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Everything posted by Cahir

  1. Damn, I cannot consistently install Store Revisions from IRR. I have removed the comment and in one install it installed without errors and in current installation it didn't install. Anyone has any idea? @4udr4n were you managed to install Store Revisions from IRR? If yes, where did you put it in install order?
  2. Thank you for chiming in @lefreut! I have consulted which components are compatible with LeUI from that detailed topic at BD forums, but apparently I must have misread some info. Anyway I'm relieved that those components will just be skipped and won't do any harm. I'll clean my install list from the first post at some point of all redundant components that were skipped during installation (mainly from EEUITweaks and Might & Guile).
  3. 1. Yes 2.Don't need it, I use version from Beamdog Store. Is it useful beyond the fact that it's needed for GoG or Steam versions? 3. Yes, it's not EET compatible and if you put it on the list somewhere after EET it won't install, the same if you put it before, since it's BG2EE mod not BGEE. So, @ALIEN suggested to install it in that order. It installed without errors, but it is to be tested in game, if those new items will actually show up in BG2EE. 4. Yes
  4. To fix Wheels grab the newest version of EEex (0.8.5) . This fixes SCS and WoP installation conflicts with EEex. I removed this component of ARP. It's not that important and better to not have issues in game. Edit: Sigh, if only full instalation didn't take a half of the day...
  5. Here's my current install order. I expect to have only harmless warnings from F&P, M&G, Monastic Orders, RR and also SCS (not sure if the last one is harmless, need confirmation). EDIT: And also before all that I installed Sod to BG2EE Item Upgrade on fresh BG2EE install.
  6. Nope, it seems Olvyn Spells is the culprit. Will move it after TnB and before FnP. Test in progress.
  7. Hookay, since I was apparently wrong and previous changes did not resulted in TnB multiclass sorcerers and Revised Illusionary clones correctly installation, I run the next test installation with following changes: - removing EEex - removing Bubb's Spell Menu (EEex dependent) - Removing Olvyn Spells (EEex dependent) - Removing Epic Thieving (EEex dependent) Here is the followup of this and previous test install: - Tome and Blood - after removing above mentioned mods from install order, Tome and Blood finally installed without errors. My likely candidate for incompatibility is Bubb's Spell Menu (since @4udr4n reported that removing EEex changed nothing). I already reported it to @Bubb at BD forums, let's see if he can do something about it. - B_Spells - moving it after F&P powers didn't change anything, the error is still there (but since I used master branch, it's understandable). I'll probably skip this mod since it's clearly still in beta stage and as @subtledoctor said most of its content should be in F&P. - Monastic Orders of Faerun - warnings are still there and I notified @Aquadrizzt on BD forums about the issue and @argent77's suggestion to update the mod using ADD_KIT_EX function. Since the warnings are probably harmless I'll keep this mod on my list. - M&G and F&P warnings are still there, but harmless - SCS warnings still there (not sure if those are harmless or not, I hope so)
  8. Very unlikely because I don't have Every Mod and Dog mod on the list and I still have these warnings.
  9. Ok for my next test install I'll do following: - Switch back from IR to IRR. I'll remove comment from Store Revisions component and see if it solves install problem. - @Daeros_Trollkiller I'll try to install SoD to BG2 Item Update per @AL|EN suggestion. I'll install it as an only mod on BG2EE and the run upload my order and run installation for the rest of mods. - Move B_Spells after FnP. Doubt it will help, I suspect it's actual bug. I grabbed master branch, so I'm here to blamed. - Move one of JimFix components after SCS. It was skipped before because it requires SCS. - Remove Restored Random Encounters of ARP. This is a warning, bjlut I fear it can cause bugs, and Almateria is MIA anyway.
  10. @subtledoctor let's sum up the current state of things. These are the errors and warnings that was present after my last try: 1. Faith and Powers Create a sphere system -> FnP: the Faiths & Powers original sphere system Install Cleric kits Install Paladin kits 2. Faith and Powers Multiclass Multiclass shamans Multiclass Cleric kits 3. Might & Guile Bard Overhaul: Multiclass Bards Revised Multiclassing and Multiclass Kits 4. Monastic Orders of Faerun Multiclassing for Monks New Kits for Monks 5. B_Spells Add New Spells -> Install New Spells only [0.90.10] 6. Sword Coast Stratagems Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components) [v32.8]
  11. @CamDawg I did another test install this time with following changes: - scrapping MiH Itempack for now (it's still in beta and as @Angel mentioned it's not much tested with other item Revisions mods. - scrapping MIH Spell Pack (as with Itempack) - adding B_Spells, since it might be newer that FnP version and Readme states both mods as compatible. - moving Olvyn Spells after SCS as per OlvynChuru experience shared at Beamdog. - adding More Style for Mages (some components) - changing IRR to IR And it seems now this Tweaks Anthology component installed correctly. So it seems there is a small incompatibility with this component and one of above mentioned mods. ProjectInfinity-Weidu-Debug-cdtweaks-3194.log
  12. @subtledoctor I finished that installation and there is one good news. It seems that all those changes I made before this test installation resulted in error free install of TnB. So I suspect there might be some incompatibility between TnB and one of Made in Heaven Packs or with IRR (this time I installed regular IR). I'll switch again to IRR in the next test installation (I'll remove the comment from Store Revisions code to see if this is the culprit of failed install).
