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Everything posted by mickabouille

  1. Well charname's background is mostly fixed... The age range an't be that wide and they spent all the life (except as an infant IIRC). So, small variations as to how they spent their life there (that may not even account for all available classes/kits, didn't check). But that's for BG. On the other hand, IWD PCs are far more of a blank slate.
  2. Thanks for for explaining all this. Are the references to kits in the post about subraces erroneous?
  3. I was talking about the place you can't walk on. Does itappear overlaid in blue in the map? But that was a blind shot, just in case...
  4. https://github.com/mleduque/ie-fixes/blob/iwdee-broken-bonecir/iwdee-broken-bonecir/iwdee-broken-bonecir.tp2 Seems like that works. Thanks!
  5. How does this place show on the map when toggling the "Area map background" checkbox?
  6. Ah yes I see, thanks. Is this broken file taken care of in eefixpack? Should I reports it there?
  7. How do I remove it? When a fileis in override that's easy to bo but when it's in the BIF files...
  8. I tried to follow some pattern on mod installation, "new spells" before "spell tweaks" or something like that (the rest of scs was supposed to come later). A bit like I would install iwdification or the iwd spells components of scs long before the rest of SCS.
  9. Hi, I tried installing parts of this mod over the spells part of v35.4 SCS. On IWD, maybe that's an issues by irtself. It's nominally supported in the TP2 checks but IDK how many use it. I tried installing 1202 - Tweak Barkskin over this // Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods // The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod // ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version] ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #4 #1600 // Use Baldur's Gate-style Insect Plague and Creeping Doom instead of Icewind Dale versions: 35.4 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #4 #1610 // Use Baldur's Gate-style Mordenkainen's Sword in addition to Icewind Dale version: 35.4 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #4 #2000 // Install all spell tweaks (if you don't select this, you will be given a chance to choose by category): 35.4 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #4 #2500 // Add 9 new arcane spells: 35.4 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #4 #2510 // Add 6 new divine spells (some borrowed from Divine Remix): 35.4 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #4 #2520 // Revised elementals and elemental summoning: 35.4 First thing, I can't "just" install this component, I must first install 1 - Would you like to display components from random individual spell tweaks?: 2.6.3 otherwise the 1202 - Tweak Barkskin component is skipped. (I don't use interactive installations in general, I use force-install-list with a list of components) Then when I have component 1 installed and try to install 1202, there's an error Installing [Modifier Peau d'écorce pour bloquer une attaque par round] [2.6.3] Creating file d5bbark.eff; 272 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copied [.../fl-inlined/tmp] to [override/d5bbark.eff] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr202.spl] loaded, 21394 bytes override/sppr202.spl copied to weidu_external/backup/SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks/1202/sppr202.spl, 21394 bytes Copied [sppr202.spl] to [override/sppr202.spl] Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/sppr202.spl] loaded, 28114 bytes Copied [sppr202.spl] to [override/sppr202.spl] Copying 1 file ... [SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks/data/spell_tweaks/d5bbark.spl] loaded, 586 bytes Copied [SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks/data/spell_tweaks/d5bbark.spl] to [override/d5bbark.spl] Copying and patching 0 files ... Copying and patching 0 files ... Copying 1 file ... BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD1/DATA/SNDFX.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD2/DATA/SNDFX.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD3/DATA/SNDFX.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD4/DATA/SNDFX.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD5/DATA/SNDFX.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD6/DATA/SNDFX.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./DATA/SNDFX.BIF] [./DATA/SNDFX.BIF] 14094852 bytes, 541 files, 0 tilesets Copied [eff_e02.wav] to [override/d5eff02.wav] Copying 1 file ... [SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks/data/spell_tweaks/blank.wav] loaded, 65486 bytes Copied [SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks/data/spell_tweaks/blank.wav] to [override/eff_e02.wav] Copying and patching 1453 files ... BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD1/DATA/SPLFILE.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD2/DATA/SPLFILE.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD3/DATA/SPLFILE.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD4/DATA/SPLFILE.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD5/DATA/SPLFILE.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./CD6/DATA/SPLFILE.BIF] BIFF may be in hard-drive CD-path [./DATA/SPLFILE.BIF] [./DATA/SPLFILE.BIF] 2906644 bytes, 1117 files, 0 tilesets WARNING: ALTER_EFFECT does not support file type SPL ERROR: cannot convert abil_num or %abil_num% to an integer ERROR: [#BONECIR.SPL] -> [override/#BONECIR.SPL] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found) Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. ERROR Installing [Modifier Peau d'écorce pour bloquer une attaque par round], rolling back to previous state [weidu_external/backup/SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks/1202/UNSETSTR.1202] SET_STRING uninstall info not found Will uninstall 5 files for [SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks/SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks.tp2] component 1202. Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks/1202/sppr202.spl] weidu_external/backup/SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks/1202/sppr202.spl copied to override/sppr202.spl, 21394 bytes Uninstalled 5 files for [SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks/SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks.tp2] component 1202. Unable to Unlink [weidu_external/backup/SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks/1202/READLN.1202]: Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ENOENT, "unlink", "weidu_external/backup/subtled_spell_tweaks/1202/readln.1202") Unable to Unlink [weidu_external/backup/SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks/1202/READLN.1202.TEXT]: Unix.Unix_error(Unix.ENOENT, "unlink", "weidu_external/backup/subtled_spell_tweaks/1202/readln.1202.text") STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2 4 1600 Installed STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2 4 1610 Installed STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2 4 2000 Installed STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2 4 2500 Installed STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2 4 2510 Installed STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2 4 2520 Installed SUBTLED_SPELL_TWEAKS/SUBTLED_SPELL_TWEAKS.TP2 1 1 Installed ~Would you like to display components from random individual spell tweaks?