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Sister V's World Tour

Sister Vigilante

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Well! I am now on my last semester of college--or university, as they call it in the rest of the civilized world--and so, in keeping with the traditions of the wizarding world, I will soon be taking off on my self-improving journey across the globe.


This probably wasn't the best time in my life to start in on such a large project, but as Kulyok has said elsewhere, the project ended up being much larger than either of us originally conceived :band:


As I'll be busy and my internet access sporadic, I'm leaving the forums (for the time being) in Amaurea's capable hands. There may eventually be some way to go forward with crossmod and new content, as well.


It has been a (if brief) great pleasure to be here! I will be checking in sporadically at the least, but in the mean time, I wish you all the best ;)



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As I'll be busy and my internet access sporadic, I'm leaving the forums (for the time being) in Amaurea's capable hands.


Yeah, obviously, me being invisible here. :band:;)


Really. First I wake up and see "berelinde is now BG1 NPC Project moderator, goodbye, Kulyok", now I see that Amaurea is Angelo moderator without as much as telling me - I dread to wake up next and see Miloch the half-orc moderating Romantic Encounters. Meh. It's good you're not visiting Russia, that's all I can say! :D

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1) I'm lovin' Angelo, and I really appreciate everything you've done for us (and by us, I mean me - screw the world: Angelo is mine). This has been one of my favourite mods in a long time.


2) Sad to see you leave, but it sounds like good fun. Hopefully you'll have a wonderful time. I'm sure everyone will miss you. And hey, while you travel, you can do some thinking about more Angelo content. Or, you know, have fun enjoying other's cultures. Pfft. Yeah right. :band:

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Greetings from Japan! I'm sort of reminded of the man who, as a gag, had Christmas cards mailed to all his friends in the year he died. "It's hard to find words to describe where I am now,"(e.g. heaven) he wrote, "but the Big Man said it was alright to drop you guys a line."


Suffice to say, for a man of my type, arriving in Akihabara is akin to a salmon returning upstream to spawn. Except that going to Akihabara is sort of the opposite of spawning.


:) Cheers!

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I'm hoping to go to Japan next year (to ride coasters...that's my other fun hobby but it's a lot more [insert expletive here] expensive than playing games, I can tell you). I'm doing a US trip at the end of the month.

I'm from London - if you think England's expensive, try Norway. Sweet Jesus! :crazyeyes:

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I'm hoping to go to Japan next year (to ride coasters...that's my other fun hobby but it's a lot more [insert expletive here] expensive than playing games, I can tell you). I'm doing a US trip at the end of the month.

I'm from London - if you think England's expensive, try Norway. Sweet Jesus! :crazyeyes:


Ah, cheers! Now um...if you go to Japan, it may go without saying, but don't use any Japanese you learned from playing Angelo...


(Also don't go to Fukuoka. This goes for all of you. Never, ever go to Fukuoka. I have to haul out there tomorrow to visit a friend, whom I love dearly, but I sure wish the dude could've chosen to live in Kyoto)

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It'll be one of those pre-arranged club trips (I'm doing as US one, heading from Texas to Minnesota, in three weeks' time) and you're basically limited by where the coach goes. Which is to the major amusement parks, in this case. I believe it may include Korea this time - which would be nice, I've not been there either. Hopefully there will also be some time to go out in the evenings and do other things - I'd hate to go all the way there and miss out on the culture (even though rollercoasters are my first love). It will be in the autumn too so no cherry blossoms. Pity!

I'm just terrified in case I meet a giant asian hornet - those things have been giving me nightmares since I saw footage of them on YouTube. Argh!

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Yeah, definitely make the most of it if you can get away--it'd be a shame to miss out! I can't say enough good things about this country, even if it has left me reeling from culture shock more than once. No matter what area you go to, there's a lot to see.


I'd say the same for America except--American doesn't have any culture, really...

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