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SCS translations

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Note that SCS has tra files in several places. Most of them are in stratagems/lang, but there is also one in stratagems/sfo2e/lua/lang, one in stratagems/iwdspells/lang, and several in stratagems/lang_som.

(The reason for scattering them around is that SCS shares code, including translations, with other mods, and it makes it easier to keep those various mods in sync.)

The tra files in iwdspells/copyover/tra and bg2spells/copyover_bg2/tra do not need to be translated. They are autogenerated from the base game (and correcting problems with the translations in the base game is out of scope for SCS).







[old post left for archival reasons]

I've been doing an audit of the translations of SCS, something I haven't generally paid much attention to. They fall into three groups:

1) Current translations: French, Russian, Italian. All of these have been updated since v32 came out (in two cases, since v33 came out). They're complete or nearly so.

2) Recent translations: Polish, German. Each of these was last updated when v31 (the maintenance release Cam organised) came out. They cover most of SCS's content but have some significant gaps (notably, the difficulty system).

3) Out-of-date translations: Korean, Chinese, Spanish. These haven't been updated in (at least) several years, and so they're very incomplete and out of date.

For (1) and (2), I've marked the most recent version that was translated in the setup text, so that players who use the Polish or German translations know they're a bit out of date. I've deprecated the translations in (3) - they're so partial that I think it's misleading to players to advertise them. (The files are still there, though, and anyone who wants to use them just needs to uncomment the relevant lines in setup-stratagems.tp2.)

Anyone who wants to update any of the old translations is more than welcome.

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Just a note on translating v34: there is now translation content in stratagems/iwdspells/lang as well as in stratagems/lang. Most of the strings are from the old dw_iwdspells_arcane.tra and dw_iwdspells_divine.tra, and I've moved those strings over where people haven't noticed. But there are a handful of new ones.

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On 9/20/2021 at 2:47 PM, DavidW said:

Just a note on translating v34: there is now translation content in stratagems/iwdspells/lang as well as in stratagems/lang. Most of the strings are from the old dw_iwdspells_arcane.tra and dw_iwdspells_divine.tra, and I've moved those strings over where people haven't noticed. But there are a handful of new ones.

Question about @223 = ~~ // must exactly match string from description of spcl920.spl

We actually have 2 different translations for the "same" game (vanilla & EE 2.6), soon to be 3 (unofficial community driven project to replace the 2.6 one).

One is "Cette faculté remplace la chanson du barde.", and the other one is "Cette capacité remplace le Chant du Barde actuel.".

What should I do about it ?

edit : I made a mistake

Edited by Jazira
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11 minutes ago, DavidW said:

Put the EE string in as @223, the vanilla string as @224, and (when you have it) the new string in as @225.

At the moment, the @224 and @225 will be ignored, but I'll change the code to check them too.

Thanks for this.


@223 = ~Cette capacité remplace le Chant du Barde actuel.~ // must exactly match string from description of EE spcl920.spl
@224 = ~Cette faculté remplace la chanson du barde.~ // must exactly match string from description of vanilla spcl920.spl
@225 = ~Cette capacité remplace le Chant du barde.~ // must exactly match string from description of correcfrbg2ee spcl920.spl

Maybe you will need this :


To anyone else, please do not try to install it, it's not ready yet.


Edited by Jazira
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On 9/20/2021 at 6:23 PM, DavidW said:

Out of interest, how did the vanilla and EE versions come to have different translations?

Long story short Beamdog and Mogi Group.

Beamdog hired a company, Mogi Group, to translate the new content of the EE. This company thought it was a good idea to modify nearly every sentence of the vanilla texts. This company thought it was a good idea to change nearly every character's affinity toward Charname (tutoiement/vouvoiement), some proper nouns, etc.

edit : Because Beamdog didn't have the legal copyrights to use the French vanilla translation at the first place. So Mogi Group copy/pasted the vanilla translation, and they putted arbitrary changes in it to call it their own.

But in a way, it's for the better, I suppose, it forced us to react, we already fixed tens of thousands things on both vanilla & EE translation fusion in our unofficial community driven project. None of those translations were perfect anyway.

edit : I made a mistake, I was talking about BG2/EE and not IWD/EE.

Edited by Jazira
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¡Hello again!

I have completed the spanish translation of SCS v34.3, but with this translation I have encountered several difficulties
that I hope you can help me to confirm that everything is correctly finished.

I have several doubts and I'm confused by the "notes for translators" that I've found in various files. Because my knowledge is limited.

I don't know if translating it on my own is enough or if this might cause a problem and the mod might not work properly.

These are all the exact lines;



From "dw_iwdspells_divine.tra"

@2 = ~No puede ser lanzado por personajes de alineamiento bueno.~ // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: this must *exactly* match the sentence in the description of Cause Light Wounds in your language with this English translation.
@3 = ~No puede ser lanzada por personajes de alineamiento bueno.~ // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: this must *exactly* match the sentence in the description of Cause Moderate Wounds in your language with this English translation.
@4 = ~No puede ser lanzada por personajes de alineamiento bueno.~ // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: this must *exactly* match the sentence in the description of Cause Medium Wounds in your language with this English translation.
@5 = ~No puede ser lanzada por personajes de alineamiento bueno.~ // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: this must *exactly* match the sentence in the description of Cause Serious Wounds in your language with this English translation.
@6 = ~Sólo puede ser lanzado por personajes de alineamiento malvado.~ // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: this must *exactly* match the sentence in the description of Cause Critical Wounds in your language with this English translation.
@7 = ~Sólo puede ser lanzado por personajes de alineamiento malvado.~ // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: this must *exactly* match the sentence in the description of Cause Serious Wounds in your language with this English translation.

