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Problems with BGT megamod install

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@davidw, I'll bin spellpack, it does some interesting things but spell rev does plenty on its own and how many spells do you actually need? Its mostly still in my install order as a remnant from old BWS installs, and because its still in the BWP pdf but as you said its pretty old and unspupported so into the old mods folder it goes. Plus it'll shave about 45 minutes off my install time too.

I meant to ask you about the Improved Difficulty System component as well and see if it was still needed and if it worked with SCS, i'll bin that bit too.

I think, apart from the stuttering, that i might almost have an install that will work properly. I'll do another fresh install and see what happens. Thanks for the help.

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I've found another issue, though this is more likely from me trying to install to much rather than a mod being broken.

Multi-class grandmastery from CDTweaks isnt working as it should. I've used this before and it was fine, with similar number of mods to current aattempted install.

Mutli-class fighters are now only able to put a single *  in anything. I've tried numerous variations by starting a new ToB game, as that gives you the most *'s to play around with. All other kits and tweaks are working more or less as intended.

I checked the WEAPPROF.2da in Near Infinity and i think it looks ok though im hardly an expert. I ran change-log on it and multi-class grandmastery is listed as affecting it.

Are there any other files I'd need to check?

Any ideas what daft problem i've caused this time?


change-log7.txt WEAPPROF.2DA

Edited by Nathan82
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27 minutes ago, Nathan82 said:

Are there any other files I'd need to check?

Well, first of all, make a single class mage and try to put as many points as you have to a proficiency, in BG2:SoA start ? Cause if the file is as it shows... this is bad. Cause the file has skipped a column and the mages use description string reference numbers as their max... :D ... so they can put 35442 points to dagger prof.

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@Jarno Mikkola thanks for spotting that. I tried what you said and I can only put one * in Dagger, but you're right the columns are out of line.

Running change-log has put 55 WEAPPROF.2da files in the folder. I've had a look through and it looks like its Revised Kensai that is putting stuff out of alignmnet.

00040:  ~MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ 0 260 // Revised Kensai3.8.17

@subtledoctor any ideas? Or shall i just not bother with this component? Dont think its one i've used before anyway, just thought id take a look at it.


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The Breach spell crash is still happening

Brand new fresh install.

From scratch, installed BG2 and Tob from disc (nearly had a major tantrum when ToB wouldnt install. Several re-install/uninstall and ccleaner registry scans later it decided to work. Ithought i'd uninstalled BG2 correctly, something must have gone wrong or missed a reg entry)

I then patched and ran the game, started new bg2 and ToB games - everything seems to be installed and working correctly

new megamod install started minus spellpack, MIGHT_AND_GUILE/MIGHT_AND_GUILE.TP2~ 0 260 // Revised Kensai and few other little bits and everything is installing ok

Paused after installing stratagems:5900:Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components)

It installed with warnings but nothing relating to SPWI513.SPL

Checked spell description in Near Infinity and its gargage, ran the game, tried to read the description in Imoen's spellbook at start of BG2- crash to desktop

ran change-log and get the following;

Mods affecting SPWI513.SPL:
00000: /* created or unbiffed */ ~SETUP-OVERSIGHT.TP2~ 0 0 // Tougher Sendai (ToB Required)16 BWP Fix
00001:  ~SPELL_REV/SETUP-SPELL_REV.TP2~ 0 0 // Spell Revisionsv4 Beta 18 (Revised V1.3.2)
00002:  ~SETUP-REVISEDBATTLES.TP2~ 0 0 // Improved Battles - "erebusant's Patching Version" v6

I've looked in the readme for revisedbattles - component 0 in PI, (listed as 1 in the readme)

Detectable Spells {Cirerrek & David Wallace}       -           For “Revised Battles” I replaced the previous version of the modified STATS.IDS with the latest version of Detectable Spells currently maintained graciously by David Wallace.

The install sequence for RevisedBattles im using is

RevisedBattles:0:Improved Battles - "erebusant's Patching Version" v6
RevisedBattles:8:Improved Cohrvale, Bregg & Alamas
RevisedBattles:15:Improved Trademeet Crypt
RevisedBattles:16:Improved Dungeon
RevisedBattles:27:Modify .CRE Proficiencies, Abilities & Effects. This component MUST be installed.

The BWP PDF states that component 0 is needed for other mods.

@DavidW i think a detectable spells is installed by something else b ut im not sure, if it is do you think the other components will work without first installing it because something else installs the same or similar component?

And, probably more importantly, do you know if the whole mod will work alongside SCS or should i just bin the whole thing from my install?


