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Everything posted by jastey

  1. https://github.com/BWS-EESetup/BWS-EE/commit/873e2a857b1b8a093fe13f86df148fc10ca7ae82 Roxanne: Changing the support link of the EE(T) Setup Tool to your site, why? What use does it have, are you trying to take it away from the community and pretending it's yours just because you are supporting it currently? Don't tell me support from there is easier to handle for you in any way than it is from here. Please restore / add the link to this thread. I guess it's a lot more useful to guide people here to an active IE modding forum where they can post questions and problems. I can't open your site, btw, because I get a warning that it's not secure.
  2. Update to v7.0.5 with minor fixes and additions. Changes: -Revianel quest (BG1): added more reply options to Revianel in case the Lich is already defeated when depetrified; added possibility to tell Tobin when the Lich is killed; disabled the NPC reactions that refer to the Lich in case it's already dead. -(BG2) Breagar's Axe Quest: can be solved if PC has quest to attack the Thieves' Guild (for example if going another route to Spellhold like in Alternatives Mod); removed "game dead end" - Black Market Thieve won't turn the Guild hostile any more just because Breagar and the PC talk aggressively -(BG2) Anstinus' Tower: when encountering Anstinus' ghost in his tower, the dialogue should trigger even if Player1 is not in fist slot; also cutscene mode removed -crossmod compatibility with Alternatives mod: in case of certain status of Breagar's Axe quest, the Thieves' Guild messenger will no longer spawn if PC agreed to attack the Thieves' Guild
  3. *Checks the pic* You don't look like Jastey to me... Oops... (The pic is from Rabain, btw.)
  4. I assure you, you are everything else but not patronizing, not from what I've seen. Also, this is a public forum with a public thread, so any and all comments are welcome and noone should feel like he or she is interjecting. I thank you for your kind words above I really appreciate them.
  5. Miranel: Sorry for my whiny post I didn't mean to turn this thread into a "let's give jastey a pep talk" topic. It worked, though, so thank you! I think this is an exaggeration, but I know what you mean. Still, one of the reasons one modder makes so much impact is that there aren't so much active modders any more (not like Back In The Days). So, anyone showing as much love for the games as Roxanne does would be a great part of the community. But, what is done is done and one thing if dealing with other persons outside one's own fanatsy is that usually one has to deal with the consequences. For example, Roxanne could have been the one at BeamDog forums giving her knowledge about crossmod matters, making selfpromotion about all the content included into Sandrah Saga, honestly intriguing others to try out the mod. Instead, there is a bad taste in the mouth and any accounts will be banned in the future.
  6. I believe you. I am scared of what the 2.5 patch brings with regard to mod compatibility. (Not to be misleading: I am thrilled about the 2.5 patch. I'm just afraid I'll have to update all my mods, again.)
  7. It's funny how there's always voices who try to sooze "the community" not to be too harsh towards Roxanne. I can only stress, and repeat: Roxanne - as in, the user account "Roxanne" - is still welcome in this community, and I don't even expect the person behind it to always be friendly and helpful. Just show your face in a way it's clear who's talking, like not deceaving to be someone else, dammit. Yeah, well, but that did happen, too. So, instead of insinuating that - somehow, in some way - all of us are like this, walking around in our own glass houses, and to call upon the community to bend the rules and "hey, don't be so resentful, aren't we all little deceivers?" - I at least, did not create alt accounts and did not do this kind of stuff - how about, you know, call upon Roxanne not to do this any more? Just as a thought. I, at least, would like to read this from players who profited from Roxanne's help and think in her favor because of it for a change.* But, somehow, all I read is "but she was so helpful so please, jump over your own shadow because it surely wasn't that bad?". Yes, it was that bad. I regret any single minute I obviously spent explaining mod related things to Roxanne_alt_no_x, Roxanne_alt_no_y, ... Roxanne_alt_no_z. I regret every minute I read "PaulaMigrate" praising the deeper wisdoms inside the Sandrah Saga, believing that the world is big and that there is fans for everything. I regret feeling I have had to step in and explain to new players at several occasions that no, EET does not automatically include the Sandrah Saga's content as Roxanne proclaimed with several alt accounts pretending it was some kind of common knowledge only some of us can't see yet. I can retrace the deceiving game now and I am not amused. What a waste of time. (You know, time I could have spent with actually doing modding stuff. The time it took me to phrase this post included. I could have updated three mods for BWS instead, for example. Instead, I used my free time of the morning to whine the frustration off my soul.) * (if you are one - what do I know who's behind a user account, especially one that is in constant exchange with Roxanne, as this thread shows it could be literally anybody. But no, you don't need to stress that you are not the same person - duh, it's all mute anyway.)
  8. If this component was skipped but you'd like to have it now, I'd assume it is possible to rerun the setup.exe again, skip (or [no] change) all installed components but nstall this one.This should lead to this component being installed belatedly.
  9. bgqe - Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters Modification Unfortunately, wrong text formats found their way into v16, which lead to a freeze of the game. For BG:EE and EET, the mod needs to be updated to v17! BGQE is a mini-mod for all BG games: "vanilla" BG (with the add-on Tales of the Sword Coast), BG1Tutu v4, EasyTutu, BGT, BGEE, and EET. It adds several small quests and encounters to the game. Changes: Learn more about the mod Visit the Forum Download at G3 Download at Kerzenburgforum
  10. This will give you problems, I am afraid. You need to update to v17. Otherwise, the game will freeze if e.g. you talk to Linda in Candlekeep Inn (because the EE games freeze if the text contains symbols in the wrong format).
