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Everything posted by Gwendolyne

  1. That's the goal. It took my days to write these tutos, but since their release, nobody asked me how to do it anymore. If this kind of thing had existed when I asked myself how to achieve it, it would have saved me a lot of moddng time.
  2. I added my old tutos update at the bottom of my todo list (plus their translation into English). I will also complete my library with your remarks. But I am afraid it will take time.
  3. For old kit mods (classic game), it is very easy to play with kits unusability flags as long as you follow good rules (for example, your kit can't wear leather armors, add the shapeshiper flag to your kit flag, your kit can't use use daggers, add one of the cleric kit flag...) and it won't screw up all other kit mods. And DON'T FORGET to never use this flag in EE games. As far as I saw, it is not a good idea.
  4. The falcon is on my todo list but I have not yet found a model that would be suitable.
  5. When updating old SHS items mods, I updated this function I wrote for my mod. Variable %GW_shaman% automatically handles items shaman usability flags in EE games.
  6. In the past I had too many bad experiences with this code that I strongly don't recommend it. I remember wrong coded old mods that introduced space characters in string fields which screwed up any further STR_EQ or STR_CMP commands.
  7. Too fast for me. I wrote a function that did that. You should use WRITE_ASCIIE to save your time.
  8. Or maybe let it available though a new component: cre files would only need an ADD_CRE_EFFECT.
  9. Stratagems uses a lot of homemade trim functions. You will find them in its libraries.
  10. Good news. That was an easy fix. Translation: READ_ASCII offset value (n) means you read n characters at offset and store them in value.
  11. Try READ_ASCII ("%GW_region_off%" + 0x00 + (0xC4 * i)) "region_name" (9) // Region Name
  12. @LaurielI already shared the blue roanned one with a French modder. If you need one, please ask for it, knowing that I want to save the paladin steed and the unicorns for my mod. One it is released, people will be allowed to use them, but I have sweated so much blood to create them that I want to keep them exclusive till my mod release. And sorry for the off-topic, @jastey
  13. I wrote another tuto inspired by my mod. You can also cheat to create two different doors at the same location, one of the doors being an animation.
  14. Fortunately, you can do a lot of things: for example, hide a container behind a door and have only access to the container once the door is open (hidden behind a painting on a wall...).
  15. Unfortunately, you can't overlap doors. The engine does not allow to create two doors at the same location. The only way to deal with this is to create 2 travel triggers bound to the same door and to choose which travel trigger is used by script.
  16. @Lauriel If you are looking for horses animations, you might be interested by this.
  17. If I understand your request, you want to use the same door leading to different areas according to your mod. So you should not need to clone the door. Anyway, if you look at Lava's Ooze mod, you will find a few macros I wrote to insert a brand new door in the Slum District (specially dealing with the wed file).
  18. A few years ago, I wrote this tuto for a French modder. It is written in French, but you should understand its meaning following the images.
  19. I will need time to adapt my translation to Galathée's style and tone.
  20. For a single and pretty simple sentence, forget google translate and try this one. After testing it, it seems much more valuable and accurate.
  21. As I am slowly recovering from acute bronchitis, I need time to update all the SHS projects, plus my contributions to other mods. So I won't promise anything for another week or two.
  22. Hi @jastey As Ajantis translator has retired from the d'Oghmatiques, I will have a look at the missing lines. But I need time.
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