The multi-class grandmastery problem looks like its sorted now i dropped the might and guile revised Kensai component. The WEAPPROF.2da is correct and a quick test with character creation in BG2 seemed fine.


Edited by Nathan82
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21 hours ago, Nathan82 said:

any ideas? Or shall i just not bother with this component?

I can’t look at it right now, but probably don’t bother with it. That’s very old, and an old version of the mod... unless you are specifically planning to play a kensai, no need for it. 

Edited by subtledoctor
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22 hours ago, Nathan82 said:

Running change-log has put 55 WEAPPROF.2da files in the folder. I've had a look through and it looks like its Revised Kensai that is putting stuff out of alignmnet.

1) If the first row of that table is shifted to the left (the row with the class and kit names) you could simply open it with a text editor and add a single space or tab before "ID" and save it.  If that row being "out of alignment" is a problem, adding a space should fix it.  (The table doesn't have to actually be visuall aligned - that is just done for human readability.  All that matter for how it functions is how many items there are, and how much whitespace is between them.)

2) I just grabbed a copy of MnG 3.8.17 and ran a test, and it does not make anything go out of alignment.  The only code relating to weapprof.2da is:



	SET_2DA_ENTRY 3 32 1 ~1~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 4 32 1 ~1~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 5 32 1 ~1~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 6 32 1 ~1~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 7 32 1 ~1~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 8 32 1 ~1~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 9 32 1 ~1~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 10 32 1 ~1~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 11 32 1 ~1~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 12 32 1 ~1~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 13 32 1 ~1~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 14 32 1 ~1~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 15 32 1 ~1~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 16 32 1 ~1~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 17 32 1 ~1~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 18 32 1 ~1~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 19 32 1 ~1~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 20 32 1 ~1~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 21 32 1 ~1~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 22 32 1 ~1~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 23 32 1 ~1~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 24 32 1 ~1~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 25 32 1 ~1~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 31 32 1 ~0~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 32 32 1 ~0~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 33 32 1 ~0~
	SET_2DA_ENTRY 34 32 1 ~0~




...so, I don't know what the problem is.  But, anyway,

3) Not for nothing I deprecated that component and it's not actually available in current version of the mod!

Edited by subtledoctor
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- Jarno is incorrect: the engine has no interest in whitespace and doesn't care that the top line is misaligned.

- The problem with WEAPPROF is much more straightforward and has nothing to do with indentation (though the misaligned top row makes it a bit difficult to spot): the proficiency slots for BG2 weapon proficiencies for most multi-class characters have been set to '1'. I think some mod in your install order must have done this intentionally. No idea which one. 

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On Revised Battles and Breach:

The version of Revised Battles you are using was last updated in 2008. The 'latest version' of Detectable Spells to which the Readme refers was coded by me sometime during the end of the Bush administration. Best practice for spell detection has changed very drastically since then; it's highly unlikely that a 2008-vintage AI mod will play nicely with anything modern like SCS. My advice is to drop it.

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On an earlier bug you reported:

Could you put the attached folder in your BGT game folder, make a copy of setup-stratagems.exe called setup-dw_387_audit.exe, and run setup-dw_387_audit.exe and install its one component? (It won't affect your install or show up in your WEIDU.log, it's just a research tool). It'll take a couple of minutes to run, probably, and when it's done there should be a file called 387_log.txt in the folder weidu_external/data/dw_387_log . Open it in a text editor and copy-paste its contents into a post.

(This is guarding against situations where some spell/item tries to use the ToBEx Set Stat opcode (318) with an old (value <387) stat, which is what caused some of the crashes I think you reported earlier. That shouldn't happen on SCS, and doesn't on a clean install, but interactions with other mods may be leading to edge cases.)


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@DavidW I did what you said on my current install, just to see what happens, and the txt file is empty.

Which install/bug did you mean? The one where i uploaded a load of files? Because I uninstalled a load of stuff on that one looking for problems. I have the weidu log though and i think i have the PI install sequence still so i can re-install it if you want. It'll take a day or so to do though. I dont mind doing it if it will be helpful. Or I can continue with current install and see if i get the same errors, 5900 installed with warnings, the same as in the previous install i uploaded the logs from.

Currently you cant pre enter anything for mods that have install options, like 1PP, in PRoject Infinity.  The readln thing that Bartimaeus was talking about in another thread, though im pretty sure Alien had mentioned trying to implement it in PI at some point. It will be great if that does get done as currently i have to babysit the install somewhat and being able to fully automate it except for it pausing at errors would be awesome.

