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Enhanced Powergaming Scripts

Guest morpheus562

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My Weidu.log has a lot of ?????, I think because I deleted some mod folders after it had been installed to save time when backing up the install. I can try and sort this out if needed, I think if I put the files back and then try again to install this mod it should restore the names, do you know if that would work and do you need me to do that?

However I have identified the source of the spell, it is plague.spl from the bg1npcSoa mod, the first component that adds the watergardens, I think. It is a wizard scroll in the store opened by talking to Amber I think from looking at the files. It is not listed in spell.ids.

I think this is the right file for list of the cloned spells.

I have modified Eve of War and Vanishing of Skie Silvershield with the EET mod converter and a few tweaks to make them work in EET. Don't think they should do anything to these spells.


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If there is a scroll with an opcode 147 effect that lets you learn a wizard spell, then 5E casting will catch it and incorporate it into the system. Since a player could learn the spell, we want 5E casting to support it. (The fact that it is not in SPELL.IDS doesn't really matter that much - it means sorcerers cannot learn it, but that doesn't bother me for these purposes since sorcerers do not use the 5E method. If a spell can be memorized in your arcane spellbook, we want to support it.)

So, so far, I don't see anything wrong here.

The question is, why does this lead to a syntax error when installing enhanced scripts? If I had to guess, I'd say that even though you don't put the spell in any scripts, you do scan through all spells to determine what is in the game, and what should therefore be put in scripts. This probably fails on the scan. Maybe you limit the scan to stuff in SPELL.IDS? And then you go through the 5E index of spells? In which case it might catch something in the latter scan that wasn't in the former scan, and choke? Just a guess.

If this is the case, then maybe the scan of SPELL.IDS can be eliminated? The simple rule is

  • All sorcerer spells are in SPELL.IDS since that set of spells from which the game allows you to choose.*
  • Mages learn spells at character generation from the sorcerer set, but in-game they learn from scrolls, and a scroll might teach you a spell that is not in SPELL.IDS. So the set of possible mage spells may be broader than the set of sorcerer spells.
  • All cleric and druid spells are likely in SPELL.IDS since the game adds all such spells to your spellbook when you level up.**

So when scanning through arcane spells specifically, you might want to include anything learnable from a scroll.

* (Unless you use OlvynChuru's UI mod relating to this.)

** (Additionally, various cleric & druid kits may add special memorizable spells that are not in SPELL.IDS... this is potentially a very broad and amorphous set... I'm working on a function to find and catch all these spells. Something like: check kitlist.2da for the kit tables of every divine caster; check those kit tables for anything starting with GA_; check every resulting spell for whether it is a memorizable priest spell.)

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From what I can see, neither of those two snippets should result in the syntax error posted above. The BG1NPCSOA spell should not be affected by the first snippet since it is not in the specified list. (RES_NUM_OF_SPELL_NAME would indeed choke on it if you tried to do it, because it has no IDS name or number... but that doesn't seem to be the problem here.)

I'm stumped.

EDIT - looking at the 2nd snippet, I don't get why you have ~"..."~ there. What is the point of those quotation marks? Seems like it should just be


But still, that doesn't explain why it would error out on this particular spell. EDIT 2 - oh, unless you want to insert those quotes into the script?

Looking again at the error code, and at the fact that the spell was added by a mod, I'll go out on a limb and speculate that it is the last spells in the 5E system? I.e. there is no D5470I.SPL in enigmajazz's game. So maybe... something about the last spell failing? But still, 1) you say that spell shouldn't even appear in any scripts so why is it there? and 2) why does the last spell fail only with this spell from the BG1NPCSOA mod?

It's really weird.

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I can only agree with past myself here - BG1NPCSOA should receive compat code with the IWDification/SCS spell library. I'm willing to wrap that up if that matters when I find time, but this needs to happen because this is what seems to cause all our problems. I can easily imagine that the issues are caused by some bitrot in it's own take on those spells.

Edited by Graion Dilach
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21 minutes ago, Graion Dilach said:

BG1NPCSOA should ... this needs to happen because this is what seems to cause all our problems.

I mean, is that mod very popular? My recollection is that it adds a bunch of BG1 NPCs but they are all totally one-dimensional. (I didn't even know it adds a bunch of stuff with no modder prefixes and spells that don't follow normal spell conventions.) By contrast, many BG1 NPCs have dedicated mods adding them to BG2, and those individual mods are well-written, recently-updated, and generally better in every way.

Is my understanding mistaken?

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Ok I have commented out the Plague.spl and the scroll and reinstalled on clean install, a similar error occurred with black.spl, which is something called den's globe of darkness. I commented this out and enhanced powergaming scripts installed perfectly.  So it looks like these two specific spells from npc1soa cause the problem and the rest don't have any issues. 
Both of these spells cause an AC and Thaco penalty and plague causes disease and black causes blindness.

I think I will try the full install again with these commented out, and see how it goes. I can't see how commenting out those two spells will cause any problems. 

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