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Everything posted by lynx

  1. Yeah, it is possible to add new cutscenes and have them do almost arbitrary things. The script itself can teleport and move the actors wherever you need them, triggered on a hotkey. So the save only has to be roughly appropriate (the more you prepare, the less you have to script). But it's all pretty nasty, since there's so many idiosyncrasies and custom file formats involved. You'll need NearInfinity, the editor, and plenty of patience. I suggest you rather try to recruit implementation help once the storyboard is ready. You'll also want to use overhead text instead of proper dialogs, otherwise the non-interactivity will be broken.
  2. You have to open a github account (free) and then you can edit the file with the opcode description from within your browser: https://github.com/Gibberlings3/iesdp/tree/master/_opcodes
  3. Jarno, yes, by inheriting the info. I don't think it was saved, that's why it's less obvious. In GemRB we store the global id at runtime (not pointers), but that's just one way of doing it. ptifab: updates are welcome, it's an open source community project like any other.
  4. There's no such opcode for saving throws.
  5. Escape? So the mod isn't incompatible, it just requires more work, since the exe patching doesn't affect us. So yeah, easiest to just wait for the next release or use the inbuilt scaling, if one doesn't want to manually replace the handful of fonts. These are all the game uses: RESREF NEED_PALETTE FONT_NAME PX_SIZE STYLE COLOR 0 FONTDLG 1 FONTDLG 14 0 0xffffffff 1 TRMTFONT 1 TRMTFONT 14 0 0xffffffff 2 EXOFONT 1 EXOFONT 14 0 0xffffffff 3 POSTANT 1 POSTANT 14 0 0xffffffff 4 NUMBER 0 NUMBER 14 0 0xffffffff 5 NUMBER2 0 NUMBER2 14 0 0xffffffff 6 NUMBER3 0 NUMBER3 14 0 0xffffffff 7 SYSFONT 1 SYSFONT 14 0 0xffffffff 8 FONTDLG 1 FONTDLG 14 0 0xffffffff
  6. Oh, I forgot. You can just run in windowed mode and scale the window to whatever size you want. That will scale everything (so multiples of 2 work best).
  7. There are other fonts you need to swap, the game doesn't just use one. What's incompatible in Ghostdog's UI mod?
  8. lynx

