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Everything posted by lefreut

  1. I tried with the same install order and I can change options while in game so I really don't know what is happening
  2. You can change the options: Disable Combat Statistic and Portrait Above Progress Bar.
  3. @Bubb I didn't knew about Infinity_GetFilesOfType! It seems to be exactly what I need, thanks. I'll update my mods so that it no longer tries to display non existing files.
  4. The engine does not expose the internal structure to the UI. There is no way to read the spell ability header or anything from the SPL file (or from any other file). You only get a string with the name of the BAM to display (not even the name of the SPL). My UI only replace the last letter with a 'B'. It's ugly but I don't know of a better way to do this.
  5. Spells have different bams. XXXB.BAM (icon on top of a stone) that is used in the action bar for example and XXXC.BAM (only the spell icon) that is used in spell book. In this screen, the EE UI shows the XXXC.BAM version and I want to display the XXXB.BAM so I replace the C with a B in the name. These spells only have the XXXC.BAM so they appear blank The thing is I don't think I can detect that the BAM does not exist inside the UI. Also the BAMs look like XXXB.BAM version but that's another problem. Left click is for selecting the spell. Right click to see the description.
  6. Can you post a screenshot? You need to click on the portrait to switch to the progress bar view. You can change in the option which panel is displayed by default. Which options are you trying to change?
  7. When AncientCowboy stops working on the mod and I start maintaining it, I couldn't update the first post to keep the information up to date (I can't update it today anyway ). And sadly, I'm too lazy these days to rewrite all the compatibility information in the topic here at G3.
  8. Some tiny details about the UI mods. These components are not necessary. They are already included in my UI mod and EEUITweaks will skip them anyway if it detects LeUI. EEUITweaks:2042:lefreut's Level Up Glow with Click EEUITweaks:2060:lefreut's 1.3-ish Dialog Box EEUITweaks:3050:With Item Comparison EEUITweaks:5000:lefreut's Tooltip Scroll This component will be skipped as it's currently not compatible with LeUI. I don't know if I can make it compatible. EEUITweaks:3042:Pay 25gp to identify items This component will install but do nothing as it changes a texture that is no longer used by LeUI. I should add a check to skip it if LeUI is detected or try to make it works again. EEUITweaks:5020:lefreut's Box 5 (Dialog Box) Override
  9. Maybe it's because I test on BG2EE and not EET but I still can't reproduce a crash Does it happens with a specific race/class or with anything? Any mod that edit UI.menu could cause an incompatibility but there are not a lot of mods that does that and I don't see why it would break this specific component anyway.
  10. I quickly tried with only this component and it seems to work fine. Did you install any other UI tweak?
  11. @jastey It's an homemade tool called TraChecker. I have describe it in the past here. It seems the download link is gone. I need to upload it again (and also update the post as I think there are some new things).
  12. Sorry @jastey to bother you again just after you make a new release, but there are some typos in the tra files. @103 in ACBre\tra\german\acarea.tra has sound [acbre_85] not in ACBre\tra\english\acarea.tra In fact the sound reference is there but inside the string not outside (the ~ is misplaced). @18 in ACBre\tra\english\acbgqe.tra contains unknown keyword <CHARNAMEN> @18 in ACBre\tra\german\acbgqe.tra contains unknown keyword <CHARNAMEN> @9 in ACBre\tra\german\acbre25j.tra contains unknown keyword <CHRNAME> These should be <CHARNAME>. @110 in ACBre\tra\english\acbre.tra contains unknown keyword <PROHIMHER> It should be <PRO_HIMHER>.
  13. Hello @Raduziel There is a missing strref in one of the tra file: missing @12 in IHateUndead\Tra\Russian\Setup.tra In fact, 9/10/11 are misnumbered and should be 10/11/12 and the missing line is @9. And @2 and @3 does not match the English version.
  14. Hello @subtledoctor There is one duplicated strref in a tra file: duplicate @20309 in might_and_guile\language\english\setup.tra Looking at the file, the first one should probably be @20109.
  15. Hello @subtledoctor I think it should be <PRO_HISHER>: @51402 in faiths_and_powers\language\english\new_spells.tra contains unknown keyword <PRO_HEHER> @51403 in faiths_and_powers\language\english\new_spells.tra contains unknown keyword <PRO_HEHER> @51402 in faiths_and_powers\language\english\setup.tra contains unknown keyword <PRO_HEHER> @51403 in faiths_and_powers\language\english\setup.tra contains unknown keyword <PRO_HEHER> And there is also these: duplicate @900000033 in faiths_and_powers\language\english\items.tra duplicate @38204 in faiths_and_powers\language\english\setup.tra duplicate @38211 in faiths_and_powers\language\english\setup.tra duplicate @38212 in faiths_and_powers\language\english\setup.tra duplicate @50406 in faiths_and_powers\language\english\setup.tra
  16. Hello @jastey There is a small typo in one tra file. duplicate @11 in c#endlessbg1\translations\german\DIALOGUES.TRA missing @12 in c#endlessbg1\translations\german\DIALOGUES.TRA I think the second one should be @12.
