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Enhanced Powergaming Scripts

Guest morpheus562

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So I went through and installed v3.0 beta and read the readme, which I skimmed before. Well guess what I noticed and what you just mentioned above: MO-BasicAI script. I'm sure most of your modders have looked through the readme unlike myself. 

Love the tidbit of info. So much to learn and discover. If I do think of anything I'll be sure to comment. @morpheus562

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Improved Haste: This might be useful for multiclass Druid/arcanes and Cleric/arcanes.  (Arcane means Druid/Wizard, Druid/Sorcerer, Cleric/Wizard, and Cleric/Sorcerer.)  SubtleDoctor's mods - Tome & Blood and Faiths & Powers - allow these combos.

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