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Bugs in BG1 ToSC, GemRB 0.6.3


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Hello, Im getting this error every time I click on the sex bottom. Instead of getting a portrait it just skips. I even tried to replace the GUICH12.py with a fresh download.


Edit: I tried reinstalling the game and even installing it on my half working laptop which runs windows 95. Game works fine



Syntax Error:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/share/games/gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/GUICG12.py", line 83, in OnLoad

RightButton.SetEvent (IE_GUI_BUTTON_ON_PRESS, RightPress)

File "/usr/share/games/gemrb/GUIScripts/MetaClasses.py", line 60, in <lambda>

return lambda self, *args: M(self.WinID, self.ID, *args)

AttributeError: SetEvent(WindowIndex, ControlIndex, EventMask, FunctionName)


Sets an event of a control on a window to a script defined function.

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AttributeError: SetEvent(WindowIndex, ControlIndex, EventMask, FunctionName)


Sets an event of a control on a window to a script defined function.


We removed the code which uses a FunctionName back in June, so I guess the GemRB you're running is too old (maybe you had an old GemRB installed and that is being used instead?).

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AttributeError: SetEvent(WindowIndex, ControlIndex, EventMask, FunctionName)


Sets an event of a control on a window to a script defined function.


We removed the code which uses a FunctionName back in June, so I guess the GemRB you're running is too old (maybe you had an old GemRB installed and that is being used instead?).


Something could have happened when I installed it.

What is the best way to completely remove it so I could reinstall it?

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I did a few installs following pretty much everything I could find via Internet... I got it working. I don't know how, but it's working somehow.


But I do have one more question. Is there a way to get the costume portraits working?

I get this error




Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/share/games/gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/GUICG12.py", line 135, in CustomDone


File "/usr/share/games/gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/CharGenCommon.py", line 266, in next


File "/usr/share/games/gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/CharGenCommon.py", line 203, in next


File "/usr/share/games/gemrb/GUIScripts/GUICommon.py", line 45, in CloseOtherWindow

OtherWindowFn ()

File "/usr/share/games/gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/GUICG12.py", line 45, in OnLoad


File "/usr/share/games/gemrb/GUIScripts/MetaClasses.py", line 38, in <lambda>

return lambda self, *args: M(self.ID, *args)

RuntimeError: Can't unload window!

AL lib: ALc.c:1818: alcCloseDevice(): deleting 10 Buffer(s)

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Maybe wait for the new release. Wipe everything related to gemrb and install the new release.


Or... Wipe everything, and get the fresh source version from git and compile it. This is admittedly difficult, but you could do it in the weekend. The new release will be around in a week, or two.

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It's kind of working now.. see below


neither me nor fuzzie can reproduce this. I succesfully used Jan's portrait for example. What exactly are you doing, what custom portraits are involved?


I've tried several different portraits, and just did a new install of gemrb (my room mate's music kept me up all night so I had the time)

The portrait shows up at first but craps out on me when I go to enter it and the game goes to the race.


But now for the good news.

After the new install of gemrb, this time using the sudo apt-get install gemrb rather then using cmake I can now manually change it after I start the game. Which I wasn't able to do before. :-) I don't know if that is going to cause problems later on though.

What's really weird is the portraits don't display anything on the load/save screen, but it loads and saves just fine...

so Im not complaining.



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  1. It was possible to order the character to some place, open the map and after I closed the map, the character cannot be found (I don't recall the exact error message)
  2. The scene where Gorion is killed creates an autosave. If loaded, Gorion is standing there alive, with two hostile ogres and the armored figure. The ogres are attacking my character.
  3. Savebutton doesn't work (sometimes):
    [GUIScript]: Runtime Error:															   
    Traceback (most recent call last):														
     File "/usr/share/games/gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/GUISAVE.py", line 152, in ConfirmedSaveGame 
     File "/usr/share/games/gemrb/GUIScripts/bg1/LoadScreen.py", line 41, in StartLoadScreen 
    Middle.SetMOS (LoadPic)															   
     File "/usr/share/games/gemrb/GUIScripts/MetaClasses.py", line 60, in <lambda>		   
    return lambda self, *args: M(self.WinID, self.ID, *args)							  
    RuntimeError: Picture resource not found!

