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Comments on Screenshots Teasers


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It *does* sound a bit clumsy.. I think.. but I'm not sure what would convey the intended meaning, and not sound a bit odd... :hm:


Knightling does sound better, but like Domi said, it doesn't really seem to fit the meaning she wants it to have.


If I do think of something, I'll post it in. :blush:

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I think I can always go with 'my little paladin', 'baby paladin', 'paladin's brood', invent a word like 'paladspawn' or a 'Sirling', or use the gamer's term 'pally' and give an option for non-paladins to ask Salomeya to explain what the hell she means first time she uses it (which will be her first talk). I am open to the suggestions, obviously. As long as she comes accross as Pain-in-the-Ass, and paladin is clearly referenced, it's all good.

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heh, there are I guess humorous annotations with paladins, mostly tin can variety, but yeah, they don't fit... Paladinette fits a female character, but not a male one, and I'd rather not branch the dialogues every time she uses the word :) Pup is Nord's word for PC. Is 'whelp' actually a rude thing to say?


How about just general noble-born/priveleged kid kind?

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Paladinette fits a female character, but not a male one, and I'd rather not branch the dialogues every time she uses the word :)


Well, I was thinking of paladinette more along the lines of a (demeaning) diminutive - ie not really a gender-specific term, but of course the important thing is what the term conjures in your mind. :)


I think whelp would be considered rude, but it feels a bit archaic (which could be a good thing, I guess).

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