~ ERROR: Not_found Please make a backup of the file: setup-subtled_spell_tweaks.debug and look for support at: subtledoctor Automatically Skipping [Modifier Peau d'écorce pour bloquer une attaque par round] because of error. Using Language [French] [French] has 6 top-level TRA files [SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks/lang/french/setup.tra] has 135 translation strings [SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks/lang/french/cantrips.tra] has 74 translation strings [SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks/lang/french/familiars.tra] has 109 translation strings [SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks/lang/french/spells.tra] has 46 translation strings [SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks/lang/french/schools.tra] has 54 translation strings [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 21833 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 21833 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 21833 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 21833 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 21833 bytes [./override/SPELL.IDS] loaded, 21833 bytes Saving This Log: STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2 4 1600 Installed STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2 4 1610 Installed STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2 4 2000 Installed STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2 4 2500 Installed STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2 4 2510 Installed STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2 4 2520 Installed SUBTLED_SPELL_TWEAKS/SUBTLED_SPELL_TWEAKS.TP2 1 1 Installed ~Would you like to display components from random individual spell tweaks?~ [stratagems/lang/english/setup.tra] has 262 translation strings [stratagems/lang/french/setup.tra] has 223 translation strings [SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks/lang/french/setup.tra] has 135 translation strings [SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks/lang/french/cantrips.tra] has 74 translation strings [SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks/lang/french/familiars.tra] has 109 translation strings [SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks/lang/french/spells.tra] has 46 translation strings [SubtleD_Spell_Tweaks/lang/french/schools.tra] has 54 translation strings 874 characters, 1 entries added to DIALOG.TLK [./lang/fr_fr/dialog.tlk] created, 41436 string entries [./lang/fr_fr/dialogf.tlk] created, 41436 string entries SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED Would you like to display components from random individual spell tweaks? NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS Modifier Peau d'écorce pour bloquer une attaque par round The error seems to be this part but I don't know what to do with it WARNING: ALTER_EFFECT does not support file type SPL ERROR: cannot convert abil_num or %abil_num% to an integer ERROR: [#BONECIR.SPL] -> [override/#BONECIR.SPL] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found)
  10. The single quote could maybe be replaced with an apostrophe ’ That may even be more accurate... But it depends on the engine actually allowing it. The "rename the kit" workaround is probably more viable.
  11. That's (probably, but i lack information to be sure) the file is already named setup-stratagems.exe but windows hides .exe in the file explorer. (Anyway I will let other people with windows computersanswer further rather than giving posibly incorrect advices )
  12. If I understand well, the setup-stratagen.exe binary (actually a renamed weidu.exe) tries to update itself (check version, download a newer one ifmore recent etc.). That is (probably?) not required anyway with a recent enough scs version. But in any case, i guess it fails because it tries to find setup-stratagems while the file name is setup-stratagems.exe. Does replacing setup-STRATAGEMS with setup-STRATAGEMS.exe in the command you typed (adding .exe at the end) silences the error? In any case I think you could just ignore this error. And I think addind "--noautoupdate" at the end would disable it. EDIT: and yes, merging SoD is required before adding any mod. But modmerge is AFAIK deprectaed and replaced by DlcMerger.
  13. I can totally see myself web-ing things that fly though. Some people are hunting birds with webs...
  14. I expected as much, but not knowing how it is preprocessed limits my investigations. And is the reason of my excessive use of conditional forms and prudent phrasing. Yes I think this will probably work better, I'll try it.
  15. I feel there's maybe something here. I'm not really able to follow the code (there's some pre-processing that breaks my mind and my ability to analyze it) but I see That on one side always.tph defines OUTER_SET SFO_unusable_string_tra_ref=100400 OUTER_SET SFO_usable_string_tra_ref=100401 Those are as you assume compatible with obg2 (no non-breaking spaces) and defined in shared.tra. @100400 = ~Non utilisable par :~ @100401 = ~Utilisable par :~ Those strings are only used in lib_itm.tpa ina patch function named "item_useability_string" themselves only used in "ITM_say_description" and "ITM_say_unidentified_description", both only called in "ITM_say_both_descriptions". But then I couldn't see "ITM_say_both_descriptions" used anywhere (but I see an similarly named "ITM_set_both_descriptions"... I could not find uses either). On the other side 3020 "seems to" call "fine_weapons" in fine_weapons.tpa, which maybe calls make_fine_weapons This calls "handle_unusable" from lib_ietools.tpa. Then this one does OUTER_SET strref=is_iwd?34753:is_bg2?74251:31522 ACTION_GET_STRREF strref unusable_string which (I may be wrong) I understand gets strref from the dialog.tlk file, not from a .tra file. In the bg2ee case, it selects 74251 which does contain the non-breaking space character (in iwdee case, 34753 is exatcly the samestring, with the nbsp). So maybe that's just a bug? That may not be apparent in english because shared.tra/@100400 and dialog.tlk/74251 are identical?
