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Everything posted by jastey

  1. I agree. If this is not the case it's a bug. I'll look into it.
  2. Thank you very much for the explanation! I am very thrilled because this - with appropriate immutability - is the solution to the "I have x copies of my mod in different game folders and need to keep track which one is the most recent and have to copy it around if testing the installs" problem, in the past leading to Gremlins taking over my mod folders from time to time with vanishing changes or me working with outdated copies. This is awesome advice!
  3. Very interesting. I hate to admit I only understand 85% or your code examples but I do grab the concept. Immutability for the utf-8 text transformation is also very important if you tend to work on your texts while it is installed to an EE game. My experience was that any change was lost after deinstallation. This is the reason why I used the principle of copying the texts to another folder for transformation in most of my mods, too. Having the mod folder at one location and working with virtual directory links in all the game folders is one of those brilliant ideas I wonder why I didn't do this already. I guess it's because I have no idea how to make such a virtual link for Windows. I know this is not the actual scope of this tutorial, but if you or someone else would tell me how to do this I would be very obliged. Great fan of the concept(s)! Thank you for sharing.
  4. The funny thing is this sounds like content from the component "Brage's Sword" from bgqe, but there it's not Ender Sai saying this, there are journal entries, and I wouldn't know how it should prevent chapter 4 from triggering because it doesn't interfere with the Bandit Camp in any way. Sounds like a mixup of mod-added texts in your game if you ask me.
  5. Version v5


    Tender love and care for one silent, brooding type The Mod Corthala Romantique adds a romance for female PCs (no short races) of good or neutral alignment (no chaotic neutral) or female druids. To proceed with the romance, the reputation has to be above 13. The mod also adds friendship talks for the SoA part of the game for PCs that do not fulfill the romance criteria. For ToB, all dialogues added are for romance, only. Also added are banters with other NPCs and interjections, for romance and non-romance case in SoA. Project Page Readme Discussion Thread
  6. The Gibberlings Three berelinde's Keldorn Romance introduces a romance for the original BioWare NPC Keldorn. It is compatible with all BGII games: original BGII, BGII:EE, BGT, and EET. He's loyal. He's brave. He's... single? Life is an uncertain thing, and changes come when we least expect them. This mod offers a chance to romance Athkatla's newest... and most reluctant... bachelor. All relationships take work, and this one takes more than most, but the rewards are great, for those patient enough to endure the trials. This romance is not for everyone. It is certainly not a romance for the hasty. When it begins, Keldorn is grieving after the collapse of his 20-year marriage, and it takes him a long, long time to recover. It deals with mature themes, the real consequences of rejection and recovery, and some players may not want to go through all that, no matter how devoted the would-be love interest becomes in Throne of Bhaal. It is also very, very long, with 35+ talks in Shadows of Amn, though the talks are spaced more closely together to compensate for this. To begin the Keldorn Romance, you must allow Keldorn and Maria to reconcile. He will only consider himself free if his marriage to Maria is legally ended, and imprisoning Maria will only separate them, not divorce them. Also, Maria's incarceration might present childcare issues that would be impossible to overcome. The mod also features a quest for all PCs, romanced or not, though that, too, requires a reconcilliation between Keldorn and Maria. v4 comes with bugfixes and the possibility to enable multi-romancing with a cheat. Changes: first Keldorn-Viconia banter will no longer repeat externalized detection of other romances into script. Other romance detection can be disabled by setting Global("B!Kel_MultiRomances","GLOBAL",1) via the cheat console. more mod romances considered for other romance detection: Adrian, Valygar (Corthala Romantique), Verr'Sza, Xan BGII Original Tree of Life interjection should not play if mod one does Original Solar interjection at the end of ToB should not play if mod added does; other NPCs should talk as well. Official Discussion Thread Download berelinde's Keldorn Romance
  7. Berelinde's Keldorn Romance updates to v4! Changes: first Keldorn-Viconia banter will no longer repeat externalized detection of other romances into script. Other romance detection can be disabled by setting Global("B!Kel_MultiRomances","GLOBAL",1) via the cheat console. more mod romances considered for other romance detection: Adrian, Valygar (Corthala Romantique), Verr'Sza, Xan BGII Original Tree of Life interjection should not play if mod one does Original Solar interjection at the end of ToB should not play if mod added does; other NPCs should talk as well.
  8. It's great to see this available for public. You know, in every of your hiatus times I was considering stealing integrating this into bgqe but never went through with it, also because you usually returned before I would have had the time. I'm very happy to see the mod on it's own, ready to get the attention and appreciation it desevers!
  9. Nothing gets lost in the IE modding community! Go, CamDawg, go!
  10. Thanks! I tested the Laran encounter in the Misthrest Inn for Patch version 2.5 and it all worked fine for me. I'm sorry, but I don't know what your problem would be and how to help you. EDIT: I do fear it's a general glitch, though, and that you won't have any luck with all of the mod's cutscenes, and maybe also with others. Maybe uninstall and reinstall the mods for no other idea what might help (in case you didn't do that already)?
  11. We'd need a bit more information to help you debug. Which version of the mod did you install, what game are you on (patch version), which mod encounter? Please post the content of your weidu.log.
  12. Awesome! Thank you very much for this update.
  13. There is supposed to be a messenger first, informing about Aster's presence. After the cutscene, a timer is running (~15 min realtime). Then the messenger should appear in a city + outdoor area.
  14. Thank you for the answer. As I said, recommended install order is bgqe before bg1npc if the player wants to see all reply options so this is happening.
  15. "Inside/outside" meaning you have to enter the tent at least once to meet him outside later.
  16. jastey


