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Everything posted by jastey

  1. jastey


    From the album: Ajantis Portrait Pack

    This is the default game portrait of Ajantis, included in the galery for comparison purposes.
  2. Version v20


    This modification introduces Ajantis, the known BG1 NPC, paladin of the Order of the Radiant Heart into the SoA and ToB part of the game. It is compatible with BGII, BGT, BGII:EE, and EET. With this modification Ajantis can be acquired as a member of the PC's group after the fight in the Windspear Hills (which was not changed by the mod principally). The player must first solve a quest to free Ajantis from Firkraag's ransom. The modification contains a fully developed engaged romance path, which continues the Ajantis Romance from the BG1 NPC Project, a new beginnings romance, and a friendship path. Contentwise, the mod assumes that Ajantis travelled with the PC in BG1 for some time. It was there that Ajantis gained enough honor to be knighted. For the EE games (BGII:EE and EET) the second optional component will install the BeamDog inventory BAM for Ajantis' family shield (green dragon on golden ground). If not installed, the BG1NPC Project shield graphic will be used. A third optional component will install crossmod content included into this mod. Project Page Forum Readme: English, German
  3. Kerzenburgforum The Sir Ajantis NPC for BGII modification introduces Ajantis, the known BG1 NPC, paladin of the Order of the Radiant Heart into the SoA and ToB part of the game. It is compatible with BGII, BGT, BGII:EE, and EET. Version 16 comes with bugfixes, full content with regard to the BeamDog NPCs, full EET compatibility, and more crossmod! With this modification Ajantis can be acquired as a member of the PC's group after the fight in the Windspear Hills (which was not changed by the mod principally). The player must first solve a quest to free Ajantis from Firkraag's ransom. The modification contains a fully developed engaged romance path, which continues the Ajantis Romance from the BG1 NPC Project, a new beginnings romance, and a friendship path. Contentwise, the mod assumes that Ajantis travelled with the PC in BG1 for some time. It was there that Ajantis gained enough honor to be knighted. For EET and BGT in a continuous game Ajantis will not spawn in BGII if he died in BG1 or never joined the goup. In ToB, Ajantis will not travel with an evil aligned PC. For the EE games (BGII:EE and EET) the second optional component will install the BeamDog inventory BAM for Ajantis' family shield (green dragon on golden ground). If not installed, the BG1NPC Project shield graphic will be used. A third optional component will install crossmod content included into this mod. Download Sir Ajantis NPC for BGII at Kerzenburgforum German Discussion Thread at kerzenbrugforum English Discussion Thread at G3
  4. Good analysis, Jarno! Missing modmerge didn't occur to me.
  5. I am happy and proud to announce that the mod updates to v16, and has all content I will add to it (apart from maybe crossmod content). Bug reports of course still very welcome. Most important changes: EE:NPC-Ajantis content (Ajantis will not tolerate Dorn and Hexxat, and banters with Rasaad, Neera, and Baeloth) EET compatibility with 'content-continuity', i.e. for BGT and EET, the Ajantis BGII mod will consider the outcome of the BG1NPC romance in a seamless fashion. The used creature file for Ajantis in BGII will be a new one, though. Reworked PID system: This will hopefully increase playability and usefulness of the serious dialogues triggered via PID, which in former versions kind of get lost in the random flirting options.All serious dialogues will be bundled in the option 'I would like to talk to you'. This option only appears if there are active questions/topics present. Ajantis gives a DisplayStringHead 'I am ready to answer new questions' if new PIDs options are available in the 'I would like to talk to you' section. Any dialogue started via this option will cycle back to the 'I would like to talk to you' section, so all active questions can be asked in one go without having to activate the PID again and again (this might turn out to be a nuisance for instances later in game if there might be only one question active, though) Reworked the starting quest to free Ajantis: After completing the quest the party will return to the area they started in (although not exactly the same spot, but reasonably placed) Changes and Improvements to the Romance Path:Reworked 'thinking' cycle after decision of his parents. In the old version, Ajantis would judge by reputation and number of what he thinks are bad decisions of the PC. In the new version, the player will have control over the future of the relationship. There is an internal counter regarding the PC's replies, though. Ajantis will judge her replies and offers to release her from her vows of marriage if the PC gives the impression to be unhappy about the situation. Added the possibility to wait with the wedding until Imoen is freed. The possibility to postbone the wedding until after the Underdark was already implemented, but now the PC has the possibility to actively wish it that way. For the EE games (BGII:EE and EET) the second optional component will install the BeamDog inventory BAM for Ajantis' family shield (green dragon on golden ground). If not installed, the BG1NPC Project shield graphic will be used. A third optional component will install crossmod content included into this mod. Install this third component as late as possible in your install. If Crossmod Banter Pack gets updated, this component might move there. It is recommended to install this component if you have the other mods installed, as it includes Ajantis' reaction to the (changed) game content. Mods currently considered are: -Alternatives -Gavin BGII Crossmod content of 'Skie Cost of one Soul' is included into both mods and will be installed intependently of install order. You can get the Sir Ajantis BGII mod here: Official Download Mirror at the Kerzenburg-Forum
