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EET v13.4 released

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You can actually pick up the sword in SoD. At least if you have the new loot UI activated, strange bug.

1. I do not think it is a bug but in some cases you may call it an exploit as you can grab items from a small distance (even hidden behind some object) while picking them up normally would expose you to enemy fire. However, it is up to the player to use it this way or not.

2, The sword may be considered more of a plot item than a weapon (even if you could use it).


Anyway, those topics may not be EET related.

Edited by Roxanne
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You can actually pick up the sword in SoD. At least if you have the new loot UI activated, strange bug.


there is:


code in BDSODTRN.BCS that triggers SoD expansion. It moves what lays on the floor to that area, so it makes sense that his sword ends up in BD0120.ARE after transition. Is it possible to pick up item from the ground via script? If no than I think that "Put Sword of Chaos +2 in Sarevok's inventory" tweak can't be implemented properly (unless we add it to Charname inventory which is accessable by scripts). But it's usless anyway since we need to get it back a second later due to plot reasons.


Anyway, those topics may not be EET related.


the same would happen in vanilla game if you install that tweak. It will be removed from EET_Tweaks.

Edited by K4thos
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As a personal opinion, I think the transition to SoD could use some work anyway, It felt very abrupt.
code in BDSODTRN.BCS that triggers SoD expansion. It moves what lays on the floor to that area,

I have done some work and tests on this already.


When Sarevok falls, the transition immediately starts. The loot that he and his company drops is moved to a pile in a corner of the first SoD dungeon area.

It is a minor issue to delay this immediate moving, give the party some time after Sarevok has died and start the transition when they pick up some specific item (e.g. some document containing a hint to his followers in the SoD dungeon). Also, it gives you the chance to pick up other stuff, heal etc. (My own NPCs also have some dialogue here commenting the consequences of Sarevok's death.) Once you found the item, the (unmodded) transition script is triggered. If a specific NPC needing an artifact from one of Sarevok's companion is in the party, this delay is exceeded until the NPC has the item. The exit from the temple stays locked, so you cannot go back into BG1 at this time.

Technically this is no big deal, contents-wise it made more sense to me than finding the items in a pile in the SoD dungeon. At this moment I am not sure whether this addon makes sense (i.e. improves the game) or not.

Edited by Roxanne
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It's probably getting out of subject but I was thinking of something like having the Fist and an important figure arrive at the temple once Sarevok and his companions are dead(I don't like how the fight stops when sarevok falls) and let you loot the place then when you're done, you talk to the important figure and move on.


Important figure would be the living dukes from the palace attack and if both are dead then a flaming fist officer or another duke maybe.

Edited by GrimLefourbe
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I have played from your save a couple of times now in different variations and I think the bug is no bug but intent.


You are supposed to see this scene after you met Rasaad in SoA.

Regardless if he is in party or not, you get the cutscene.

If he is in party, he will leave you again just in the same way as you saw it. The monks will start a conversation with you about it.

Looks like this is part of his quest?


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It's probably getting out of subject but I was thinking of something like having the Fist and an important figure arrive at the temple once Sarevok and his companions are dead(I don't like how the fight stops when sarevok falls) and let you loot the place then when you're done, you talk to the important figure and move on.


Important figure would be the living dukes from the palace attack and if both are dead then a flaming fist officer or another duke maybe.

If we continue in this direction, we will be back almost to the former BGT transition where you went back to the ducal palace to report your success and transition started by talking to Duke Belt...

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I think you're supposed to wander in Trademeet, then see the cutscene where he beats them and then find him down the street and have the talk with him. An option in the talk includes "I just saw you fighting [...]" which means you're not supposed to be able to recruit him before the cutscene.


It is part of his quest but the order in which things happen is messed up.


Edit : see in this video

Edited by GrimLefourbe
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I think you're supposed to wander in Trademeet, then see the cutscene where he beats them and then find him down the street and have the talk with him. An option in the talk includes "I just saw you fighting [...]" which means you're not supposed to be able to recruit him before the cutscene.


It is part of his quest but the order in which things happen is messed up.


Edit : see in this video

This makes sense.

In this case, the spawning of the recruitable Rassad must be delayed after the cutscene has played, e.g. the blocks to spawn Rasaad should have additional condition Global("OHRCUT01","AR2000",1).

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I asked about it before. That's K4thos answer:



So here's my question - do you plan to change it? Like i said, it would be great if after end movie will begin new quest "Return to palace and inform Council of Four about Sarevok death". Then there would be cut scene in castle like in BGT, after which Belt would inform you about few Sarevok followers still alive and ask you to investigate it. Then you would be moved to the dungeon (or maybe even walk there by yourself).

The introduction movie and whole SoD prologue does good enough job from continuity perspective to me. If you want more plot there I'd suggest letting Beamdog devs know about your idea. If it will be implemented officially than it will be also available in EET. You could also ask elminster if he is planning for something like this in Eve of War mod. Adding content like this would be an interpretation on our part and things like that should be left for external mods, imo. It would also create potential compatibility problems for mods that affects BG1 end content. I don't see a point to be honest.



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I tend to agree... the only thing needed is a little time to grab everything. The only important figure that would work from a transition perspective (that you can be sure is not dead yet) would be Corwin - which takes the concept in a whole different (but interesting) direction...

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I think you're supposed to wander in Trademeet, then see the cutscene where he beats them and then find him down the street and have the talk with him. An option in the talk includes "I just saw you fighting [...]" which means you're not supposed to be able to recruit him before the cutscene.


It is part of his quest but the order in which things happen is messed up.


Edit : see in this video

This makes sense.

In this case, the spawning of the recruitable Rassad must be delayed after the cutscene has played, e.g. the blocks to spawn Rasaad should have additional condition Global("OHRCUT01","AR2000",1).


OK - I have tested my proposal. With this global added to ar2000.bcs it seems to work as intended.


Rasaad is not there before you had the cutscene.

If your party comes near the monks you get the scene and the conversation.

The monks disappear and Rasaad comes to you and talks about the event.

In this conversation you can decide to recruit him.

Does that sound correct?




If you want to try,

1. Add Global("OHRCUT01","AR2000",1) to the two blocks in ar2000.bcs that spawn Rasaad

2. start from this save - Rasaad should not be in Trademeet when you enter.

Edited by Roxanne
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I'll test a bit later but indeed the behaviour you described is the correct one.


I've never had this bug on non-EET but if it's not an EET bug it could still be included in the EET fixpack.

I think it must be considered for EET.


@k4thos - suggest to add condition Global("OHRCUT01","AR2000",1) to the two blocks in ar2000.bcs that spawn Rasaad

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I'll test a bit later but indeed the behaviour you described is the correct one.


I've never had this bug on non-EET but if it's not an EET bug it could still be included in the EET fixpack.

I think it must be considered for EET.


@k4thos - suggest to add condition Global("OHRCUT01","AR2000",1) to the two blocks in ar2000.bcs that spawn Rasaad



Thanks for report and investigation. The problem was with missing:


in a block I've added to move the creature (original blocks that spawns new CRE file had this to prevent him from spawning to early). Didn't notice the problem myself since I've approached him from different direction when testing it and the proximity trigger is in sothern part of the map. Fixed for RC5.

Edited by K4thos
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