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Everything posted by deratiseur

  1. the creature is summoned for 2 turns. In his script, had a timer for 119 seconds, and an action at the end of the timer -> 1 second before the unsummon. Done for my mod summoned minions, work.
  2. Okay, found it. Sorry guys, new mod version installed on my oBG2 "1" and link to the oBG2 I run to test pointing to my oBG2 "2". so testing on a version that does not have the new mod installed. It's very simple, I'm confused.
  3. Yes my 2DA's have custom names too. EVERYTHING has a personalized name. Spell, subspells, Icons (1 per subspell), 2DA. For the items it works, yes it is the registration in the TOOLTIP. 2DA that does everything. But for spells ? It's like I'm doing something wrong, because the spells are functional, I see the icons of the subspells, they launch, etc, it's just the name that's buggy. Here is an example from of 2da. A spell that allows you to choose between 8 fireballs. All with a different icon, but all named "quick spell" ????? pxl2bfir.2da
  4. When I cast "Spell Immunity" or "Enchanted Weapon" (oBG2), the subspells I have to choose from have a name. But in my mod, whether it's for an item or a spell, when I offer a choice of sub-spells (example: protection against an element of choice), these sub-spells are not named. Yet I use a 2DA cloned from the "Protection against spells" one, my subspells have a name assigned by the TP2 during the installation, so what's going on?
  5. It seems not. I tried this old code on oBG2, it works. I tried it on BG2EE, it doesn't ban anything. As the code ~0x00000600 1~ already corresponds to what should be written in kitilist.2da by the kit installation routine, how to do "more" on EEs edition? Note : i try to make a mage kit with "only evocation spells" allowed.
  6. in oBG2, if I want to create a mage kit with two forbidden schools: necromancer and evocation, I can write ~0x00000600 1~ in the kit setup routine. (enchanter + illusionist) But in BG2EE, I can't do it. No matter what I write in the installation routine, the kit always has a number 0x40XX aligned after Soul_monk, Grizzly_Bear, ohtyr and ohtempus in kit.ids. How to find this code system in BG2EE to ban schools to a mage kit?
  7. If "Aid" is set on an item with "while equipped" duration, it's become" permanent" when the item is equiped. (seen on oBG2 with the BG2fixpack) Equip/unequip multiple times the item give more, more more, maximum life.
  8. There are five mods in english that are ready for EET and can be added to the list: Misdrha'al Hymme'st Bladesinger kit Todd the super tester guy The ogre and the gnome, a story of blue The Deratiseur's Unused Kits Pack Auto rest mod
  9. Made in heaven spellpack v4 don't install on BG2 TOB. Attached the Debug file SETUP-MIH_SP.DEBUG
  10. Hello. version 2.02 don't install in my 2.6 BG2EE game This the debug : Copied [wmart2.sto] to [override/wmart2.sto] Copying and patching 1 file ... [sod2bg2_iu/2da/tooltip.2da] loaded, 2605 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/tooltip.2da] loaded, 8746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... Copying and patching 1 file ... ERROR: [tooltip.2da] -> [override/tooltip.2da] Patching Failed (COPY) (Failure("Failed to find enough lines to perform an INSERT_2DA_ROW")) Stopping installation because of error. ERROR Installing [SoD to BG2:EE Item upgrade by Daeros_Trollkiller], rolling back to previous state Unable to Unlink [sod2bg2_iu/backup/0/OTHER.0]: Unix.Unix_error(1, "unlink", "sod2bg2_iu/backup/0/OTHER.0") and this is my weidu.log // The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod // ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version] ~ASCENSION/ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #0 // Rewritten Final Chapter of Throne of Bhaal: 2.0.20 ~ASCENSION/ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #10 // Balthazar can be redeemed: 2.0.20 ~ASCENSION/ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #20 // Improved Sarevok-Player Interactions: 2.0.20 ~ASCENSION/ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #30 // Improved Imoen-Player Interactions in Throne of Bhaal: 2.0.20 ~ASCENSION/ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #40 // Restored Bhaalspawn Powers: 2.0.20 ~ASCENSION/ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #50 // Improved Slayer Transformation: 2.0.20 ~ASCENSION/ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #60 // Expanded Epilogues for Bioware NPCs -> David Gaider's expanded epilogues for Bioware NPCs: 2.0.20 ~ASCENSION/ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #1000 // Tougher Abazigal: 2.0.20 ~ASCENSION/ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #1100 // Tougher Balthazar: 2.0.20 ~ASCENSION/ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #1200 // Tougher Demogorgon: 2.0.20 ~ASCENSION/ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #1300 // Tougher Gromnir: 2.0.20 ~ASCENSION/ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #1400 // Tougher Illasera: 2.0.20 ~ASCENSION/ASCENSION.TP2~ #2 #1500 // Tougher Yaga-Shura: 2.0.20 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #3 #1500 // Inclure les sorts profanes d'Icewind Dale : Enhanced Edition: 33.7 ~STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2~ #3 #1510 // Inclure les sorts divins d'Icewind Dale : Enhanced Edition: 33.7 ~A7-CHAOSSORCERER/A7-CHAOSSORCERER.TP2~ #4 #0 // Kit d'Ensorceleur du Chaos: 2.6 ~A7-CHAOSSORCERER/A7-CHAOSSORCERER.TP2~ #4 #20 // Supprimer le kit d'entropiste des classes pouvant être choisies lors de la création de personnage: 2.6 ~A7-CHAOSSORCERER/A7-CHAOSSORCERER.TP2~ #4 #30 // Ajouter des artefacts primordiaux: 2.6 ~A7-CONVENIENTEENPCS/A7-CONVENIENTEENPCS.TP2~ #1 #2 // Modifier les NPJ des Editions Ameliorees -> Rendre passifs tous les PNJ: v4.3 ~A7-CONVENIENTEENPCS/A7-CONVENIENTEENPCS.TP2~ #1 #520 // Modifier la classe et le profil de Dorn -> Uniquement reinitialiser son niveau: v4.3 ~A7-CONVENIENTEENPCS/A7-CONVENIENTEENPCS.TP2~ #1 #542 // Modifier la classe et le profil de Neera -> Ensorceleur du Chaos: v4.3 ~ARESTORATIONP/ARESTORATIONP.TP2~ #7 #0 // Restauration de lieux: v8.4 ~ARESTORATIONP/ARESTORATIONP.TP2~ #7 #1 // Restauration de personnages et de dialogues: v8.4 ~ARESTORATIONP/ARESTORATIONP.TP2~ #7 #2 // Restauration de sons: v8.4 ~ARESTORATIONP/ARESTORATIONP.TP2~ #7 #3 // Restauration d'objets: v8.4 ~ARESTORATIONP/ARESTORATIONP.TP2~ #7 #4 // Restauration d'options de souhait: v8.4 ~ARESTORATIONP/ARESTORATIONP.TP2~ #7 #5 // Restauration de table d'XP dans ToB: v8.4 ~ARESTORATIONP/ARESTORATIONP.TP2~ #7 #6 // Liche Deril: v8.4 ~ARESTORATIONP/ARESTORATIONP.TP2~ #7 #7 // Restauration de rencontres aleatoires: v8.4 ~ARESTORATIONP/ARESTORATIONP.TP2~ #7 #8 // Restaurations mineures: v8.4 ~OOZE/OOZE.TP2~ #4 #0 // Le Salon des vases : une nouvelle zone sous les bas quartiers d'Athkatla: 2.9 ~SOUTHERNEDGE/SOUTHERNEDGE.TP2~ #4 #0 // Bord Sud : le nouveau quartier d'Athkatla -> Oui, mais sans corriger les sauvegardes de jeu existantes: 3.21 ~TANGLEDISLE/TANGLEDISLE.TP2~ #3 #0 // L'ile du Chene Enchevetre : une nouvelle zone d'Athkatla -> Oui , mais ne pas patcher les sauvegardes existantes: v2.25 ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #1 #0 // Le rapt de Bouh par Cliffette: v28 ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #1 #2 // Kalah et ce qui lui avait ete promis: v28 ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #1 #6 // Amelioration de la Rune Tordue: v28 ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #1 #7 // Restaure diverses rencontres: v28 ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #1 #8 // Artemis Entreri dans l'antre de Bodhi: v28 ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #1 #9 // "Creations de Xzar" corrigees: v28 ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #1 #10 // Serviteurs des Enfers restaures, par SimDing0: v28 ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #1 #12 // Restaure certains objets: v28 ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #1 #15 // Restauration des portraits des PNJ: v28 ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #1 #17 // Correction des noms de personnages et des biographies: v28 ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #1 #18 // Dialogues mineurs restaures: v28 ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #1 #20 // Descriptions etendues des objets de ToB: v28 ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #1 #21 // Corrections mineures de Throne of Bhaal: v28 ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #1 #24 // Les remords de Sarevok: v28 ~UB/SETUP-UB.TP2~ #1 #25 // Le meurtre d'Acton Balthis, par Kulyok: v28 ~WHEELS/SETUP-WHEELS.TP2~ #1 #0 // Les Roues de la Prophetie (The Wheels of Prophecy): v8.5 ~DJINNICOMPANION/DJINNICOMPANION.TP2~ #2 #0 // Afaaq, le compagnon Djinn -> Version complete (avec quetes, conversations et plus encore): v2.9 ~DJINNICOMPANION/DJINNICOMPANION.TP2~ #2 #103 // Changer la frequence des conversations (n'affecte que le djinn, par defaut : 60 minutes) -> 45 minutes: v2.9 ~KETO/SETUP-KETO.TP2~ #1 #0 // Keto-SOA NPC: V6 ~KETO/SETUP-KETO.TP2~ #1 #2 // Accelerateur de banters.: V6 ~LONGERROAD/LONGERROAD.TP2~ #2 #0 // Longer Road: 2.0.1 ~SEVERIAN/SETUP-SEVERIAN.TP2~ #0 #0 // SEVERIAN DE DEMERYA V.02A Auteur : Coyote Website : http://www.coyotestudios.fr/ Contact : http://www.coyotestudios.fr/contact_5043.htm Livre d'or : http://www.coyotestudios.fr/livre_d_or__5035.htm Installation ToB requise! Consultez le ReadMe! Important : l'installation prealable du BG2Fixpack (Correctifs Principaux uniquement !) est vivement recommandee et ce, quel que soit le mod. Consultez le chapitre Conditions d'Installation de la rubrique Telechargement sur le site ! Copyright COYOTE STUDIOS 2010 ~XAN/XAN.TP2~ #3 #0 // PNJ Xan, module pour Baldur's Gate II: v19 ~SETUP_EDWINROMANCE.TP2~ #1 #0 // La Romance d'Edwin: v2.11 ~DEARNISE/DEARNISE.TP2~ #2 #0 // Romance de'Arnise pour Baldur's Gate II: v7 ~IMOENFRIENDSHIP/IMOENFRIENDSHIP.TP2~ #3 #0 // Imoen Friendship pour SoA: v3.6 ~SAREVOKFRIENDSHIP/SAREVOKFRIENDSHIP.TP2~ #1 #0 // Sarevok Friendship pour BGII : ToB: v2.6 ~VICONIA/VICONIA.TP2~ #1 #0 // Viconia Friendship: v4.5 ~YOSHIMO/YOSHIMO.TP2~ #2 #0 // Yoshimo Friendship pour BGII : SoA: v4.6 ~A7-TESTYOURMETTLE/A7-TESTYOURMETTLE.TP2~ #3 #0 // Testez votre courage !: 1.4 ~A7-TESTYOURMETTLE/A7-TESTYOURMETTLE.TP2~ #3 #11 // Experience reduite en tuant des monstres -> Reduite de 50%: 1.4 ~A7-TOTLM-BG2EE/A7-TOTLM-BG2EE.TP2~ #1 #0 // Les Epreuves du Maitre des Leurres pour BG2:EE: 3.0 ~A7-TOTLM-BG2EE/A7-TOTLM-BG2EE.TP2~ #1 #31 // Reduire les points d'experience des monstres et des quetes. -> Reduction 50 pour cent: 3.0 ~TOD/TOD.TP2~ #6 #0 // Mod Tower of Deception (necessite Throne of Bhaal): v4.0.5 ~TOD/TOD.TP2~ #6 #1 // Gardien ameliore de l'Eclat Astral: v4.0.5 ~TOD/TOD.TP2~ #6 #2 // Rencontre avec Ustrain: v4.0.5 ~ITEMUPGRADE/ITEMUPGRADE.TP2~ #1 #0 // Shadows Of Amn Item Upgrades -> Version d'origine (les nouvelles ameliorations sont proposees dans une liste): v45 ~ITEMUPGRADE/ITEMUPGRADE.TP2~ #1 #1 // Throne Of Bhaal Item Upgrades -> Version d'origine (les nouvelles ameliorations sont proposees dans une liste): v45 ~NANSTEIN/NANSTEIN.TP2~ #1 #0 // Nanstein, Ingenieur mage en chef de la montagne Sansimportance: V2 ~ROLLES/ROLLES.TP2~ #2 #0 // Rolles Safyer: v5.0.5 ~ROLLES/ROLLES.TP2~ #2 #10 // Sac de contenance dans la prison d'Irenicus: v5.0.5 ~RUAD/RUAD.TP2~ #1 #0 // Ruad Ro'fhessa (SoA): v29.4.0 ~RUAD/RUAD.TP2~ #1 #10 // Ruad Ro'fhessa (ToB): v29.4.0 My tooltip.2da is attached. Is think the bug is in the function. I found the same bug in my own shop mod and just update the freddygwendo function i use -> bug corrected. TOOLTIP.2DA
  11. If you count spells that are exclusive to one kit and not usable by others as acceptable for your list, then there are 2 kits in the Deratiseur's Unused Kits Pack that have their own big list of unique spells: shadowmage (Ombremage, french only) and Warlord.
  12. First, the "Trap detection mod" exist, it's here Second, an idea : demon heart should be dropped by marilith, glabrezu, pit fiend, gelugon, cornugon and so on too. They are usefull for item crafting mods.
