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Everything posted by Trouveur80

  1. Hi, I really like this mod, thank you for all the hard work. I was wondering if you could add the specialist priest of Finder Wyvernspur ?
  2. Thank you for the workaround. Here is my setup-AjantisBG1.DEBUG : "Transitions Mod detected... Compiling 1 dialogue file ... [AjantisBG1/translations/French/AJANTISBG1_TRANSITION.TRA] has 35 translation strings [ajantisbg1/crossmod/ajantis_transitions.d] loaded, 5104 bytes Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ... [./override/AJANTJ.DLG] loaded, 378030 bytes [AJANTJ.DLG] loaded [AJANTJ.DLG] saved 1626 states, 3996 trans, 143 strig, 1479 ttrig, 954 actions Compiling 1 dialogue file ... [AjantisBG1/translations/French/AJANTISBG1_TRANSITION.TRA] has 35 translation strings [ajantisbg1/crossmod/ajantis_transitions_endlessbg1_korlasz_tomb.d] loaded, 2098 bytes Processing 1 dialogues/scripts ... [./override/AJANTJ.DLG] loaded, 381321 bytes [AJANTJ.DLG] loaded [AJANTJ.DLG] saved 1632 states, 4005 trans, 145 strig, 1480 ttrig, 956 actions Extending game scripts ... [ajantisbg1/crossmod/ajantis_transitions.baf] loaded, 1865 bytes [./override/AJANTIS.BCS] loaded, 228169 bytes Extended script [ajantis.bcs] with [ajantisbg1/crossmod/ajantis_transitions.baf] Extending game scripts ... [ajantisbg1/BG1_end/c#ajan_bg1end_sod.baf] loaded, 1961 bytes [./override/AJANTIS.BCS] loaded, 231695 bytes Extended script [ajantis.bcs] with [ajantisbg1/BG1_end/c#ajan_bg1end_sod.baf] Extending game scripts ... [AjantisBG1/crossmod/ajantis_transitions_eet.baf] loaded, 448 bytes Extended script [#L_CUT09.bcs] with [AjantisBG1/crossmod/ajantis_transitions_eet.baf] [./override/CAMPAIGN.2DA] loaded, 1675 bytes EndlessBG1 detected: Installing crossmod.." The last line surprises me since actually I don't have EndlessBG1 installed.
  3. It should be this one : "IF InParty("Ajantis") // Ajantis !StateCheck(Player1,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) !StateCheck(Myself,CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("C#Ajantis_BG1KorlaszDefeated","GLOBAL",1) THEN RESPONSE #100 ActionOverride("Ajantis",StartDialogNoSet(Player1)) DisplayStringHead(Myself,103735) // Running block 3 of AJANTIS.BCS END"
  4. How can I see that please ? I'm not familiar with stutterdebug sadly. EDIT : I read the readme and install NI. Here is my ajantis.BCS file. AJANTIS.BCS
  5. Hello, thanks for the quick answer. Here is the result :
  6. I hit a pretty hard bug. After defeating Korzak, Ajantis stuters with the same banter : But more importantly, when I click on the rope to exit Korzak's tomb, BGEE always crashs on desktop. I will try console command to teleport to the Palace and see what will happen then... EDIT : when teleporting to the Palace via the console, I could complete Sarevok's minions and Dead Three's Documents quests normally. But if I talk again to Belt and Liia, I can received XP and rewards from their quests indefinitly.
  7. Hello, I'm playing on BGEE 2.6.6 on Windows, with Ajantis Expansion 18.1 and Transitions 2.0 installed. I don't know if the bug comes from Ajantis mod or Transitions (or maybe my install order, I added Ajantis very late in my current install), but Ajantis spams the same after defeating Korlaz.
  8. Lol, well after all she just escaped from a murder tentative. By the way, two questions came to my mind : - So we can have Imoen as a full party member for doing Korlaz's tomb ? - XP from Korlaz's tomb counts in Transitions for the BG1 XP cap instead for the SoD XP cap ? I play with XP reduce to 50% since I had SotSC and BST installed, so I don't yet have attain max XP for BG1, but for most players this could be an issue since it means that Korlaz's tomb won't give them any XP compared to vanilla SoD.
  9. You're welcome. You did all the work, I'm just enjoying your mod. I found another minor bug, but I'm pretty sure it is from SCS. Duke Liia often cast Teleport Field when I enter in the Palace. Other than that, the dukes are blue and I can talk to them without problem. I'm certain it comes from SCS Liia's script during the battle against the doppelgangers.
