single edged curved blade (like sabres in fact). Or maybe katanas can be straight bladed? I actually don't know.
  5. Do you mean it should be the old one (pre-stratagem) or the new one? EDIT: ah obviously the new one (1 turn/lv is the new one)
  6. There is a somewhat similar issue for use_iwd_protect_from_fire_duration (I think) It does REPLACE_TEXTUALLY "%duration_text%.*" "%duration_text% %new_duration%" But then in french we need to have `duration_text` be a regex @3="Dur[^e]e[^:]:" I suggest this could instead be REPLACE_TEXTUALLY "\(%duration_text%\).*" "\1 %new_duration%" Or maybe the `Duration:` prefix could be integrated inside of @4 (new_duration)... (Sorry for the formatting, the forum citation and code insertion seem broken for me since some time)
  7. Was it maybe that 95 used to be something else at some point? This interacts strangely with Fnp multi shaman component (92) that contains in system_fnp_spontaneous.tpa : // bonus WIS casting slots____________________________________________________________ // ACTION_IF (MOD_IS_INSTALLED ~tomeandblood.tp2~ ~95~) BEGIN LAM semi_wis_slots END This fails because semi_wis_slots doesn't exist (since the split/redispatch of sd mods I think) It think this wasn't apparent because there was no TnB 95 anymore? (Why two posts? G3 forum appears to do strange things with quotes today... ) EDIT: and... one more strange forum thing, no idea how to fix this post
  8. Well yes, which is why I didn't bother you with this (the other reason being i didn't check it was needed yet). (And I'll stop hijacking this thread, sorry)
  9. Ah, I was unable to find why subtled_spell_tweaks from didn't detect faerie fire from SCS : it searched it from spell.ids under the CLERIX_FAERIE-FIRE and.. well it wasn't here and that's why it isn't?
  10. Maybe somerhing related to armor instead of weapons? Like a permanent or at-will "know opponent"' (maybe a bit reduced version)? Or opposent weapon disassembly? Don’t even know what is or is not feasible...
  11. You can add --use-lang en_US (only once is needed) to set the _game_ language in weidu.conf Only once is needed but I add it on every call anyway (but then the parameter value shoud not change!) for example https://github.com/mleduque/modda/blob/54a299326d44122c16e98bac2d866140c031c38d/src/run_weidu.rs#L52 setup-stratagems.exe --language 0 --force-install-list 2050 2060 2080 --use-lang en_US
  12. I can confirm that yes, it seems to fix this issue, thanks. But instead of just replacing the SFO_default_language on line 112, I also replaced one on line 97. Is that needed? Correct?
  13. And I remember I had some user muted/silenced at a time but I don't remember how I did it. Can someone help me? EDIT: Ok, I got it, sorry for the noise
  14. Well, probably, that'd be a lazily translated gallicism I suppose
  15. "2 points malus to initial repoutation" would be even less awkward. but that's a style issue, so I only offer as low-importance suggestion.
  16. Really, can't really say. The code is beyond my deciphering abilities, too many indirections (I tried though)
  17. Hi, I think something similar already happened for a previous 35.x and was fixed (maybe with some other tra). When trying to install component 2050 "IWD-inspired changes to BG(2) spells" in french, the install fails because @48 from spell.tra is not (yet) translated. We will come to it (this failure let us know about those untranslated strings) but I think you said the english fallback was supposed to take place so I report it here. I single-out 2050 but I suspect many other components below 2000 will have the same issue.
  18. Not sure if that helps, but following some tests with regexps in iwdification, weidu (in fact ocaml) regexes are byte-oriented and not "character"-oriented... at least when using utf8. So a non-ascii (first 127 characters in all western encodings, and in utf8) match correctly, but any character after that will not because they actually are multiple bytes. I had to workaround detecting for example "Inconvénient :" as "Inconv[^n]+nient[^:]*:" (ad-libbing, not sure those are the exact cases) (Maybe there was an easier way with a better internal understanding of the regex engine but I got fed up)
  19. https://gibberlings3.github.io/Documentation/readmes/subdocuments_dw/tof_race.html
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