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Thieving Skills for Bards

Guest morpheus562

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1 hour ago, morpheus562 said:

Rangers, ...Monks... were all physical damage;

I would argue against these bits. Erhm, could a mod be made to tackle also those classes ? As Rangers have hide, and Shamans have detect illusion, and Monks could do somethings.

Yes, this is off topic, unless you want to take a holistic approach and bring in more classess.

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I haven't tested this yet, but how does this mod affect bard kits which slow down vanilia pickpocket progression? I think I will use this in the longterm though, although I prolly would have preferred 15 distributable points over the fixed 5-5-5 progression, because this still makes thieves required in BG1.

Good job nonetheless.

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6 hours ago, morpheus562 said:

Honestly, I would prefer to allow bards to get 15 skill point distribution to whichever of the three skills they wanted, and it is what I initially attempted to implement; however, I kept running into issues where it would start assigning negative amounts of skill points to the bard instead of the 15 skill points. I will keep looking into it to determine a root cause, but the 5-5-5 distribution was a quick fix to resolve the issue.


I'm certain that this was working fine before the most recent update...

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