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random lightening....


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didn't know it was possible to get struck by lightening in an outdoor area while it was raining...


running BG:ToTSC & testing the fixpack


was in the carnival map and had to afk a bit and forgot to put the game on pause, came back just in time to see Jaheria get struck by lightening... and no it wasn't part of the little spat with Xzar and Monty... just a random lightening strike which caused no damage

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Yeah, I'm pretty sure it killed me once in Tutu.


Funny thing was it happened right after talking to Aldeth, who said "Take now this small token of my appreciation." Some token :). Though I'd also wasted the druids, so maybe it was their god getting back at me...

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Yeah, in BG/TotSC, it didn't do any damage (I think the spell it calls was there but the damage type didn't work right or something).


I know the head druid guy has a strange spellcasting block; beyond barely working in BG/TotSC, it has him cast Call Lightning IIRC (though I'm not sure what other mods or Tutu itself would do to it). So that may be what got you.

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in my testing recently i was beset by a group of gnolls while in the rain, since they were taller than me all three of em got hit by lightening. one of 'em at least two times if not three. right then i was wishing that the lightening did damage :)

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Yeah, in BG/TotSC, it didn't do any damage (I think the spell it calls was there but the damage type didn't work right or something).

Do you know if, and your wording seems to imply that, in BG2 (BGT?) lightning do do damage? Or possibly, that it can be tweaked/modded? :)

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Surprising that it targets NPCs; I would have thought that it only fired off on party members.


Do you know if, and your wording seems to imply that, in BG2 (BGT?) lightning do do damage? Or possibly, that it can be tweaked/modded? :)
Yes, it does damage. IIRC, it uses the weird "percentage" damage type. It's one of the SPWI9xx spells, if you want to hunt for it.


I think it was set up that way in BG/TotSC too, but it just caused it to not apply any damage at all.

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spwi938.spl in TOTSC/Saga is supposed to do a fixed 50 damage of the type: 262147 Electricity (save for half)

yet saving throw is set to 0-None and the dice roll is 0d8 The BG2 version is setup in the exact same way so if it works in BG2 but not in BG1 then my guess is it is an engine fail somewhere.


I wonder if it will work if I change it from: 262147 Electricity (save for half) to: 262146 Electricity Set to Percentage so that if struck the target creature loses 50% hp then again the dice roll may have something to do with it too idk

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I wonder if it will work if I change it from: 262147 Electricity (save for half) to: 262146 Electricity Set to Percentage so that if struck the target creature loses 50% hp
I would guess that 262146 works and 262147 does not (or doesn't work as advertised in BG1 anyway). Actually most of the spells I've seen where you save for 1/2 damage are set up with two effects - one where you get 1/2 damage no matter what and one where you can save for the other half.
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Yes, it's supposed to be 50% max HP damage (I think that's what Mode 3 was), but it doesn't do anything in BG/TotSC. NI should label this correctly.


This is different from Mode 2 (the normal percentage), which sets according to the percentage if I remember right (while Mode 2 would try to always move you to 4/8 HP, Mode 3 would always do 4 damage).


But it's been a while...

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I think it would be cool if getting struck by lightning gave the character an innate power, like a Bhaalspawn dream does.


I mean, what more classic way to get a superpower?


If you were worried about balance just make it something weak but appropriate like Shocking Grasp...

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