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Everything posted by Trouveur80

  1. It's a separate component, you can install it without installing AI or challenges components.
  2. Well, in all my good playthrough i never did the first one, only being accused of it. Another Fine Hell makes so your first point is not the main reason to be exiled from BG. Also, Another Fine Hell fixes your third point.
  3. The Artisan made a Wall of Fire spell for his IWD pyromancer NPC, Karihi : https://artisans-corner.com/karihi/
  4. You should use Project Infinity instead of the unsupported "EET Mod Setup Tool". https://github.com/ALIENQuake/ProjectInfinity
  5. But it greatly increases ThAC0, so the diminishing damage based on opponent's AC doesn't apply. Also, improved bard song is not taken into account either ? With the bard hat he blade can fight while under the song effect.
  6. Would be nice to use Tenser's Transformation for the blade. Also, do you planned to add the Archer in this comparison?
  7. Remove Magic, Mordenkainen's Force Missiles, Vitriolic Sphere, Flame Arrows, Cone of Cold, Sunfire, the Shadows summon spells from IWD, Chain Lightning... So the difference in caster level will definitely be perceived until the F/M also reach level 20 in mage. If you had IWD bard spells progression table, unnerfed ThAC0 progression, and the Improved Bard Song with the Bard Hat, bard have some nice things for him.
  8. I will try to post a more complete review of it later, but I have a suggestion for the end :
  9. I post here because it's not a bug, but in one of the dialogue :
  10. Hi, I think I found a word misspelled in one of the new dialogue :
  11. Setting the variable to 8 did the trick, Charname was teleport upstair, Corwin came, then after rest the Hooded Man. I was guided in the sewers to the exit, and then Imoen leaded me to Jaheira, Minsc, Dynaheir and Khalid. But after the final scene with the thief leader saying their employer was eager to see charname, something went wrong, and I don't know if it is from EET, or AfH : First there was the SoA intro movie, then I heard the sounds from the introduction scene in Irenicus dungeon, but on my screen was displayed the SoD version of Sorcerous Sundries area (where the depart and the return to and from Dragonpear take place). And after that, Imoen opened the cell door as usual. Also, not really a bug but something annoying : when charname is teleport upstair, all containers items from NPC inventory are put in charname's inventory, and if it is already full, then some items are drop to the ground, but can't be recovered since the area is no longer available. Maybe it would be better to put them in charname's chest in third floor ?
  12. Hi, I'm at the end of SoD with I4E and Another Fine Hell installed. Imoen is in the party. I'm now in the ducal palace after receiving quests for helping Skie and closing the portal definitely. All my party members had a speech and Imoen saif she will try to find old friends before we go to Amn, but then I'm stuck in the palace. The dukes have nothing to say to me, Imoen is still there, I can't rest and I can't leave the area. What I am supposed to do next ? It' an EET install, here is my weidu.log :
  13. I wholeheartedly agree about BST and SotSC being top notch quests mod for BG1. They always are installed on my modded runs.
  14. Don't know if it is fitting in a fixpack, but the key for the Cloackwood Mine and the key to open the locked container in Durlag's Tower level -1 are not considered keys to storable in a keyring.
  15. Hi, I'm posting here but I'm mot sure this bug concerns EBG1. In my current EET playthrough, when I reached the exit to Undercity in the thieves maze, Winski wasn't there. I tried to summon it via the console and : If I create him near the exit, I can't talk to him ("Winski appears busy") and he disappears just after. If I try again the console, he doesn't appear again. If I create him elsewhere in the maze, all is fine, and the special dialogue with Dynaheir from BG1 NPC Project plays fine. Here is my weidu log :
  16. I use this one (https://forums.beamdog.com/home/leaving?allowTrusted=1&target=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fartyfox%2FDragonspearUI%2Farchive%2Frefs%2Fheads%2Fiwd.zip perfectly fine with EEex on IWDEE.
  17. I found it in the readme, Dopelgangerquest somehow stayed at 18 instead of passing at 19 when finishing killing all of them.
  18. Shades of the Sword Coast ^^. I agree, SotSC is probably the best and more complete side quests mod for BG1. It is on my install order for all modded games, as long as Balduran's Seatower (a new BG City district). I really like Ascalon's Questspack too. Since EE I don't find UB1 so mandatory, and I think BGQE is really well made but the atmosphere and ambiance of its quests are too modern for my taste. I note to try NTotSC on a next run.
  19. Hi, I finished killing the last doppelgangers, the captain told me to report to the commander, but the commander doesn't have something to say about it. Is there a variable I should check ? In my four runs with BST, it's the first time I encounter this.
  20. The Artisan released recently a new version of his Kitpacs, with a ranger overhaul: https://artisans-corner.com/the-artisans-kitpack/
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