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One of the generic cleric scripts, pries14a.bcs, has this block

    HaveSpell(CLERIC_CONFUSION)  // SPPR709.SPL (Confusion)
    RESPONSE #100

This will cause one of the Jae'llats to cast a few spells, then stand around.

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One more thing to report.

It seems that the divine version of the Know Alignment spell allows for a saving throw (-2) while the arcane doesn't, even after installing the Fixpack.

I find it very weird. 

I haven't installed the GTU but this is something that should be taken care of by the main component, shouldn't it?

I'm not sure whether I'd rather have it allow for a saving throw or not but it should be one way or the other for both versions.

Edited by Salk
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It may also be that the Call Lightning duration should be amended from 1 turn / 4 levels to 1 round / 4 levels (neither GTU corrects this, just like for the spells above).


Edited by Salk
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1 hour ago, CamDawg said:

Quoth the Cahir: "Both Protection from Evil, 10' Radius and Invisibility, 10' Radius seem to be using the wrong projectile for their AoE. The first has a real AoE of 15' (just like Silence, 15' Radius) while the latter has an AoE of 5' (like Hold Undead)."

A PM I wrote to @Salk yesterday pertaining to oBG2 and arguable AoE errors, as Salk has been looking over textual errors:

On 11/15/2021 at 7:50 AM, Bartimaeus said:

256, the size of e.g. Fireball, can be authoritatively claimed as "30x30" or 30' (diameter) or 15' radius. The other sizes are trickier to determine - let's take a look. Pay close attention to when "radius" is or isn't used, because when it is used, the number should actually be half (e.g. a Fireball is 30'...OR a 15' radius). Bolded items are ones that have some kind of clear or at least arguable error, crossed out ones are ones that would appear to be accurate - I am working with the vanilla BG2 descriptions and files here.

Grease: Says "30 ft", and actually is (GREASE.pro).
Sleep: Says "Special" in the AoE field but "within 30 ft" in the description, and actually is (SLEEP.pro). There is no reason to list "Special" here, it's not even a Hold Person or Chain Lightning situation where the spell is targeted on one creature and then spreads out, it's just a straight-up normal area-targeted spell.

Detect Evil: Says "visual range of the caster", but is actually 30' (INAREA.pro).
Detect Invisibility: Says "70 foot radius", but has a value of 2000 which is a presumed ~234.375' (BIGNAREA.pro). Pretty much an entire area? It would probably make the most sense to list "Special" here.
Glitterdust: Says "20 ft", but is actually 30' (SPARGONP.pro).
Horror: Says "30 ft", and actually is (SPARBLNP.pro).
Resist Fear: Says "30 ft radius", but is actually 30' (SPARGRPA.pro).
Stinking Cloud: Says "30 ft radius", but is actually 30' (CLOUD.pro).
Web: Says "Special" in AoE field but "30 ft radius" in the description, but the actual size is 30' (WEB.pro). There is no reason to list "Special" here.

Detect Illusion: Says "20 ft radius", but is actually 30' (INAREANP.pro).
Dispel Magic: Says "30 ft", and actually is (SPKLARGR.pro).
Fireball: Says "30 ft radius", but is actually 30' (FIREBALL.pro).
Haste: Says "30 ft", and actually is (INAREAPA.pro).
Hold Person: Says "Special" in the AoE field but "within 5 ft" in the description, but the actual size is 64 which is a presumed 7.5' (HOLD.pro).
Hold Undead: Says "Special" in the AoE field but "within 5 ft" in the description, but the actual size is 84 which is a presumed 10' (HOLDNECR.pro). Technically, this should probably be 85 to be a proper 10', but one off is close enough.
Invisibility 10' Radius: Says "10 ft radius", but the actual size is 80 which is a presumed 9.375', which would actually be a 4.6875' radius (INAREASM.pro). One could round up and just say it's 10' or a 5' radius, but "10' radius" would simply be outright wrong.
Skull Trap: Says "30 ft radius", but the actual size is 200 which is a presumed 23.4375' (TRAPSKUL.pro).
Slow: Says "40 ft cube", but uses the same projectile as Detect Illusion (INAREANP.pro), which is 30'.
Remove Magic: Says "30 ft", and actually is (SPARGRNP.pro).

I thought I'd have a more conclusive answer by the time I finished third level spells, but I guess I have to keep going. So many errors already - more errors than there are correct statements!

Confusion: Says "60 ft cube", but uses the same projectile as Glitterdust (SPARGONP.pro), which is 30'. Replicated situations using the same projectile will now simply say "see (x)".
Emotion: See Confusion.
Greater Malison: See Confusion.
Ice Storm: Says "30 ft radius", but is actually 30' (ICESTORM.pro).
Teleport Field: Says "30 ft radius", but is actually 30' (PFIELD.pro).

Chaos: See Confusion.
Cloudkill: What the heck? It says "40' wide, 20' high, 20' deep". It is actually just 30' (CLOUDKIL.pro).
Hold Monster: See Hold Person.
Oracle: Says "60 ft radius" instead of 70, but otherwise see Detect Invisibility.
Sunfire: See Fireball.

