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Everything posted by jastey

  1. In case that refers to the Balduran Seatower areas: WithinAmnesia took them out of the hidden workroom against our explicit statement and went to Roxanne with them who made a mod out of it stating it's from "Roxanne and WithinAmnesia". Nuff said.
  2. If you enjoy little quests Ascalon's Questpack could be something for you. Also, bg1re has actual quests without any rompin' in the hay connotation as listed here. If you think NPC mods the more the merrier, I'll do shameless self-promotion with Brage's Redemption and my new mage Brandock (still in beta though). Ascalon's Breagar is about to become fully English but it will take some more weeks until that is done. If you like staying in the BG1 world (for EE, for BGT it adds more flavor) then there is my Endless BG1 mod.
  3. Yes, it depends whether in cutscenes the characters are supposed to "say" something, then it's done via DisplayStringHead (think BGII cutscenes with Imoen and Irenicus etc.). Also, if a Mapnote is set via script for example you need a text line with the Mapnote name inside the script. btw: I am working on v3.0 with some changes to c#eltan.tra. I will specify the changes when the new version is up or earlier if you want.
  4. Although Gavin only states that he lived there in the past, which should kind of work? I do not know what SoA puts into there, though.
  5. I think the bg1re component "All that left was" plays there? I need to check whether that's the one. It doesn't have an intereor which wouldn't be too much of a problem to add, and the bg1re component's character introduced is somewhat special as in no ordinary man (spoiler), and the dialogue pretends they go inside without making the house accessible. It would still be weird, though, gwtting close in a temple of Talos... (at least I assume you proposed moving the temple.) Haha that's hilarious.
  6. Hm... Interesting idea. In Ascalon's mod the couple lives in that house. I would be surprised if they would tolerate a shrine of Talos, if the'd knew about it, though.
  7. No, modmerge is fine. (DLC Merger is a bit superior as you can also deinstall it like a mod but they do the same.) I'm afraid I'm not much of a help then, as I am not firm with these regexp kind of patches. The thing is, TTGEM01.ITM isn't called by the mod directly so I can't help you with deactivating a script block or the like. Hopefully someone else has an idea.
  8. I am considering just moving the "man" outside into the wilderness with a blue circle and a dialogue thatbtoggles whether one wants to fight him or not. Would make sense to me, although maybe not as much as if he is locked into a house.
  9. Oh, it has a home at Kerzenburgforum. The rest is up to Lumorus.
  10. No, not most of them. A handful she contributed to. The rest she made EET-only versions with changes to her own liking mirrored on her own site, dubious GiHub accounts of arbitrary names, and dropbox downloads. This is not contributing, but what leads to what you are noting yourself: different mod version with different version numbers which confuse players. Most mods were updated to EET compatibility now - I mean the official versions. Roxanne does not include those into her tool and she does not take down her changed version although they weren't any longer necessary. Not only her versions are still up - somewhere scattered across the internet and on various GitHub accounts - but also she misinforms on her forum about the official version being "bugged", "unplayable". and "not compatible with EET" - without giving helpful specifics. It is annoying the least. I agree with this wholeheartedly. Would you elaborate what the overweening ego and childish war would be here? What do you want the community to do, take down the official mod versions so only Roxanne's remain so players don't get confused? And if we insist that we would like our own work to be distributed the way we created it is a "disguised, ridiculous childish war"? Because if one thing became clear after seeing Roxanne's inofficial mod versions pop up in different GitHub accounts after they were requested to be taken down and seeing where the EE Setup Tool downloads them, then it is that - sadly - Roxanne has no inclination whatsoever to take down her changed mod versions OR work together with the rest of the community. She might have done that at the beginning, but now, the way she handles this is a straight mittle finger in direction of the IE community as a whole.
  11. Ah, that's alright then! Just chiming in to say that I am really happy to see Hidden Adventures on so many weidu.logs lately. Because it's a so far rather unkown mod, has no mod page yet (shocked!) and it's still in beta. That said, let me know if you encounter any problems and feedback welcome!
  12. This is a more general error message not necessarily related to BG1NPC. Did you install other mods successfully? Did you prepare your game before installation of mods using DLC Merger? Did you run the setup-bg1npc.exe inside the folder where the file CHITIN.KEY is? EDIT Wait, you already installed the main component so that's not a question. There is a general patching routine for Kivan's spear effect in this component. This somehow fails in your game.
  13. Those lines are in the scripts TICamCS1.baf - TICamCS3.baf of this component (DisplayStringHeads).
  14. Hi @Glam Vrock, Ascalon's Questpack also uses the house near High Hedge for a quest. Is there a chance that you would move the contents from your mod somewhere else? The quest in Ascalon's Questpack features a couple where the wife is at Thalantyr's door looking for help and the man is inside the house (in a certain condition). I would consider moving the house+man but I can't move this quest arbitrarily to somewhere else as the distance to Thalantyr's abode should be reasonable (and I do not see an unused house in Beregost).
  15. I had a peek inside and OMG I like your humor. I really like it.
  16. I don't see a reason why it shouldn't already be compatible with EET.
  17. Can we at least expect the crossmod to be as in-character and respectful as Sandrah's was with Vynd? (Just a quick edit to add that yes, sarcasm doesn't show in written form.)
  18. It might be too soon to say so, but I sincerely hope you will enjoy your runthrough. It would be awesome if you would report any problems you encounter while playing, too!
  19. Is there a way to detect whether the party AI is toggled off (or on)? My problem is that I assign a script as CLASS script to my NPC when in 7th party member mode (FAMILIAR) which gets executed also if AI is off, which is bad. Alternatively: Is there a script slot for a FAMILIAR party member that is also affected by the AI button?
  20. From his kit description: Other than that, I think the monstes and animals in the game do not sniff through invisibility either, do they? I see your point and do think it's a nifty idea, but I do not want him to sniff through magic protection where other animals do not.
  21. Definitely! Thanks for the passing up, I enjoyed it. It's my own fault that my scriptblockers prevent me to jump to the current tag!..
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