  13. No, I haven't used EE Keeper (or NI) to alter anything.
  14. @4udr4nFunny thing, I like BG2EE more and yet I finished BGEE twice and BG2EE not even once. Did you have install with warnings of SCS initialisation component, the ones I reported in SCS thread? Also did Store Revisions from IRR installed correctly on your end, without editing. tp2? I think whole Store Revisions section was edited out in IRR, but that would be weird?
  15. @4udr4n how is your experience with Faiths & Powers and Might & Guile? I'm asking specifically for those install with warning messages you have reported, that @subtledoctor thought should be harmless. Did you notice any bugs in the game?
  16. OK it seems that Store Revisions component from IR v4b10 installed correctly, so I have compared both item_rev.tp2 files and it seems in IRR this section was commented out. I'm assuming this is the reason of failed installation. So if you remove the comment, it should install correctly, right?
  17. I have noticed just now that some of M&G components were skipped even if I chose them to install. Sigh, that doesn't look good Following components were skipped: - Revised Beastmasters - Marksman kit - Elven Archer kit - Halfling slinger kit - Mage Hunter kit - Barbarian Ranger kit - Sniper kit ProjectInfinity-Weidu-Debug-might_and_guile-235.log ProjectInfinity-Weidu-Debug-might_and_guile-320.log ProjectInfinity-Weidu-Debug-might_and_guile-322.log ProjectInfinity-Weidu-Debug-might_and_guile-324.log ProjectInfinity-Weidu-Debug-might_and_guile-350.log ProjectInfinity-Weidu-Debug-might_and_guile-360.log ProjectInfinity-Weidu-Debug-might_and_guile-410.log
  18. Unfortunately B_Spells didn't install correctly. I've put it between TnB and FnP. ProjectInfinity-Weidu-Debug-B_Spells-103-Error.log
  19. @subtledoctor I'm running next install right now, bu t Monastic Orders gave me installed with error messages. Harmless or not necessary? It's v0.42 (the latest release) ProjectInfinity-Weidu-Debug-MonasticOrders-2-Error.log ProjectInfinity-Weidu-Debug-MonasticOrders-3-Error.log
  20. Just to letting you know @BigRob, I'm lurking
  21. Anyway I'm preparing another test install with your proposed changes. On top of that following changes: - scrapping MiH Itempack for now (it's still in beta and as @Angel mentioned it's not much tested with other item Revisions mods. - scrapping MIH Spell Pack (as with Itempack) - adding B_Spells, since it might be newer that FnP version and Readme states both mods as compatible. - moving Olvyn Spells after SCS as per OlvynChuru experience shared at Beamdog. - adding More Style for Mages (some components) - changing IRR to IR v4b10 to see if Store Revisions error remains. Alternatively, if I'll be able to find it, I'll comment out ag#ir01.itm from Store Revisions, because it seems installation is choking on it.
  22. @subtledoctor how is Expanded Races for Monks work regarding monk animation? I'm asking because of the following info from Tweaks Anthology ReadMe. Does it mean @Aquadrizzt was able to overcame this limitation? Which animations other races will use?
  23. Ok, finally managed to install SCS v32.8 on EET install using Project Infinity tool. I have put it after EET_end in install order. The main component installed with errors, though (the others installed without any errors). Not sure if those errors are harmless or can result with some unexpected events during game. I'm attaching Debug file and WeiDU logs. I know @DavidW is currently in hiatus, but maybe someone could let me know if those warnings could get me in the trouble during game. ProjectInfinity-Weidu-Debug-stratagems-5900-Error.log WeiDU.log WeiDU-BGEE.log
  24. HI Doc, Just finished second test install with updated following mods: - EEex -> 0.8.5 alpha - Enable Dual-classing to kits -> 0.28 - The Artisan's Kitpack -> 1.92 - MiH Itempack -> to master branch (beta v4?) - IRR -> master branch - SRR -> master branch As far as install order goes I have only moved SCS and aTweaks after EET_end. Now, all those changes above resulted one less T&B error. Component Revised Invisibility and True Seeing installed correctly. Back to your points: - RR thief kit HLA revisions -> wasn't sure if this won't clash with Refinement's HLA's or your mods and didn't want to risk it. I'll install them in next test install - Monastic Orders of Faerun -> crap, I was sure I've got the latest version. Will update for the next test install. - IWDification IWD-ified Bard Song -> I wasn't sure if this will not clash/overlap with Might&Guile. I was wondering if those IWD songs will be usable with M&G revised bards? How will it work? - ScrollCasterLevelMod -> I have installed similar (I think) tweak from EET Tweaks: PnP spell scroll caster levels. Not sure what's the difference between those two. Yeah, I installed so many friendship packs, because honestly I'm not yet sure how will I join to my party EDIT: AFAIK Olvyn Spells Requires EEex, that's why you couldn't install it.
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