  4. The autosave is not overwritten.
  5. I created a new character (dwarf, fighter): why does he start wounded (half hitpoints)? And by the way, isn't 9 max hitpoints a little low for a dwarfen fighter with const 19? Maybe I am mistaken and this is a rule, but it feels like being a mage ^^
  6. Loading the mission-pack save forbits the party to leave the area:
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for worlde.2da...[ERROR]									 
    [WorldMap]: CalculateDistances for invalid Area: ar1000								   
    Invalid target {'Distance': -1, 'Target': 'ar1900'}

  7. I cannot remember the Gatewarden in Candlekeep running to me to begin a conversation
  8. There are some errors in the Gatewarden's testing fights; the load-errors are repeated much often:
    [Attack]: (Leaving attack)[Actor]: Unregistered attack. We shouldn't be here?			 
    [CharAnimations]: Couldn't load animation: mgibg2e, cycle 22							  
    [CharAnimations]: Couldn't load animation: mxvtg2e, cycle 22							  
    [CharAnimations]: Couldn't load animation: mxvtg2e, cycle 21							  
    [CharAnimations]: Couldn't load animation: mxvtg2, cycle 20

  9. In Beregost, the smith disappears at night; I cannot remember that ever happening. (now playing the english version; I used to play the german version)
  10. Weapon breakage is huge, I never had a single broken weapon in BG1
  11. Sometimes a gibberling disappears from the screen while in a fight. I have to move, then he reappears again
  12. There are many errors in the console (I just grepped them)
    ResourceManager]: Searching for skillsta.2da...[ERROR]																						
    [GUIScript]: Runtime Error:															   
    [OpenAL]: Error playing music source: 40963 [ERROR]									   
    [OpenAL]: Unable to buffer music data: 40963 [ERROR]									  
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for 0.2da...[ERROR]										  
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for ar2618.bcs...[ERROR]									 
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for ar2643.bcs...[ERROR]									 
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for ar3301.bcs...[ERROR]									 
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for baldur.bcs...[ERROR]									 
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for cdmf3.2da...[ERROR]									  
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for cefc1.2da...[ERROR]									  
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for chfc4.2da...[ERROR]									  
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for chft1.2da...[ERROR]									  
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for CHFT1INV... Tried CHFT1INV.plt [ERROR]				   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for chmc4.2da...[ERROR]									  
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for chmf2.2da...[ERROR]									  
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for chmf3.2da...[ERROR]									  
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for chmw1.2da...[ERROR]									  
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for chmw3.2da...[ERROR]									  
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for chptxt1... Tried chptxt1.mos chptxt1.bmp chptxt1.png [ERROR]																					   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for CIMF1INV... Tried CIMF1INV.plt [ERROR]				   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for cimt2.2da...[ERROR]									  
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for CLABMA07.2da...[ERROR]								   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for error11... error11.wav...[chitin.key]					
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for featreq.2da...[ERROR]									
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for firimp.bam...[ERROR]									 
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for ftowubz.bcs...[ERROR]									
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for gender.2da...[ERROR]									 
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for guichp0b... [OpenAL]: Unable to query music source state: 40961 [ERROR]																			
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for itemanim.2da...[ERROR]								   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for itemdial.2da...[ERROR]								   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for LIGHTB.pro...[ERROR]									 
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for lvlmodwm.2da...[ERROR]								   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for male366... Tried male366.acm male366.wav male366.wav male366.ogg [ERROR]																		   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for mgib.2da...[ERROR]									   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for mkob.2da...[ERROR]									   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for mogr.2da...[ERROR]									   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for monkbon.2da...[ERROR]									
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for mtowubz.bcs...[ERROR]									
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for mwlf.2da...[ERROR]									   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for mxvt.2da...[ERROR]									   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for nfamh.2da...[ERROR]									  
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for projectl.ids...[ERROR]								   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for qslot2.2da...[ERROR]									 
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for randcolr.2da...[ERROR]								   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for restmov.2da...[ERROR]									
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for spawngrp.2da...[ERROR]								   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for tra_22... Tried tra_22.acm tra_22.wav tra_22.wav tra_22.ogg [ERROR]																				
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for tracking.2da...[ERROR]								   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for usar1.2da...[ERROR]									  
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for vcremap.2da...[ERROR]									
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for walksnd.2da...[ERROR]									
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for worlde.2da...[ERROR]									 
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for wpLDDca.bam...[ERROR]									
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for wpLDDcae.bam...[ERROR]								   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for wpLQSca.bam...[ERROR]									
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for WPMBWINV... Tried WPMBWINV.plt [ERROR]				   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for wpMD4ca.bam...[ERROR]									
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for wpMFLca.bam...[ERROR]									
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for WPSBWINV... Tried WPSBWINV.plt [ERROR]				   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for WPSQSINV... Tried WPSQSINV.plt [ERROR]				   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for WPSS1INV... Tried WPSS1INV.plt [ERROR]				   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for wsshield.2da...[ERROR]								   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for wstwohnd.2da...[ERROR]								   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for wstwowpn.2da...[ERROR]								   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for xpbonus.2da...[ERROR]									
    Tried male365.acm male365.wav male365.wav male365.ogg [ERROR]

    and stuff that cannot be found:

