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Gibberling Poobah
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Everything posted by CamDawg

  1. Sounds like the Duskblade may be picking up the barbarian flag somehow--the ridiculous HP is a side effect of a barbarian under the NWN-style HP boost. edit: Yep, it's being flagged as a barbarian to properly restrict items. I'm not sure Andy and Nick realized this would give it a the barbarian's base d12 HP roll, too.
  2. It's the Imoen-init banter that starts with "So. You're part of that Order of the Radiant Heart, right, Anomen?". The CN version does need in-party checks at the end, for Keldorn, Jaheira, Mazzy and Korgan. Cheers, thanks. Also found one other bug here--Anomen has a snotty response after the interjections of Mazzy, Jaheira, and Korgan, but not Keldorn. The interjection/response fits the same pattern, so Keldorn's interjection is now linked back to Anomen as well: // fix anomen's banter linking to non-present party members ADD_TRANS_TRIGGER BANOME25 51 ~IsValidForPartyDialogue("Korgan")~ DO 1 ADD_TRANS_TRIGGER BANOME25 51 ~IsValidForPartyDialogue("Mazzy")~ DO 2 ADD_TRANS_TRIGGER BANOME25 51 ~IsValidForPartyDialogue("Jaheira")~ DO 3 ADD_TRANS_TRIGGER BANOME25 51 ~IsValidForPartyDialogue("Keldorn")~ DO 4 // keldorn should link back to one last anomen retort ALTER_TRANS BKELDO25 // file name BEGIN 33 END // state number (can be more than one) BEGIN 0 END // transition number (can be more than one) BEGIN // list of changes, see below for flags EPILOGUE ~EXTERN BANOME25 52~ END
  3. Amaurea has just completed her BG portrait pack.
  4. Personally, I'd just go with Gorion at the end of the prologue. He's a required person to talk to, and also works roleplaying-wise.
  5. This forum will also provide support for Caedwyr's new Geomantic Sorcerer kit.
  6. Now let's add the initial release of Amaurea's BG2 Portraits mod.
  7. Let's add theacefes's new BG2 Alternate Soundtrack mod, which provides new soundtracks for several areas of the game.
  8. I vaguely remember trying this and it not working. The class of the kit does have to match the class of the K_x_x 2da file. ADD_KIT handles all of this.
  9. Could be either. You could do something like DR, which uses GA_ to put divine spells directly into spellbooks. If you're making one spell with a mess of 147 opcodes, then you'd want AP_. One thing to be careful of with 147--it will apply an XP bonus for spell learning (even for divine and innate spells), whereas GA_ in a clab file will not. There's some way to make it not apply an XP bonus (drake127 did it, I think) but I've never found the proper tweaking of parameters to make this happen.
  10. Any spell can be added to spellbooks with this opcode, yes. However, unless it's named in the normal convention it won't show up in sorcerer level-up spell selections or spell selections at character creation (spwi[1-9][0-4][0-9]) or be automatically added to the divine spellcasters (sppr[1-7][0-4][0-9]).
  11. If I may, I'd suggest going ahead and extending this series to all 26 letters. I know I've already hit a few that weren't in the last library (h and t, IIRC). For ease, Id also suggest shift-F2'ing this chunk into an alphabetized list.
  12. Just toss them all in one--declaring a bunch of vars isn't going to slow down install regardless.
  13. While you're mucking around with it, can I request you also farm the whole thing out to a lib so I can steal it easier?
  14. Yes. Like I said, we got to a beta--you could load it up and cruise around, but not all the scripting was being converted (we hadn't figured out BitGlobals yet, though Ding0 did later) and I don't think spells were handled fully either. I'd still love to see it finished. OK, enough thread derailing. Back to IWD2 NPC. Has anyone seen the new project pages yet? Shinies.
  15. japheth had started a Tutu-like project for IWD over at PPG, and a group of us (Sim, Andy, Grim, Ghrey, Idobek, and I) were sketching out a joinable NPC pack to go with it. It got as far as a beta, and then japh disappeared. I'd still love to get IWD into the BG2 engine as I think it's got a lot of potential for content expansion, particularly with a chatty party. Between this and Fred's IWD > IWD2 port, it can still happen eventually, but with icky 3e rules. (Not that I'm a fan of 2e--real RPGers play 1e, basic. Elf as a class, w00t!)
  16. When you're transported to the pit, Mazzy drops her items but is given a short sword and shield. If you attack Gorf (or anyone) with your bare hands, all you can do is knock them out. You need to equip and use the sword to kill Gorf.
  17. Please don't post any logical paradoxes, lest my head explode.
  18. Sorry Iondragon, I wish I had seen your post earlier. I don't know of any, no. Take a look at Idobek's NPC Kit. You can kit both sides of Imoen with it. Also, if it works for a dual-class, it should work for a multi-class. Good point; whenever I get around to updating it I'll add this.
  19. ...or they can't spell 'charmed'?
  20. These are already fixed I believe. I've already gone through and fixed all of the script and dialogue errors reported by NI.
  21. Question: rather than using variables like %FishingVillage% for the areas, why not use the original BG designations like %ar0100%? With a quick copy and paste, you could make a full set of the variables (BGT has a doc with the mappings, for Tutu you just sub FW for AR) and then drop it in as a library as needed.
  22. For something as straightforward as books, Fixpack. For other items, Tweaks. Someone will object no matter which solution you choose anyway.
  23. Heh, so did I. It's been added.
  24. Cheers JLE, I've added access for you to the BG Fixpack workroom. Take a look around; for the most part it's still at a discussion stage.
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