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Everything posted by lynx

  1. I'd play the original first for sure.
  2. It supports much higher numbers, so it's more likely you're doing it wrong or weidu has a bug. Infinite supply is a separate stored toggle.
  3. You already opened an issue for this. The PR draft looks fine, just please change tabs to spaces, so it's consistent with the rest of the file.
  4. It's a tweak mod, so almost anything can go there. I've asked CreevsDak to merge the old ones, so it's easier to install and extend. If you know weidu, a new component is welcome. Just those 2s need to be changed to 1s and it's done.
  5. you set the default to off, that's how. gemrb.ini is still a prominent place, especially since it means gemrb-tweakpack can then do the modifying for you.
  6. Nah, it would break pst. That's more something for gemrb.ini.
  7. I think so, pst would be hard to play otherwise.
  8. khelban12, is that all for IA or are there any vanilla fixes in between? btw, the walking speed stuff is tracked here: https://github.com/gemrb/gemrb/issues/129 (waiting for kmfrick to finish the pathfinder upgrade) Gwendolyne: space is for foot circle size and searchmap blocking — so mostly visible as the circle size. palette of 1 skips the special handling used for two-character suffixes (like with the bears) and only checks if a global color mod is needed size of 0 skips equipment animations for all; where set it's for getting the same thing; only two animation types use it We want to move to pst-style system eventually, since there are many exceptions all over the place and this is one of the most annoying pieces of code we have. I can't imagine how horrible the original must've looked with all the hardcoded logic for this. Partly we managed to extract it (that's how dltcep got this feature), but it's a lot of custom work and testing on top. All the games share the same types, so some may not have interesting representatives in bg2. There are many animations that look identical to a clean type and then it doesn't have the casting stance, missing some orientations or some other crap. Like yetis vs winter wolves (ca). We're a bit fragile in that regard, so bad animations usually don't get drawn and so they're easy to spot. So if some creatures and their animation types don't make sense to you, please make a list — you know the animations much better and it could be worthwhile for us to double check them. 5 we would call clown-colored, for obvious reasons, but the type names are generally pretty boring: https://github.com/gemrb/gemrb/blob/master/gemrb/core/CharAnimations.h#L68
  9. no, you need to fix the first problem, namely KitName being wrong already when creating a character.
  10. Ok, so it's the same problem and it's just gnomes. Must be the original limit of specialist mages to illusionists for them ... somehow leaking.
  11. 1. Race has nothing to do with it, so that sounds fishy. Try adding some debug prints to gemrb/GUIScripts/bg2/GUICG3.py, before if AlignmentOk.GetValue: print 111111, i, KitName, CommonTables.Aligns.GetValue (i, 4), AlignmentOk.GetValue (KitName, CommonTables.Aligns.GetValue (i, 4)) 2. I don't remember such problems with my monks, but file a bug, at least it is easy to reproduce.
  12. Yeah, we don't care about the exe mods. Any relevant changes can be coded properly, if needed. Most of the patching, I imagine, is for the iwd/pst animation types, which we don't need at all. So yeah, after all the changes in question, things should work out of the box. If they don't, we just need to fix them (like if you introduce a yet non-existent animation type, let's say out of 16 stitched bams). I'm sure our players will let us know. BTW the fact that nobody knows what the 1PP deva glow patch is annoying, since they're still broken for us, even in vanilla: https://github.com/gemrb/gemrb/issues/134
  13. Great! It's a bit trickier, since the place of insertion in the table matters — it's sorted by animation ID: https://github.com/gemrb/gemrb/blob/master/gemrb/unhardcoded/bg2/avatars.2da AT1-AT4 are the various armor levels, TYPE is animation type (you can't know this), SPACE is the foot circle size, PALETTE is for clowncolored/specials, SIZE I forgot (maybe for equipment placement on the paperdoll). @zelazko, @Caillean and maybe @khelban12can hook you up with the rows to be added. They have to be inserted in the right spots, since animation ids have ranges with shared properties. But INSERT_2DA_ROW can insert anywhere, so it's mostly a chore. The next weidu version* will have "ENGINE_IS gemrb", but since the file name is unique, maybe that's not needed. Since I guess the IA release will come sooner than the weidu one, you can test for avatars.2da existing (you can't know the path, so maybe through a test with COPY_EXISTING). If it is, you know you have recent enough weidu and gemrb and can do the patching. Otherwise just do nothing. But I'm sure you know much more weidu than me, so perhaps there are better ways ... * gory details here, but as a mod author you don't need to care about this, it will be magic: https://github.com/WeiDUorg/weidu/issues/153
  14. parameter2? https://gibberlings3.github.io/iesdp/opcodes/bg2tob.htm#op12
  15. Oh, it's still in active development? Then it could patch our table as well. Who is the maintainer now?
  16. I think it is, since it's not part of the old charsets. Some other animations in ia trip against this, but it's also already tracked.
  17. Since that animation ID doesn't conflict with any other, please open a pull request, adding the line before the next bigger ID. One step less for everyone forever.
  18. Crap, the current lore within gemrb is that iwd2 kit IDs equal to their usability, but this says no.
  19. Fixed (may need a hard refresh on your side though). The generator released 4.0.0 with breaking changes and Travis just rolled it out. But github is not ready yet.
  20. Like https://gibberlings3.github.io/iesdp/opcodes/bg1tots.htm ? Crap, seems the ruby update broke it. It was needed for the generator, let's see ...
  21. Thanks, I've added the itm stuff. However I think the order is wrong, since it doesn't match other data. Are you sure this is what you meant? https://gibberlings3.github.io/iesdp/file_formats/ie_formats/itm_v2.0.htm#Kit_Usability
  22. Thanks, appears to be some old conversion error. Fixed in all copies.
  23. You said you wanted to import it. If that's not duplication then I don't know if we're speaking the same language.
  24. You didn't post any sensible offset for that. Do you mean the (marked unused) usability at 0x29? IOW decimal 41, not 0x41?
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