    I'll post this here: The site http://www.gibberlings3.net/iwd-in-eet is either down or there is a typo in the address given in the "IWD-in-EET Overview" thread.
  17. Ah, no that is alright. For reasons I do not know the dialogue of the merchant does not and will not fire for you, but you can pretend it did by setting the variable and letting your PC know what the merchant was supposed to say which I quoted above. With the variable at 7, the quest will now proceed, meaning you need to search the merchant of cursed items Borda inside/outside the lotus tent at Nashkel Carnival.
  18. Due to compatibility reasons the install order for bgqe and bg1 npc is bgqe first. Since version 16 there are some new components. Before direct EET compatibility was added to BG:EE, it was on the EET Compatible Mod list for "supported mods installed on BG:EE". My questions: Would this still be the case or could there be difficulties in any way due to new content? Did/do you have to consider the mod's presence in the EET transformation code somehow to ensure the correct transformation of the mod to EET?
  19. Unfortunately, I don't see why the reply options do not show for you. I need to check whether this could be related to the BG:EE-> EET transformation of the newer mod content. To help you for the quest, open the cheat console and type: C:SetGlobal("C#q13Brage_FakeMerchant","GLOBAL",7) What the merchant should have told you was: ~What?! How dare you... Ah, but I am wiser than to provoke such heavily armed people like you. Yes, I bought the potions from a travelling merchant I hardly know... but that doesn't make *me* a criminal! My potions aren't cursed, they're just, well, special. I don't know the man, I swear!~ and: ~Well, the only thing I can tell you is that he went to the black lotus tent last time he was here, but whether for his own joy or to look out for more buyers I can't tell.~ This is also the next hint how to proceed.
  20. Sorry, I corrected the cheat code above, please read it again if you already did.
  21. OK, this dialogue state should be covered in theory. In EE(T), to open the cheat console while playing the game, press Cntrl+space. Then type in: C:GetGlobal("C#q13Brage_FakeMerchant","GLOBAL") It should give you the value the varaible is at. Alternatively, you could send me a savegame to my usename at web.de and I'll have a look at it. In this case it would be helpful if you attach or post the content of your weidu.logs (both in case you also modded the BG:EE game the EET was built with).
  22. If you let me help you debug this we might discover a bug in the mod I could fix. Can you tell me what the variable "C#q13Brage_FakeMerchant" is at? (Either by cheat console of via NI - let me know if you are not familiar with either.) Which is the line the merchant tells you that he doesn't want to speak to you, or does he just say nothing and the game tells "xxx has nothing to say to you"? What game are you on, classic BGII or the enhanced edition?
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