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Enhanced Powergaming Scripts

Guest morpheus562

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On 4/13/2022 at 12:22 AM, Graion Dilach said:

I can only agree with past myself here - BG1NPCSOA should receive compat code with the IWDification/SCS spell library. I'm willing to wrap that up if that matters when I find time, but this needs to happen because this is what seems to cause all our problems. I can easily imagine that the issues are caused by some bitrot in it's own take on those spells.

Hello! I am ready to add the necessary code for such compatibility to the BG1NPCSoA mod if someone sends it to me. Unfortunately, I myself do not have the opportunity to write it, because I do not understand the technical details of spells well and do not know what exactly needs to be changed :( In addition, lately I have been quite busy at my main job and cannot check and test everything myself (

On 4/13/2022 at 12:48 AM, subtledoctor said:

I mean, is that mod very popular? My recollection is that it adds a bunch of BG1 NPCs but they are all totally one-dimensional. (I didn't even know it adds a bunch of stuff with no modder prefixes and spells that don't follow normal spell conventions.) By contrast, many BG1 NPCs have dedicated mods adding them to BG2, and those individual mods are well-written, recently-updated, and generally better in every way.

Is my understanding mistaken?

This is not true. You have very wrong and outdated information. This mod:
1) Includes not only the NPC, but also the new and ladensely populated Athkatla's district, Water Gardens, new quests and adventures that are available for any party, opportunity to participate in the auction, buy apartment, meet Volo and Elminster and help them complete small quests, and much more other.  The "Faldorn" component also adds the possibility of an "evil" solution to the Trademeet problem on the side of the druids.

2) Includes a lot of very well written and detailed NPCs. For example, Shar-Teel has almost 2000 lines of text and banters with almost every possible NPCs. This is a full-fledged and bright character, including the ToB part and the epilogue. The same can be said about Xzar. Tiax also has more than 1000 lines, while Tiax from this mod, in my opinion and the opinion of some other players, is made no worse (perhaps even better) than in a separate mod for this NPC, since here his texts are funnier, and the ending kinder. 
Many NPCs have their own quests (Garrick even has two, one of which is large)
In addition, the Garrick-Nalia romance, Coran-Safana romance, the friendship between of Tiax and Neera, parody romance with Montaron, and much more are available here.
At the same time, some NPCs available here have no alternative (Shar-Teel, Garrick, Xzar, Kagain, etc.)
There is also a new NPC - kobold Deekin from NWN.
Some NPCs (for example, Ajantis or Quayle) really have fewer texts here than in separate mods for these NPCs, but at the same time they have a different character here and these versions may be of interest to those players who see the history of these characters somewhat differently.

3) The mod has changed a lot in recent years, expanded, it no longer has many bugs, all NPCs received epilogues and so on. In total, there are more than 2 megabytes of test in mod.
4) The mod is very popular, I get a lot of feedback and suggestions on it regularly

Edited by Austin
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16 hours ago, morpheus562 said:

I personally advise against this approach and would instead recommend to not install the mod in question.

Noted, but I've decided to risk it, as Austin says this mod adds a lot and all that is commented out is adding two spells and respective scrolls. I've also removed the store lists for them and can't find any other reference to them I fully accept though that this might mess u my game, in which case it's my fault but I don't mind that risk.

Everything has installed fine now buy the installation of enhanced powergaming scripts is giving a lot of Type mismatch in "Spell" argument of [HaveSpellRES].
    Expecting type "string". Recovering

and similar messages, is this an issue? It doesn't seem related to bg1npcsoa and 5e casting as it didn't happen with just these.


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1 minute ago, morpheus562 said:

I'm going to guess it is the same BG1NPC SoAToB mod and the way it installs spells. I have no way to test or replicate since you modified the code, so the best place to start with your troubleshooting is to see if the problem persists without BG1NPC SoAToB.

Ok will try another full install without that, if it's a straight choice between the two I'd rather have the scripts for the full game than the content from the mod, even though it looks really good, because that will only affect part of bg2.

