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Enhanced Powergaming Scripts

Guest morpheus562

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On 4/30/2021 at 10:25 PM, morpheus562 said:

Do spells/abilities from unearthed arcana replace, work in tandem, or don't work with other spell mods? I.e. would there be conflicts with IWD spells, DSotSC spells, etc.? How much does unearthed arcana change base spells/abilities?

That's a very broad question. The main place our mods add new spells is in Faiths & Powers. But even there, the vast majority of spells in the sphere system are within the vanilla, SR, and IWD groups. Grammarsalad made about 15 spells (stuff like Abundant Ammunition, Eyes of the Dead, Dictate, Stormwall, Assassin Vines, etc.) and I made about 5 (Animate Construct, Incautious Rapidity, Magic Fang, Animal Growth). If you look at the list of spells in spheres over here, between lines 65 and 385, and search for spells with the 'b_' and 'd5' prefix, you should find them with with their name in a comment on the right side. I don't know how many of them are relevant to scripts.

The other mods don't add many spells. Most spell changes in my Random Tweaks mod are meant as easy substitutes for the vanilla ones they replace, and should work the same way for script purposes. I suppose the exceptions are the revamped 'Iron Skin,' which replaces Mantle and has a day-long duration (if that matters), and 'Mirrored Eyes' replacing Pro Petrification has broader application, e.g. against vampire gaze. Also the various spells that are moved to a different level: Symbol Fear, Shapechange, Black Blade of Disaster, and Energy Drain. If those replacements exist* then scripts should refer to e.g. 'WIZARD_SHAPECHANGE_D5' instead of 'WIZARD_SHAPECHANGE.'




You can check like so:



The various kits in FnP, TnB, and MnG might have new kit abilities, but I'm not sure such things are covered by these scripts and I don't think I can provide a list of everything in any case.

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26 minutes ago, morpheus562 said:

adding invisibility Purge to wizards to replace dispel illusions

This shouldn’t be necessary - the actual wizard spell is the same, only the effects are different. So a script does not need to change to invoke the spell; you only might want to alter the triggers. (Since it will do nothing against Blur and Mirror Image.)

This is generally how I do spell tweaks: when my readme says something like “Mantle is replaced by Iron Skin,” it is really the same spell - WIZARD_MANTLE.” It’s just that the effects and description have been modified. Where spells change levels, as noted above for Symbol Fear et al., they get a new RES and ids name. In such cases any HaveSpell and similar triggers will need to be altered. 

Might want to look at TnB’s ‘Level 1 Cantrips’ component too, since it moves a couple 1st-level spells to 2nd level. 

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Guest Bones

Thanks for your work on this mod, loving it. I've noticed a couple buffs aren't firing off during the 'D' pre-buff function (ghost armor, protection from elements, emotion courage, and emotion hope as examples). I'm also finding that a mage will fire off all haste spells if multiple are memorized.

I have SR(R) and IWD spells installed, running on v2.5. Wondering if this is a result of my setup or just how the mod is designed today.

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