Chain Lightning: Says special in the AoE field but does not make any attempt to describe its AoE, but is actually 30' (LIGHTCHA.pro).
Death Fog: See Cloudkill.
Death Spell: Says "30 ft radius", but is actually 30' (SPARICNP.pro).
True Sight: See Detect Invisibility.

Control Undead: Its description of its AoE is a nonsensical "1-4 creatures", otherwise see Hold Undead.
Delayed Blast Fireball: Says "30 ft radius", but the actual size is 200 which is a presumed 23.4375' (DFIREBL.pro).
Mass Invisibility: See Haste.
Sphere of Chaos: See Teleport Field.
Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting: Says "30 ft radius", but is actually 30' (PWILT.pro).
Incendiary Cloud: See Cloudkill.
All Symbol Spells: Say "30 ft radius", but the actual size is 200 which is a presumed 23.4375' (ICEGLYPH.pro).

Freedom: Says "Special" in the AoE field but does not make any attempt to describes its AoE. This spell is unique in that it technically has no AoE, and instead the effects have their targeting simply set to "Everyone". Special is accurate enough.
Meteor Swarm: Says "30 ft radius", but is actually 30' (METSWARM.pro).
Time Stop: Says "Special' in the AoE field and the spell describes it as affecting everyone and everything besides the caster. This spell is unique in that it technically has no AoE, and instead the Time Stop effect itself seems to just know what to do all by itself. "Special" is accurate enough.
Wail of the Banshee: Says "30 ft radius", otherwise see Detect Illusion.

Dragon's Breath: Says "30 ft radius", but is actually 30' (SPDRBRTH.pro).
Comet: Says "30 ft radius", but is actually 30' (COMET.pro).

A few observations here:
1. Literally almost everything is wrong or inconsistent.
2. radius or not radius: I now understand why Demi used the doubled "radius" numbers for SR (e.g. calling a Fireball a 30' radius instead of a 15' radius or just 30'). Demi apparently never played BG1, and while the spells that were originally made for BG1 inconsistently are like half-and-half of using it and not using it, all new spells introduced by BG2 include "radius" without halving the numbers, resulting in a spell system where the original BG1 spells that don't include it are all at odds with the BG2 spells. I think one could argue for either systems, but as the EEs ultimately went for halved numbers, that is the most "official" answer for what is correct.
3. There are very few arcane AoE spells that are smaller than 30' in the vanilla game, and what are there are inconsistent to the point of incomprehensible. I subscribe to the belief that 30' is a value of 256 and that 300' would be 2560. This means every foot is 8.53-, which would mean the following values for the following sizes:

05': 42 or 43.
10': 85.
15': 128.
20': 170 or 171.
25': 213.
30': 256.

...And so on. However, there is probably enough ambiguity to not be one hundred percent sure what was actually intended.

I have not looked over divine spells as of yet.

Edited by Bartimaeus
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When actual items and spells disagree from their descriptions, Fixpack in general trusts the descriptions. AoEs were a notable exception to this as they were, as your long list demonstrates, wildly inaccurate and generally just lazy copy-pastes from the source books--in general they were ignored in favor of what the actual spell actually did. The EEs systematically went about updating the descriptions to match actual in-game effects; a similar systematic approach to fixing spell descriptions was added into the current beta fixes  in Fixpack a few versions back--about 80 strings are currently fixed, plus whatever I need to add to the next version from your list. All that being said, in the case of actual spell names listing radii we should be updating projectiles instead.


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3 hours ago, CamDawg said:

When actual items and spells disagree from their descriptions, Fixpack in general trusts the descriptions. AoEs were a notable exception to this as they were, as your long list demonstrates, wildly inaccurate and generally just lazy copy-pastes from the source books--in general they were ignored in favor of what the actual spell actually did. The EEs systematically went about updating the descriptions to match actual in-game effects; a similar systematic approach to fixing spell descriptions was added into the current beta fixes  in Fixpack a few versions back--about 80 strings are currently fixed, plus whatever I need to add to the next version from your list. All that being said, in the case of actual spell names listing radii we should be updating projectiles instead.

Understood. I would also point out two additional things:
1. If not already handled by the Fixpack, listed ranges are completely wack and perhaps even worse than the AoE numbers. I wrote a quick component for @Salk that simply read the first extended header of each spell that had a description and then re-wrote the "Range:" field in its description, and it revealed numerous discrepancies.
2. I made a mental error with spells that are "target 1 creature and then an effect spreads outward" (e.g. Hold Person, Chain Lightning et al.), as they target one specific creature and then have their effects spread outward in a radius - i.e. when Hold Person says "within 5 feet", it is the same as saying it has a 10' area of effect, because that "within 5 feet" forms a radius around the target and therefore doubles in size, so it would be accurate. While Hold Person still has an incorrectly stated projectile size for this, this would mean that Hold Undead would actually be correctly described. Conversely, Sleep would not be, because it says "within 30 feet" from the targeted point, which would actually be a 60' area of effect. Exact verbiage unfortunately matters here.

Edited by Bartimaeus
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