I'll bin RevisedBattles from my next proper install attempt. Out of curiosity, do you know if SCS does similar/better things to the AI in the areas covered by this mod?

@subtledoctor thanks for looking into it. I missed that component out on current install and everything seems to be as expected. I thought it might be the kensai component because thats where the alignment problem shows up in the different .2da files that Jarno spotted.  I'll look throught them again and see if i can find where the multi-class proficiencies change and if its the same mod or something else. 

Edited by Nathan82
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@DavidW i've just finished an install with same set-up as requested

Started new BG2 game, played it a bit until i got the crash to desktop (it happened while fighting some duergars?, angry dwarfs if i've spelt it wrong, a few spells had been cast earlier fighting the ogre mage the genie summons and there were some summoned bettles, no idea if this is of any relevance ) which generates the following error, which i think (really hope) is the one you were asking about;

-----TobEx: Throne of Bhaal Extender build (Wed 08 Jul 2020 00:53:42)
[Wed 08 Jul 2020 01:17:19] CEffectSetStat::ApplyEffect(): Tried to set a stat with index < 387 (expected 387-520)
[Wed 08 Jul 2020 01:17:19] CEffectSetStat::ApplyEffect(): Tried to set a stat with index < 387 (expected 387-520)
[Wed 08 Jul 2020 01:17:19] CEffectSetStat::ApplyEffect(): Tried to set a stat with index < 387 (expected 387-520)
[Wed 08 Jul 2020 01:17:26] CEffectSetStat::ApplyEffect(): Tried to set a stat with index < 387 (expected 387-520)
[Wed 08 Jul 2020 01:17:26] ASSERTION FAILED! Return Address: 0x56C49A File: CGameFireball3d.cpp Line: 560 Expression: FALSE Message: (null)

I've downloaded and extracted the file you attached and created setup-dw_387_audit.exe and run it.

It creates 387_log.txt in BGII - SoA\weidu_external\data\dw_387_audit

But the file is empty. Is something going wrong or is it just not finding anything?

Let me know if i need to try anything else or if you want more information or specific details.


Thanks for the help so far everyone


Weirdly, and completely unrelated, there seems to be no stutter bug caused by the bag of holding added to the weapons table in the golem room.

I'll look into that tomorrow. Plus i have questions about atweaks and spell revisions revised for Bartimaeus but i need to work out what im actually going to ask first, before what will hopefully be an actual working install attempt. Getting there slowly.

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@DavidW i've played around with it some more and i think i might have figured out whats happening when the crash happens. It only seemed to be when i was fighting Duergars in Irenicus' dungeon (Im pretty sure its a BP component that replaces all the goblins in the dungeon with duergars, and there is another one that does something to 'improve' them).

I tried starting in Candlekeep and casting spells and had  no problems. Tried starting fights with Firebeard and then Thalantyr and died as expected both times. Plenty of spells cast, no crashes. So after starting a new BG2 game i tried a few different spells, inlcuding fireball, and no crash.  Fought the summoned ogre mage who cast plenty of spells but killed him without any trouble and no crash. I then tried fighting Duergars without casting anything and just died (they are pretty tough and starting with sod all equipment is a bit of a  challenge) , no crash though.

I think i have narrowed it down to either the level 4 druid spell - Giant insect (SPPR431.SPL) or the Duergars or some weird interaction between the two.

I have tried just casting the spell, which summons boring or bombardier bettlles, or a mixture. Casting the spell by itself doesnt cause a crash. Making the beetles fight each doesnt either. Or attacking them or getting them to atttack the party.

And fighting the Duergars without summoning them doesnt seem to cause a crash, i just die.

Casting mage summoning spells doesnt cause a crash either, between the PC and Imoen i could cast monster summoning I, III and IV, gibblerings, grey oozes and giant spiders. Again no crashes.

I ran change-log on SPPR431 and got the following;

Mods affecting SPPR431.SPL:
00000: /* created or unbiffed */ ~IWDIFICATION/SETUP-IWDIFICATION.TP2~ 0 40 // IWD Divine Spell PackBeta 6
00001:  ~JIMFIX/SETUP-JIMFIX.TP2~ 0 201 // Add spell school notifications to the combat logAll spells with a casting time greater than 1v2.5
00002: /* acted upon in an undefined manner */ ~GENERALIZED_BIFFING/GENERALIZED_BIFFING.TP2~ 0 1 // Generalized BiffingBiff all files (recommended by the Big World Dudes)v2.4


Is any of this any help?

Do you want any more information?



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