It will take a while to get the full install done again but hopefully it'll work this time.

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13 minutes ago, morpheus562 said:

Are there any other mods in your setup where you modify the code?

The code of eve of war, the vanishing of skie silvershield, klatu manual of war component and msfm are slightly modified to be compatible with eet but these do not add spells to the game and I've only made changes to area codes and a small number of item names so they are ok on eet.

I've not changed anything that would change spells being added to the game except in bg1npcs in soatob.

Edited by Enigmajazz
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21 hours ago, Austin said:

This mod:
1) Includes not only the NPC, but also the new and ladensely populated Athkatla's district, Water Gardens, new quests and adventures
2) Includes a lot of very well written and detailed NPCs. For example, Shar-Teel has almost 2000 lines of text

I didn't know that, thanks for that info. I still think I will steer clear of it, as it seems like a relic of an era that involved practices that I don't like/are bad for compatibility (randomly adding a bunch of spells in a mod nominally for NPCs/quests... not using any prefix in filenames :nono:... files that randomly cause install errors for reasons nobody can understand ;)... etc.) But that's not a knock on you. You have nobly endeavored to try to maintain an old mod that seems to not be in very good shape. That's hard. Still, glad to have better information about it!

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1 hour ago, morpheus562 said:

Are there any other mods in your setup where you modify the code? Last time you messaged, you had issues due to running the unreleased versions of the MiH series. Are you still running those because that will cause an issue.

NOTE FOR CLARIFICATION: MiH is a wonderful mod series that I run, but to my understanding the recent, unreleased version moves some components from one mod to another. My scripts scan which mods and components are installed to build out and install custom made scripts tailored to an individual's setup. Once the MiH releases the new version, I will adjust my scripts to scan for where MiH moved the components.

I will check and make sure it's the release versions of MIH. 

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21 hours ago, subtledoctor said:

I didn't know that, thanks for that info. I still think I will steer clear of it, as it seems like a relic of an era that involved practices that I don't like/are bad for compatibility (randomly adding a bunch of spells in a mod nominally for NPCs/quests... not using any prefix in filenames :nono:... files that randomly cause install errors for reasons nobody can understand ;)... etc.) But that's not a knock on you. You have nobly endeavored to try to maintain an old mod that seems to not be in very good shape. That's hard. Still, glad to have better information about it!

Yes, some files do not have prefixes yet (most items and spells), I plan to fix this. But at the same time, all cre-files, dialogue files, areas files, etc. are prefixed and work well, major issues have been fixed and bug reports from players are very rare now. Therefore, I would not say that the mod not be in very good shape, we regularly receive a lot of good feedback about it (and promptly fix the problems that still remain and that we are informed about). We also periodically add new content to it with the consent of the main author of the mod, has already added more than 1000 new lines of text written by authors from our team..

Edited by Austin
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Hi @morpheus562,

I have worked out the cause of the parsing errors that I was having, it is due to there being too many divine spells of the same level. I think the 5e casting system does not assign new spell resources to spells with resource files of 1x51 or 2x51 or higher, in my case mass negative plane protection is 1752, so is not given a new spell resource for 5e casting, presumably this means it can't be cast and as there is nothing to change it to the enhanced powergaming scripts installation can't replace the spell resource. 

Am I understanding this correctly from the point of view of 5e casting @subtledoctor.

My understanding is that this is a hard coded limit so I need to install a few fewer spells to get under the key number and there is nothing that can be changed in either 5e casting or this mod that would change this as there can only be 50 spells per level. 

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1) How are these spells getting added as SPPRx51 etc.? Weidu’s ADD_SPELL function does not do that, it will error out if you try. 

2) What is the point of adding spells above SPPRx49? The engine will not add them to cleric spellbooks. 

5E casting needs to know which spells might be memorized, so it looks for which spells go into your spellbook. Which for cleric spells means only SPPRx50 and lower. Which, not coincidentally, aligns with Weidu’s ADD_SPELL function.

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