  13. For some reason I don't know, installing IWD spells via SCS install "Summon lesser Water Elemental" with this name: "Convocation d'un �l�mentaire d'eau mineur", and it crashes the game when a sorcerer goes up to level 10. The description text is also bugged, seems not UTF8 converted
  14. Sorry, i've made an error when i've translated the files -> i let thems in UTF8. So that create an error on BG2EE. Here are the corrected files, all in ANSI :
  15. Hello Jastey. I have made a french translation of EMaD. Here is the file
  16. As said in the title, the "Initialise AI components" cannot be installed in IWDEE (french language) This is the part of the debug where it's noticed. Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/zzj6sp.itm] loaded, 986 bytes [./override/ZZM5MH.ITM] loaded, 746 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/zzm5mh.itm] loaded, 746 bytes [./override/ZZN6GC.ITM] loaded, 506 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/zzn6gc.itm] loaded, 506 bytes [./override/ZZS6SC.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/zzs6sc.itm] loaded, 458 bytes [./override/ZZU6CS.ITM] loaded, 938 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/zzu6cs.itm] loaded, 938 bytes [./override/ZZZ6BC.ITM] loaded, 458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [./override/zzz6bc.itm] loaded, 458 bytes Copying and patching 1 file ... [weidu_external/data/dw_shared/dw#hla_feat.2da] loaded, 108 bytes Creating 1 directory Copying and patching 1 file ... [stratagems/iwdspells/data/resource_overwrite.2da] loaded, 63 bytes Resolving animation reallocations Copying and patching 1 file ... [stratagems/iwdspells/data/anim_maps.2da] loaded, 226 bytes [./override/ANIMATE.IDS] loaded, 10411 bytes Resolving TRA entries [stratagems/iwdspells/copyover_bg2/tra/fr_fr/iwdspells.tra] has 0 translation strings Copying and patching 1 file ... [stratagems/iwdspells/copyover_bg2/iwd_strref.txt] loaded, 129 bytes ERROR: No translation provided for @10 ERROR: [stratagems/iwdspells/copyover_bg2/iwd_strref.txt] -> [weidu_external/workspace] Patching Failed (COPY) (Not_found) Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. Stopping installation because of error. ERROR Installing [Initialise les composants de l'IA (requis pour les composants tactiques et d'IA)], rolling back to previous state Unable to Unlink [weidu_external/backup/stratagems/5900/OTHER.5900]: Unix.Unix_error(1, "unlink", "weidu_external/backup/stratagems/5900/OTHER.5900") Will uninstall 2511 files for [STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2] component 5900. Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/stratagems/5900/spcl321.spl] weidu_external/backup/stratagems/5900/spcl321.spl copied to override/spcl321.spl, 4522 bytes Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/stratagems/5900/spwi418.spl] weidu_external/backup/stratagems/5900/spwi418.spl copied to override/spwi418.spl, 14898 bytes Note : same issue with "use BG2 insect plague and cripping doom spells" componant : no translation provided for @10.
  17. hello. In my install and with SCS32 The Smarter mage composant cannot be installed. The weidu is : I already experienced this bug during a previous installation and I had skipped the component, but this time I tried hard and found the bug: simply by changing "SUMMON_BONEGUARD" to "CREATE_BONEGUARD" in mage/spellchoice/iwd/vampire.2da, the component is installed.
  18. 255 kits ? Do you REALLY need all these kits in a game with 6 guys in a team ?
  19. Thanks for your answer. I've find another thing for the result i wish. As my dialogues are only read After the vanilla "hello", i've updated thems for a continuality, and this is a good result. Now Lady Yurth says "Hello[...]" >continue -> ho, i see you wear Goldbrand[...] then the player can reply "we'll think of this, bye" or "show me your wares" (vanilla reply) So i can put a [solved] tag to this topic.
  20. Sorry, the line i give for exemple wasn't the true line, i want keep the secret, but with the code, i cant..., so : I want : if the lady talk to someone who wear lamedor, she notice it and dont greet normaly, but instead say the 51, then say the 52. If later the pcs come with lamedor +the heart + the gold, she propose the forge.
  21. The question is in the title. A want to change the dialog of Lady Yurth (Scroll01) to add an instruction (IF ~HasItemEquiped("PXLDAB",LastTalkedToBy) Global("Pxpmldor","LOCALS",0)~ THEN GOTO PXLDAB1), for an alternative welcome instead of the vanilla one. I've tried Extend_Bottom, Extend_Top, nothing work. The dialogue are always added after the vanilla welcome. Please, can someone help me ?
  22. hello. I've done the job for adding to "A Mod for the Orderly" the BG2EE compatibility. Link , and many overs, is here : https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/73295/many-old-mods-adapted-for-bg2ee/p1
  23. The "copy the effect of the potion in a spell and apply the spell to a mage via effect" is easy for "exploding on the hand of the launcher" BUT in this case the potion must not be launched and not impacted at the target. This is the real problem.
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