  10. I just entered Korzak's tomb and found dialog bugs. Here are the screenshots. Besides thoses lines, other dialogs in the tomb seem fine so far.
  11. Here is my weidu log if it can help. WeiDU.log
  12. Well, I didn't kill her : when she is seriously wounded in the Iron Throne headquarter, she begs for mercy, and we can let her go alive. Belt didn't ask yet for Angelo. The next on the list is Korzak. I had Tazok, Winski, Tamoko and Cythandria so far.
  13. So I checked my current install, I indeed have Transitions 2.0 installed. I did some more cleanup quests (Winski, Cythandria and Tamoko). I really like how the one with Tamoko was handeld. For Cythandria in the Elfsong tavern, I ran into a bug or inconsistancy : she had the same dialog as in the Iron Throne headquarters, was guarded by the same two stone golems from SCS that I already previously slayed, and when she died she left another two letters from Slythe and Sarevok's diary.
  14. Hello, I encoutered some error messages when installing SCS 34.3 on a french 2.6.6 BG2 : INSTALLED WITH WARNINGS Potions pour PNJ (Potions for NPCs) INSTALLED WITH WARNINGS Spectateurs plus intelligents (Smarter Beholders (BG2, BG2EE, BGT, EET)) INSTALLED WITH WARNINGS Les demi-liches lancent des sortileges (Spellcasting Demiliches) INSTALLED WITH WARNINGS Oeil aveugle ameliore (Improved Unseeing Eye) NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS Combat contre Irenicus a l'Asile ameliore (Improved battle with Irenicus in Spellhold) INSTALLED WITH WARNINGS Drows ameliores (Improved Drow) INSTALLED WITH WARNINGS Antre d'Abazigal amelioree (Improved Abazigal's Lair) NOT INSTALLED DUE TO ERRORS Rencontres mineures ameliorees (Improved Minor Encounters) I also put my weidu log and SFO warning in attached files. What could be the culprit ? Installation order of the mods ? Incompatibility with one mod ? Or the french language ? WeiDU.log sfo_warnings.txt
  15. Thanks for your quick replies ! I'm away from my computer this weekend so I couldn't check the Transitions version number. I'll do it when back at home. - for Kivan quest journal entry after meeting Tazok at the bandits camp, after reading your comments on this, I remember than in unmodded 2.6 game, it updated itself normally. On the other hand, in all my playthrough with BG1 NPC Project installed, this quest entry never updated itself. But as @Jastey said, it would probably be best than this quest really ends after tazok final death. - for the interactions between SCS improved final battle component and the hunting quests from Transitions, maybe you could add an option during install where you ask if the player intends to install SCS improved final battle component after Transitions ? If the player says yes, you could automatically disable the hunting for Tazok, Angelo, Semaj and Dyamid ? That would fix both issues, having to kill them again and having them raising as undead warriors again. - for Kivan's interjection with Belt about Tazok, I will post screenshots when back at home. EDIT : nevermind, I just read that you already fixed it in 2.4 release. You're really fast. it's impressive. - really thank you for trying to make an hotfix for my savegame ! I will see the houses in my next run. For now ToSC awaits me, and after than SoD, with the new mod from @Jastey to investigate the Crusade. Since me first post was about troubleshootings, I will say here really thank you for this mod, not having to delay killing Sarevok in order to do ToSC quests is really nice. This mod will be mandatory in all my next BGEE runs.
  16. Hello, I'm testing this mod on my current playthrough with BG1 NPC Project, Shades of the Sword Coast, Balduran's Seatower and Sword Coast Stratagems. I encountered some bugs : - with SCS, final battle against Sarevok requires to first kill Tazok, Darmyd, Semaj and Angelo before being able to kill Sarevok. But their death doesn't seem to be recorded by Transitions, since Belt asks me to hunt them. - with SCS, when one of the Sarevok's acolytes is killed in the final battle, it is raised as an undead warrior. When killing Tazok in the sewers, I was surprised to see him raised again as an undead warrior there too. - when Belt asks me to hunt Tazok, Kivan replies it will be dead and not alive. Then Belt shouts "DEAD OR ALIVE", and then I have an invalid reply or link to choose as a dialogue option, and journal is not updated with the quest. - when I kill Tazok in the sewers, Kivan doesn't have interjection, ans his quest " Kivan and tazok" is not updated. - I tried the house in front of ducal palace and the cabin in High Edge as a reward from Eltan, but both have the same behaviour : the door open when I click on it, but there is no way to enter inside, and after some time the door automatically closes itself.
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