  11. Well, sounds perfectly like Imoen, no?...On a serious note: the .gitxxx files are not necessary for the mods and can be overwritten and deleted without problems. I fear the cause for your glitches lies elsewhere. What exactly happens with Imoen? Is it random text popping up in the dialogbox like a DisplayString thing, or real dialogue?
  12. Well, if Roxanne wants to turn this EE Setup Tool into Sandrah Saga EET Big World there is nothing I can do to prevent it (although I wished it would be named as such, then). I can still express my dislike of it. That is a really hillarious typo. I don't mind "a little" self promotion. I don't mind a lot of self-promotion, either. As long as it's done in an open, honest way. Putting all own mods into the "green = safe to install" category just because you are the one maintaining the tool and then talking as if it's the natural choice (it isn't) sheds a bad light onto the tool, and maybe also on the person doing so. My 2c.
  13. Great to hear! Thank you again for reporting!
  14. It did. Thank you. But I don't see any (N)ew mark on the bgqe components. Instead, bgqe as a whole is marked green, and if I click on the overall box without letting the component tree show and don't pay attention, I don't even realize not all components are ticked. It's the same with the other green marked mods. If the component tree is not opened, components are left out but the player thinks he selected all of them because the mod is green. Maybe making the mod's name green if there are non-autoselected components is disadvantageous. Also, who defines which components are "safe to install"? E.g. for NTotSC, why is the last component, the NPC Will O'Hara, not included? It's a safe NPC, no conflicts as far as I know. Or for RE "Bjornin's Desire": inserts a custom NPC and plays in a custom area, so why is it not green? Whereas: Sandrah Saga is more or less a crossmod mod. It has so much dependencies and conflicts the warning window has to be scrolled down two times. Making this green, i.e. "safe to install" is an interesting choice and doesn't match anything else you wrote about the used color code. In short: I think the choices of color code are biased, and since it does influence players' choices, this is disadvantageous for the proclaimed tool's impartiality. Some things I noticed: -For Lure of Sirine's Call, the optional second component (the changed tis) should work as of v15 and doesn't need to be flagged red any more -both components "Svlast the Fallen Paladin" from bg1ub and "Svlast's Torment" from NTotSC are flagged green although they are clearly in conflict EDIT: And since you integrated Ajantis BGII beta v15.5, it is EET compatible.
  15. Oh, that sounds great. I'll come back to you if I have something to test.
  16. Thank you for the kind words! I am thrilled that there are (is) still players for BG:TotSC. The reason why not all components are compatible with the old engine is because I forgot to code it compatible before playtesting. I could make it compatible, but it would need a complete set of new beta tests, which is why I was shying away. (Reduced motivation because of the little number of possible players might be another reason. But the more I am happy to see that BG:TotSC compatibility is still used.)
  17. Roxanne: you integrated the new bgqe components but didn't give them any category (Recommended, Standard, Tactical, Expert). I believe it would make sense to give them the same category as the other components, especially if players don't notice the new components are not preselected. Further: my Ajantis NPC BGII mod was in the category R,S,T,E. In your tool version it is set to 0000 (no preselection whatsoever). I request that the preselection is restored for all games to what it was in BGT. On the other hand, I see that (for EET) you set your Sandrah Saga to be preselected for "Recommended" category. How was this status decided and who decided this? Seeing how Sandrah Saga is a very huge mods that interfers with almost every point in the game, I would say people who want to have a normal EET experience shouldn't have it preselected, especially not as "recommended".
  18. If bgqe was installed directly to EET after the conversion, updating it would mean deinstalling all mods after (including EET-end.exe) and reinstalling in the same order but not necessarily deinstalling EET. If you are using BWS and make a copy of your weidu log, maybe it's easier to just set it up anew. Concerning compatibility of mods with patch 2.5 I don't know yet. Only thing I know is some more content for which e.g. bg1npc and bg1ub have to be adjusted.
  19. Yeah, I got it. I need to manually reload the tra-file containing the journal entries after doing the utf-8 transformation (because the automatic one doesn't work as intended in the way I use it). Ah, this is stupid and I could have known that. Sorry, will upload v17 soon. You need to reinstall, unfortunately. Thank you for reporting and I am glad I used the symbol ("fiancé") in this dialogue or it wouldn't have come up that early in the game.
  20. Thank you for playing gqe and I'm sorry it froze your game. I'm always fascinated if bugs appear at places where I supposedly didn't change anything for the last 10 updates. But I guess it's somehow connected to the rearrangement of setup / game translation lines for v16, that is the only thing that's changed. If so, then this doesn't bode well for the rest of the mod. (Unless, of course, noone played the quest for the last year or so, that would be also a possibility). Am I right in assuming you are not playing with the v2.5 beta of EE? Thank you the report, I am on it.
  21. Hm, if you have Eldoth in your party and BG1NPC Project installed I'd say it's the replaced FAI store (Bentley doesn't sell to Eldoth), but I'd thought you could still sell, then. Drink an ale to see the new rumors.
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