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IR v3 Feedback


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Speaking of upcoming builds... :)


I wonder... what are we missing for an official release? More testing?


Some pieces and bits for compatibility with 1PP and/or BGT/BG(2) EE?

Mike just wrote me a couple of days ago that he started working on the readme as well as an actual run of the game. After he gives his blessing IR will be ready for the official release. The next IR beta, which should be out tomorrow, contains a lot of fixes and new changes that might benefit from testing, but I have A LOT of active testers right now and it would be ready for an official release in a matter of days. Short story: as soon as Mike stuff is ready I am as well.


For SRV4 instead the current beta is still not 100% ready for an official release imo. Afaik it actually works really fine and it seems stable but there's still a lot more "daring/controversial" stuff to be added and tested. A new build will be out next week end which should contain almost everything I want to test, but for the official release I also need Arda to show up again for a few things.

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Be patient.

Ah, the word Imp-patience should tell you everything about mine. But sure, it's not like installing this mod will require me to redownload the entire game and all that fun stuff.

:Looks at his XCom Enemy Within and the Long War mod, ouh dear: :D EDIT: Good thing I got that sorted out, it only took more than two days and five or six reinstall, and all the fun ... editing other peoples mods so much fun. :D


Anyways, I hope Demi doesn't have any trouble with the upload... and I wish him luck and stuff, although coming from an evil Imp, that might be...

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