    Tools Index

    There's no such thing as a GemRB game.
  9. lynx

    Tools Index

    What functionality are you looking for? There's also https://github.com/gemrb/iesh that comes with ieparse and ieview, to dump binary IE formats. The shell itself is useful for scripted exploration, for example if you want to know which area animations have this and that bit set without opening each one.
  10. GemRB is a portable open-source implementation of Bioware's Infinity Engine. It was written to support pseudo-3D role playing games based on the Dungeons & Dragons ruleset (Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale series, Planescape: Torment). Two years in the making, this release is as full of fixes and polishing as Tiax is of himself. The most noticeable changes are for BG1 players, since it lacked more audio mechanics than any other game, but all the rest received ample attention as well. Modding is now also easier, but you'll have to wait for the next WeiDU release. The pathfinder upgrade was delayed, but you can expect a state-of-the-art version in the next release, which will focus on finishing the GUI handling rewrite. You can help us get there faster! For the details, try GemRB yourself or check the full announcement for some highlights and downloads.
  11. The GemRB team is proud to announce a new release. Two years in the making, this release is as full of fixes and polishing as Tiax is of himself. The most noticeable changes are for BG1 players, since it lacked more audio mechanics than any other game, but all the rest received ample attention as well. Modding is now also easier, but you'll have to wait for the next WeiDU release to see the benefits. The pathfinder upgrade was delayed, but you can expect a state-of-the-art version in the next release, which will focus on finishing the GUI handling rewrite. You can help us get there faster! You can generally get GemRB from here. However I'm traveling and forgot I don't have all my access codes, so here's a manual link to the windows build and cleaned up sources: https://sourceforge.net/projects/gemrb/files/Buildbot Binaries/Windows/AppVeyor/gemrb-win32-196c54e.zip/download https://sourceforge.net/projects/gemrb/files/GemRB Sources/GemRB 0.8.6 Sources/gemrb-0.8.6.tar.gz/download Full changelog digest: Thanks to everyone that contributed their time and wit, including: Askmewho, Beren Minor, bholland, Brad Allred, Bubb, caillean7, countbuggula, cygarniczka, Dan Church, edheldil, Eitan Adler, fizzet, fogobogo, FrElvire, ifyGecko, Ilya Zhuravlev, Jaka Kranjc, Jérôme Duval, Kevin Michael Frick, khelban12, Lyle Hanson, Manuel Alfayate Corchete, MarcelHB, MesmericOrb, Mingun, miqlas, nerd-rage, Nicolás Clotta, skellytz, sten13, Tomsod, tomudo, Wisp and Yorick Hardy. If anyone is wondering what's up with the release name: squirrels didn't land any hits before, due to the way a detail in our combat code was implemented. Now the immortal squirrel of Easthaven can have its revenge.
  12. Item ranges are ignored in bg2 and younger, so I doubt they changed that for the rushed iwd2. But preserving the description sounds like a good idea, since someone would complain eventually.
  13. Excellent work indeed! Must've been a pain to extract them from the original backgrounds ...
  14. pfft, that's nothing, have some cancer:
  15. As a non-native speaker, I was curious what sort of plants, animals or monsters "trollops and plugtails" might be. Let's just say that after googling, I'm none the wiser
  16. I bet it doesn't cover GemRB. As is tradition with engine projects, the full name is a mouthful: Game engine made with pre-Rendered Background.
  17. Ok, so this is all as expected. IESDP updated. there's also an area_diff_3 spawn ini key btw.
  18. I was using the current iesdp description of the format. I guess it was copied over from bg2 as a starting point. iesh didn't have it either, so I added it yesterday just for this investigation. Thanks for the verification!
  19. The recent discussion with Endurium and digging through the archives made me wonder how HoF is persisted. It's enabled by an ini option, but once a game is started, it is HoF forever, so the information must be saved somewhere. It'd be natural to have it in the saved GAM, so I started a new iwd2 game and saved, then enabled HoF and did the same. iediff showed these differences, but only one stood out — I suspect HoF mode is toggled by what is "Saved locations offset" at 0x6c of the GAM header in IESDP (and that it just didn't have it): I haven't tried to verify this though. I guess the easiest way would be to set it back to 0, move to a new master area and see if the enemies are beefed up or not.
  20. First, I made a mistake up there: nightmare mode is HoF mode (toggled in config.exe, saved to ini). I was hoping it would just swap out the creatures, either all being in the area already or doing it when looking them up. But for eg. 10gobd, there are no such beefed up versions shipped. Your confirmation here helps again, thanks. CheckAreaDiffLevel is interesting. It's used for either harsher AI or scaled up scripted spawning, so it'd be odd if it had a static outcome (something for an iwd2 unfinished business mod). The fact that the same area scripts check for all three levels shows that the level was set by the engine. Did you read this thread? It says it's unreliable, but based on party level:
  21. I can confirm much of this — I was looking into it in 2013 apparently and we haven't changed our implementation since. I would not call those first fields level overrides though; or do you have some result that they actually change the levels of creatures? Currently we just treat them as an oddly saved bitfield for matching against the actor difficulty margin at 0x2f. Seems to have worked quite fine — before, of course, all actors were there, so there were many too many, especially visible in the early orc maps. What we don't do is look at the game difficulty at all yet. I thought perhaps the levels had something to do with nightmare and HoF mode, but good to know that it's actually for the normal range. I also wonder why they used so many fields, when one in the actor structure would suffice.
  22. yeh, g3 never fixed the broken redirects. Updated, thanks.
  23. These are basic bitwise operations, nothing specific to weidu, so look that up.
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