  16. Ok So I was wrong on one point : U+00A0 _is_ a non-breaking space in cp1252 so HANDLE_CHARSET is correctly _not_ converting it in anything when on obg2. BUT the obg2 engine appear to materialize the non-breaking space not as a space but as a dot sign a bit above the bottom line. To be honest, I didn't see it (the dot) myself, someone i had to someone ( @Jazira ) point it (my sight being less precise than it once was) (To be even more honest, I don't use obg2 or this component myself, and testing was inconvenient because tobex under linux seems to have some... quirks, unless it's not linux-specific of course) EDIT: and my screenshot is not even really convincing either, being made on a low res game
  17. Sooo I finally understood. On obg2, DEFINE_DIMORPHIC_FUNCTION handle_unusable will skip everything because of ACTION_IF enhanced_edition BEGIN and just return the string that was given as argument (ie leaves the description from fine_weapon.tra as is) On the other hand, on bg2ee OUTER_SET strref=is_iwd?34753:is_bg2?74251:31522 will select @74251 @74251 = ~Non utilisable par ̲:~ The " ̲" character is actually U+00A0 a non-ascii character and (alas) a character that does not exist in cp1252, the charset used for french by obg1/2. The function the looks in the item description the @74251 string to remove it. The description _does not_ come from the bg2ee dialog.tlk but from fine_weapons.tra which is encoded so as to be compatible with obg2. Which means it _can't_ contain the U+00A0 character. It uses (as obg2 does actually) an ascii space U+0020. So as I said in the OP, the lookup of the substring fails, index is -1 and DELETE_BYTES fails, the components ERRORs out. At the time I didn't go far enough and I though, on your advice "I should correct the fine_weapons.tra file to use nbsp instead". The component now works correctly on bg2ee. It even installs on obg2. But then it adds an U+00A0 character in the item description and it shows in-game as a "dot" character instead of a space. I don't see a way to work around this only with the translation file. I'd say the cause is a "source mismatch" where we're modifying data aimed at obg2 with data from bg2ee and we can't really reconcile both. I see some ways to fix it (there are probably others) the option offered by Alywena above using different version of fine_weapons.tra (I think iwdification has both a xxx.tra and a xxx_ee.tra in some places for example) But maybe someone else can propose something that involves only tra files...
  18. Meh famous last words indeed Somehow I can make work on bg2ee OR obg2 but I struggle to have it working on both
  19. Eh, I must admit even with you spelling it I had a hard time seeing it...
  20. Apparently it's possible as EET tweaks seems to offer that https://rawgit.com/K4thos/EET_Tweaks/master/EET_Tweaks/readme-EET_Tweaks.html "XP for killing creatures" and "XP for quests" which both seem to not even require EET
  21. I usually do just the opposite, choose the fastest option (and if there is none, patch the mod locally to add one, but that's bothersome). But as I'm somewhat environment conscious, I wouldn't leave a computer/device on unattended...
  22. Components are defined in the tp2 file. There usually is only one, name either <mod_name>.tp2 or setup-<mod_name>.tp2. I can be either in the game directory or (preferably) in the subdirectory named <mod_name> The syntax is ... not quite obvious but usually you have something like BEGIN @XXX DESIGNATED YYY // optional REQUIRE_PREDICATE some_condition @ZZZ [... instructions ] END XXX is the number of the string with the name of the component (for example "Revised shapeshift powers for druids and avengers") YYY is the number of the component in the mod ZZZ is the number of the string that tells you why the component was skipped ("This component conflicts with a similar component from tweaks Anthology; check the readme for details.")
  23. Apparently 2040 (changes to shapeshift spells) is incompatible with cdtweaks 1160 multiple stronghold). Maybe a number error? REQUIRE_PREDICATE !MOD_IS_INSTALLED ~cdtweaks/setup-cdtweaks.tp2~ ~1160~ @96 Also, I'm not sure why this component number is between ~~ but not the other predicates. Maybe ~1160~ and 1160 are equivalent
  24. Question regarding the tweak that's described as "Increase the accuracy of Mordenkainen's Force Blade" on bg2ee. I couldn't find the combination of components to manifest it. I suppose you need to install 1500 (install iwd arcane spells) and I expected 2080 (spells increased in power) to change the spell but it didn't (or... I think it didn't). I also tried 1500+2000 (all spell tweaks). I must be missing something...
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