From "gameplay.tra"

@1302 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "30000" and "40000"]~
@1303 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "45000" and "60000"]~
@1304 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "60000" and "80000"]~
@1305 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "75000" and "100000"]~
@1306 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "90000" and "120000"]~
@1307 = ~[Set this string to NOT_TRANSLATED if you are using a non-substitutable language and this mod has not been translated into your language]~
@1311 = ~Ah, así que quice mil piezas de oro les fueron dadas a una sombría organización, porque sentisteis que no estabais de acuerdo con las aventuras. Muy interesante.~
@1312 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "30000" and "40000"]~
@1313 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "45000" and "60000"]~
@1314 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "60000" and "80000"]~
@1315 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "75000" and "100000"]~
@1316 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "90000" and "120000"]~
@1317 = ~[Set this string to NOT_TRANSLATED if you are using a non-substitutable language and this mod has not been translated into your language]~
@1321 = ~Por supuesto, ¡les pagué quince mil piezas de oro para tener el privilegio de hacer su sucio trabajo! ¡Qué perspicaz de vuestra parte!~
@1322 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "30000" and "40000"]~
@1323 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "45000" and "60000"]~
@1324 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "60000" and "80000"]~
@1325 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "75000" and "100000"]~
@1326 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "90000" and "120000"]~
@1327 = ~[Set this string to NOT_TRANSLATED if you are using a non-substitutable language and this mod has not been translated into your language]~
@1331 = ~Oh, pensé que lo sabíais. Veis, recorrimos grandes distancias para llegar a la Prisión del Hechicero. <CHARNAME> aceptasteis varias misiones más bien peligrosas para conseguir el oro necesario para nuestro viaje seguro. Quince mil piezas de oro, debo añadir, no es una suma de la que sea fácil separarse, ¿no?~
@1332 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "30000" and "40000"]~
@1333 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "45000" and "60000"]~
@1334 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "60000" and "80000"]~
@1335 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "75000" and "100000"]~
@1336 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "90000" and "120000"]~
@1337 = ~[Set this string to NOT_TRANSLATED if you are using a non-substitutable language and this mod has not been translated into your language]~
@1341 = ~... er, ¿quince mil?~
@1342 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "30000" and "40000"]~
@1343 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "45000" and "60000"]~
@1344 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "60000" and "80000"]~
@1345 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "75000" and "100000"]~
@1346 = ~[For non-substitutable languages: replace "15000" and "20000" in above string with "90000" and "120000"]~
@1347 = ~[Set this string to NOT_TRANSLATED if you are using a non-substitutable language and this mod has not been translated into your language]~

From "mage.tra"

@401 = ~Esconderse en las sombras~ // note to translators: this must be, exactly, the beginning part of the 'hide in shadows' string in the description text for leat08.itm. How much of the line doesn't really matter (enough that no other line in that description starts with this string). Don't include any + signs.

From "spell.tra"

@41000="No puede ser lanzado por personajes alineados con el mal." // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: Must match the exact string in the description of IWDEE Cure Critical Wounds
@41001="No puede ser lanzado por personajes alineados con el mal." // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: Must match the exact string in the description of IWDEE Mass Cure Light Wounds
@41002="No puede ser lanzado por personajes alineados con el mal." // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: Must match the exact string in the description of IWDEE Heal
@41003="Sólo pueden lanzarlo los personajes alineados con el mal." // NOTE TO TRANSLATORS: Must match the exact string in the description of IWDEE Harm


I was also struck by some lines related to a katana. this is correct? (KATANA_BONUS, KATANA_SPEED ?¿) ;


From "tactical_bg1.tra"

Daño: 1D10+KATANA_BONUS (cortante)
Factor de velocidad: KATANA_SPEED
Talento marcial: Katana
Tipo: A una mano
 Fuerza 6

Apart from these doubts. After testing several installations with this translation (all components are correctly installed in BGEE and BG2EE) I have noticed that several mage spells do not come out correctly in spanish. They are always displayed in english. After investigating I am convinced that it is all the content of "dw_iwdspells_arcane.tra" and maybe  "dw_iwdspells_divine.tra" that is inactive and despite having been translated into spanish does not work in the game.It is possible that this also happens with other translations?

As I said before my knowledge is limited, I hope you can help me to get the best possible translation in spanish. 🤓👍

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KATANA_BONUS and KATANA_SPEED are tokens that will be replaced by numbers; there are REPLACE_TEXTUALLY commands for them. As such, they should not be translated. You've got that one right.

On gameplay.tra and the "substitutable language" stuff - that's a bunch of variations on the same string with different numbers. If the number is written as "15000" or similar, then a simple text replacement in the code can handle it and the additional strings aren't needed. That's a substitutable language. If, instead, the number is written out in words, then it's a non-substitutable language.

Spanish is a non-substitutable language. All of those strings need to be filled in.

mage.tra @401: There's no right answer on this one. This bit tries to edit the description of LEAT08 to incorporate a new line, but in the process it makes an assumption about how that description is structured that simply isn't true in Spanish. Here's the relevant part of the item's description in Spanish, and then in English:


Aptitudes poseídas: +15% a esconderse en las sombras



Equipped abilities:
– Hide In Shadows: +15%

In English, @401 is ~Hide In Shadows~ and @400 is ~Spellcasting is not disabled~. So the mod searches the description for "Hide In Shadows" (this is why it has to be an exact textual match), finds it, and constructs a new line to insert. Copy the dash and space in the old line before "Hide In Shadows", append "Spellcasting is not disabled", and that's the new line.

This won't work in Spanish. The equivalent of "Equipped abilities" isn't set off onto its own line. We probably don't want to duplicate it, so the best we can do without changing the code is to use "Aptitudes poseídas" as the @401 target. Don't copy any of the old line, just add a new line after it. Not pretty.

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