  6. So, "SpawnBrus" and also "BodiAppear" do not exist in your game yet? Then it's too early for the cutscene to trigger.
  7. You need to be in chapter 2, still. The cutscene will trigger in the Government District. What are the variables "SpawnBrus", "BodiAppear", and "B!Alternatives" at? Are you sure the mod installed fine?
  8. Version 2.5 is up. Changes are: - "Eltan's Spare Time" (BGT, EET): Eltan no longer spawns twice in the Harbormaster's Building; Duke Eltan will be gone after Sarevok is dead (for BGT, unless Scar's return is still open) - "Scar's Return": (BGT) Scar can also be met after Sarevok is dead, if the quest proceded until the point where Eltan told about the funeral before. -"All that Left Was": resting at Left's at the second meeting no longer hangs the cutscene -reworked legal note according to Wizards' Fan Content Policy. -update to WeiDU v245 (Windows)
  9. How about making these things transparent, i.e. link in the first post to the adapted fix- and texpacks the tool uses, but also give information here. You changed the Textpack ressource 12 days ago calling the submit "stable link", which is no description of the motives you stated above. Making your changes more transparent might spare you several further enquiries, at least from me.
  10. Oh! Thank you for the report.
  11. Roxanne: Since you also moved the Textpacks to new locations for the tool please consider this: http://www.shsforums.net/topic/59887-concerning-bwp-textpack-english/ Why did you put the Textpacks in new locations? Also, you need to specify a default choice for the things that need to be chosen in mods in order for a correct installation if the mod is "ticked". This concerns Ajantis where the choices about lovetalk timers, paladin kit, and teen rating needs to be chosen. Also for bg1re, where the first (0th) component needs to be installed for the others to be installable at all.
  12. There seems again to be some misunderstanding. BWS is the community tool you talk about, and nothing has changed there except for Alien's recent renovation and moving it to github in hope to find new maintainers for it this way. BWS-EE has been thoughtfully separated from it in order to allow more freedom and a possible development that cannot be done on the main branch. A number of functions and concepts have already been changed compared to BWS. You can translate EE either as "Enhanced Edition" or "Evolutionary Experimentation" (as in evolutionary prototyping, where you develop something, then present it to the user, then try to refine it based on feedback, etc.). BWS was one step away from the grave until you took initiative. BWS-EE may or may not be another survival option. Since it his experimental, it may a well fail, no guarantee. This is why I followed Alien (Alienquake)'s advice the take it on a different fork and also to try and avoid any confusion between BWS and the (possible) alternative. It is clearly wrong to accuse me of taking anything away from the community. I left BWS in the last working and functioning state it had - any subsequent changes were done by Alien and you. I started my experiments and new ideas about how the tool may work for EE/EET clearly separated from the main branch. There is no rippling back or influence from the new back to the old. BWS is safe from any negative effects in case I produce those. Anything should be done to avoid any confusion for users about the two different approaches to a tool even if they come from a common source. We have avoided anything that would re-route BWS users to the BWS-EE, not even a link or similar was provided. There is no intention to compete or replace or whatever. All of my posts tried to make clear that it is the attempt to make primarily EET installs easier for the users. The community BWS is here http://www.shsforums.net/topic/56670-big-world-setup-an-attempt-to-update-the-program/ just in case anyone doubts that. I was stating that moving the "support" link of the EE Setup Tool to your secluded mod site is of no use and requested that the link(s) given on the GitHub site and probably also inside the tool should link to here i.e. Gibberlings3 or SHS ince it's still a community tool no matter how many forks you make from it. But not responding to the actual content of the former post but takling about something else which might seem related on first glance and thus trying to draw the discussion into (for you) more favorable direction with attempts to make the former poster look like (s)he said something wrong is a pattern I witnessed with you before so I'm not surprised.
  13. I'll have to check but I recall doing that on purpose as it wasn't a real unsolved/solved quest entry.
  14. Creepin's post should stay in this thread, through, as he was answering to InKal.
  15. Twice in 2 hours : this thing goes crazy. I should have just quoted myself the second time.. Creepin: nicely put.
  16. I started typing an reply to this, then I typed a sarcastic reply, then I erased it all and figured it's of no use. But I had to quote this.
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