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Skills and Abilities Mod

Guest morpheus562

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On 9/3/2022 at 8:38 AM, morpheus562 said:

New proficiencies in the works. So far:

SWIFTBLADE: This proficiency allows one to combine arcane-assisted speed with melee skill to turn a first strike into a deadly assault. With this proficiency, one discovers unconventional ways to utilize the haste spell. All abilities are cumulative.

  • Arcane Reflexes (1 slot): The character gains a -2 bonus to Speed Factor while under the effects of a haste spell.
  • Swift Surge (2 slots): The character gains +1 bonus to Thac0 and AC while under the effects of a haste spell.
  • Blurred Alacrity (3 slots): The character becomes blurred while under the effects of a haste spell.
  • Greater Swift Surge (4 slots): The character gains an additional bonus to Thac0 and AC bringing it to +2 while under the effects of a haste spell.
  • Evasive Celerity (5 slots): The character gains +10% magic resistance while under the effects of a haste spell.

PALE MASTER: This proficiency path allows one to master the deathless arts. With this proficiency, one draws on a font of special lore that provides a macabre power all its own.

  • Darkvision (1 slot): The character gains the ability to see in the dark.
  • Bone Skin (2 slots): The character's flesh becomes tough and cadaverous providing +2 bonus to AC.
  • Deathless Vigor (3 slots): The character gains a +2 bonus to save vs. Paralysis / Poison / Death
  • Tough as Bone (4 slots): The character becomes immune to hold, paralysis, and stun effects.
  • Deathless Mastery (5 slots): The character gains immunity to all forms of death magic.

Please Note: Spell Penetration will require EEex and it requires adjustments to an existing opcode to work. No ETA on when/if this will be available.

SPELL PENETRATION: This proficiency allows a caster to bypass a portion of a target's magic resistance.

  • Spell Penetration (1 slot): The wizard can bypass 10% of a target's magic resistance.
  • Greater Spell Penetration (2 slots): The wizard can bypass 25% of a target's magic resistance.

Would these new proficiencies be accessible to everyone? Because these sound more like class features than proficiencies to me. And very specific,  compared to the more generalist proficiencies you have in the current version of the mod. 

Of course there is already a pale master in the artisan's kit pack. 

I do see some nice synergies with swiftblade for thieves, f/m, f/m/t, or possibly for your eldritch scion. But shouldn't that be more of a kit feature, with some corresponding drawbacks, since it basically boosts an already very useful spell? 

Edited by Satrhan
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Hi, I'm using this mod (specifically the component that adds Open Locks and Find Traps to bards) and Artisan's Warlock kit (and many many others but I think those are the relevant ones) and everything seems to be working well. I was wondering if there's a way to make AI scripts that automatically turn on trapfinding for thieves work for bards/bard kits as well? (Or if that should already work because right now, for me, it isn't.) 

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