    [Attack]: (Leaving attack)[ResourceManager]: Searching for shwater.vvc...[NOT FOUND]	  
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for bloodl.vvc...[NOT FOUND]								 
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for bloodm.vvc...[NOT FOUND]								 
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for cgconjur.vvc...[NOT FOUND]							   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for cgenchan.vvc...[NOT FOUND]							   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for cgillusi.vvc...[NOT FOUND]							   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for cginvoca.vvc...[NOT FOUND]							   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for cgnecrom.vvc...[NOT FOUND]							   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for firimp.vvc...[NOT FOUND]								 
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for minorglb.vvc...[NOT FOUND]							   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for shair.vvc...[NOT FOUND]								  
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for shwater.vvc...[NOT FOUND]								
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for spburn.vvc...[NOT FOUND]								 
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for spshield.vvc...[NOT FOUND]							   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for spshkimp.vvc...[NOT FOUND]							   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for spsmpuff.vvc...[NOT FOUND]							   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for spsparks.vvc...[NOT FOUND]							   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for WMAPLAY.2da...[NOT FOUND]								
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for worldm25.wmp...[NOT FOUND]

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  1. Weapon breakage is huge, I never had a single broken weapon in BG1


Well, we probably break them too often, but weapons breaking in BG1 is pretty important to the story..


This all goes on the 'to look at' list, I guess.

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and some more:

  • character exporting does not work (and there is no error message)
  • rightclicking an item in the Gatewarden's testing fights does nothing:
    [GUIScript]: Runtime Error:															   
    Traceback (most recent call last):														
     File "/usr/share/games/gemrb/GUIScripts/InventoryCommon.py", line 379, in OpenItemInfoWindow																					  
    DisplayItem (slot_item["ItemResRef"], value)										  
     File "/usr/share/games/gemrb/GUIScripts/InventoryCommon.py", line 237, in DisplayItem   
    ItemInfoWindow = Window = GemRB.LoadWindow (5)										
    RuntimeError: Can't find window #5!

  • Sometimes the circles underneath all persons disappear
  • Stolen gold is an inventory item
  • Fights continue, even though I left the area. I even get damage!
  • Hm, maybe I am wrong, but isn't there supposed to be a steal-button in a shopping-window?

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Stolen gold was made inventory item on purpose, i thought it was fun to know how much you stole.


Circles vanishing is new to me.

Fights continue.... Yes, we know about this, the whole fight system will be reworked very soon.


The second bug (item information) is strange, is it specific to some items?


Character exporting is probably totally unimplemented or partially implemented and forgotten. We never tested this :)


The steal button is not available in EVERY shop in the original game either, but it should be available in the same shops as in the original game. So, if you know of a particular shop where you can steal in the original game but it is missing in GemRB, tell us.

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The second bug (item information) is strange, is it specific to some items?

This happened with every item in this area. But now I created a new game and tried to recreate this again and it did not happen this time. strange...


I found another bug:

The priest in the Temple of Wisdom in the Friendly Arm Inn disappears after closing his shop-window and he doesn't come back (I left the area, I reloaded a savegame, he is vanished ^^).


I think, I'll append here instead of creating new posts all the time:

  1. in Beregost in the north, there is a bird hovering
  2. many enemies (Hobgoblins e.g.) don't attack me and wait until I killed them. Maybe this is because I have 2 attacks?
  3. funny thing in the Red Sheaf: the assassin there follows you outside and is being attacked by Silke -- and you don't get any experience
  4. Standing between the obelisk in Beregost and the house to it's lower right lets you move into this house if you klick on the entry of Thunder Hammer Smithy
  5. The Thunder Hammer smith and his crew even disappear at 9am
  6. Cave bears are aggressive? afair bears only attacked after being attacked
  7. It is possible to equip with a bow and a shield, though I think, this is a feature
  8. After stealing a Tower Shield+1, it's buying-price decreases from 3000 to it's selling price of 800 in the shop; after stealing more, the price changed to 900
  9. There was an ambush (message: "You have been waylaid by enemies and must defend yourself"), but the area changed to my destination as if nothing happened (occurred multiple times)
  10. Entering Thunder Hammer Smithy might crash gemrb
  11. Clock doesn't get updated after 8 hour rest
  12. NPC "Gurke" disappears after talking to the party
  13. After hitting an enemy (Gnoll, Hobgoblin) there is a glitch which removes the GUI and draws other windows like the loadingbar or some part of a shopping window
  14. Dialogue errors when talking to "Thalantyr": The conversation ends after he said something and if you offer to sell magic items, there is no shopping window:
    Displaying string on: thalantyr														   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for THALAN.dlg...[chitin.key]								
    Displaying string on: thalantyr														   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for chmw3.2da...[ERROR]									  
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for GUIW.chu...[chitin.key]								  
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for guiwbtp3... guiwbtp3.mos...[chitin.key]				  
    [CHUImporter]: Cannot Load BackGround, skipping										   
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for GUIW.chu...[chitin.key]								  
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for GUIW.chu...[chitin.key]								  
    [ResourceManager]: Searching for guiwbtp2... guiwbtp2.mos...[chitin.key]				  
    [CHUImporter]: Cannot Load BackGround, skipping

    (and now shopping isn't possible where it was before)

  15. Every time I enter High Hedge, squirrels die

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