  17. Which fix? The one from EEUITweaks 3.3? It only make the component works if you enable the confirm dialog option (the mode where you have to click on the Continue button after you select an answer). The bug you describe looks like the one @Arthas report. Sadly, it's a bug in the engine, I can't fix this. Do you have a save or a screenshot or a way to reproduce this? Anyway, it's unlikely that I can fix it as the mod only displays strings computed by the engine.
  18. Hello, Thanks for the bug report. I have released a new version that should fix this (while keeping what the previous change was trying to fix: item display with one charge inside a container).
  19. I don't know which tool you use to generate the install order, but it's wrong. You only need one of LeUI / LeUI-BG1EE / LeUI-SoD. Also EEUITweaks should be installed after them. For the error, please post the weidu.log and Setup-EEUITweaks.debug files.
  20. Yes. You need to install it first and then EEUITweaks. Some components won't be available as they are either not compatible (I don't think there are a lot of them) or already included. Multi-steal for example comes by default in LeUI.
  21. /!\ This mod was created by AncientCowboy. I'm only the current maintainer /!\ The goal of EEUITweaks is to be a collection of the individual UI.MENU (i.e. Extended Edition 2.x+) mods/patches/tweaks from the BeamDog UI Modding forum; packaged as a single WeiDU collection. The advantages are to automate the tedious manual editing of UI.MENU, simplify multiple mod installations (particularly after an update), and to provide a single source from which many EE GUI mods can be accessed. It does NOT install the full UI replacement environments, although it does support modding them. EEUITweaks supports BGEE, BG2EE, BGEE/SoD, PST:EE, and EET with the BG2 (default) and SoD (EET_gui) user interfaces. It also supports installing mods on the Dragonspear UI++, BG2EE GUI To BGEE, LeUI, Revised Dragon Scale, IWD GUI for BG2:EE and BG:EE, and IWD2 for BG2 replacement UIs. In all cases, it will skip attempting to install useless or invalid mods for a particular environment (e.g. transparent sidebars on Dragonspear UI++). Compatibility: This mod is only compatible with the latest EE version (2.6). This mod is compatible with full UI mods. This mod should be compatible with any other mod that patches the UI. Components: EEUITweaks defines 5 groups into which the mods are divided. These groups are as follows: Startup/Options/Character Gen - Mods related to game program control and configuration, and character generation Game World/Maps/Travel - Mods related to the in-game world UI, mapping, and travel between areas Record/Inventory/Journal - Mods of the 'big 3' (and subordinate) panels launched from the game world screen Stores/Dialogs/Spell Books - Mods of store panels and actions/behaviors, conversations between players and other players/NPCs in the game, and spell books Multiplayer/General/Other - Mods related to multiplayer mode, mods that apply to multiple categories, and mods that don't fit any other category Download (version 4.0.6): https://github.com/r-e-d/EEUITweaks/releases/latest
  22. Hello all, The goal of this mod is to provide an improved UI for IWDEE. Compatibility: For EE version 2.6, use the v2.0 version of this mod. For EE version 2.5, use the v1.8.1 version of this mod. This mod is a complete overhaul so it is by design not compatible with any other UI overhauls mods (Dragonspear UI++, Revised Dragon Scale, ...). This mod must be installed before any mods that patch the UI (EEUITweaks, Sword Coast Stratagems, Tome & Blood, Might & Guile, Shadow Magic, Deities of Faerun, or Faiths & Powers, ...). Components: 1° Core component The main UI overhaul (mandatory) In game options: - Sidebar Toggle Buttons: Enable this option to show Toggle Buttons on left and right sidebars (default true). - Show Quicksave Button: Enable this option to show Quick Save button on left sidebar (default true). - Show Highlight Button: Enable this option to show Reveal Details button on right sidebar (default true). - Show Help Button: Enable this option to show Help button on left sidebar (default true). - Left Click to Level Up: Enable this option for level up your character by clicking on portrait (default false). - Item Comparison: Enable this option for enable item comparison in inventory (default true). - Journal Collapsed: Enable this option for journal be collapsed by default (default false). Download: https://github.com/r-e-d/LeUI-IWDEE/releases Screenshots:
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