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SR Revised V1.3.900 (2022 August 8th)

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I redid the install - this is the grep for ERROR and the context of 5 lines after each - about half the components ended up installing, but not the main spell_rev one:

ERROR: [G#TFVAMP.CRE] -> [override/G#TFVAMP.CRE] Patching Failed (COPY) (Invalid_argument("String.sub / Bytes.sub"))
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [Spell Revisions], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall 8672 files for [spell_rev/setup-spell_rev.tp2] component 0.
  Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/spell_rev/0/DIVINE_EE.TRA]
weidu_external/backup/spell_rev/0/DIVINE_EE.TRA copied to SPELL_REV/LANGUAGES/ENGLISH/DIVINE_EE.TRA, 127982 bytes
  Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/spell_rev/0/DIVINE.TRA]
weidu_external/backup/spell_rev/0/DIVINE.TRA copied to SPELL_REV/LANGUAGES/ENGLISH/DIVINE.TRA, 127954 bytes
ERROR: Invalid_argument("String.sub / Bytes.sub")
Please make a backup of the file: setup-spell_rev.debug and look for support at: Bartimaeus in the SR Revised thread at forums.gibberlings3.net
Automatically Skipping [Spell Revisions] because of error.
Using Language [English]
[English] has 5 top-level TRA files
[spell_rev/languages/english/arcane.tra] has 696 translation strings
ERROR locating resource for 'COPY'
Resource [sppr951d.itm] not found in KEY file:
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR Installing [Mirror Image Fix], rolling back to previous state
[weidu_external/backup/spell_rev/20/UNSETSTR.20] SET_STRING uninstall info not found
Will uninstall 115 files for [spell_rev/setup-spell_rev.tp2] component 20.
  Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/spell_rev/20/ABAZ01.SPL]
weidu_external/backup/spell_rev/20/ABAZ01.SPL copied to override/ABAZ01.SPL, 490 bytes
  Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/spell_rev/20/ABAZDG02.SPL]
ERROR: Failure("resource [sppr951d.itm] not found for 'COPY'")
Please make a backup of the file: setup-spell_rev.debug and look for support at: Bartimaeus in the SR Revised thread at forums.gibberlings3.net
Automatically Skipping [Mirror Image Fix] because of error.
Using Language [English]
[English] has 5 top-level TRA files
[spell_rev/languages/english/arcane.tra] has 696 translation strings

SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED      Deva and Planetar Animations



SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED      Spell Deflection blocks AoE spells

I'm not sure if a preceding mod is impacting this, but without SRR , spell_rev works fine in this setup.

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49 minutes ago, ahungry said:

I redid the install - this is the grep for ERROR and the context of 5 lines after each - about half the components ended up installing, but not the main spell_rev one:

ERROR: [G#TFVAMP.CRE] -> [override/G#TFVAMP.CRE] Patching Failed (COPY) (Invalid_argument("String.sub / Bytes.sub"))
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.

ERROR Installing [Spell Revisions], rolling back to previous state
Will uninstall 8672 files for [spell_rev/setup-spell_rev.tp2] component 0.
  Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/spell_rev/0/DIVINE_EE.TRA]
weidu_external/backup/spell_rev/0/DIVINE_EE.TRA copied to SPELL_REV/LANGUAGES/ENGLISH/DIVINE_EE.TRA, 127982 bytes
  Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/spell_rev/0/DIVINE.TRA]
weidu_external/backup/spell_rev/0/DIVINE.TRA copied to SPELL_REV/LANGUAGES/ENGLISH/DIVINE.TRA, 127954 bytes
ERROR: Invalid_argument("String.sub / Bytes.sub")
Please make a backup of the file: setup-spell_rev.debug and look for support at: Bartimaeus in the SR Revised thread at forums.gibberlings3.net
Automatically Skipping [Spell Revisions] because of error.
Using Language [English]
[English] has 5 top-level TRA files
[spell_rev/languages/english/arcane.tra] has 696 translation strings
ERROR locating resource for 'COPY'
Resource [sppr951d.itm] not found in KEY file:
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
Stopping installation because of error.
ERROR Installing [Mirror Image Fix], rolling back to previous state
[weidu_external/backup/spell_rev/20/UNSETSTR.20] SET_STRING uninstall info not found
Will uninstall 115 files for [spell_rev/setup-spell_rev.tp2] component 20.
  Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/spell_rev/20/ABAZ01.SPL]
weidu_external/backup/spell_rev/20/ABAZ01.SPL copied to override/ABAZ01.SPL, 490 bytes
  Restoring backed-up [weidu_external/backup/spell_rev/20/ABAZDG02.SPL]
ERROR: Failure("resource [sppr951d.itm] not found for 'COPY'")
Please make a backup of the file: setup-spell_rev.debug and look for support at: Bartimaeus in the SR Revised thread at forums.gibberlings3.net
Automatically Skipping [Mirror Image Fix] because of error.
Using Language [English]
[English] has 5 top-level TRA files
[spell_rev/languages/english/arcane.tra] has 696 translation strings

SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED      Deva and Planetar Animations



SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED      Spell Deflection blocks AoE spells

I'm not sure if a preceding mod is impacting this, but without SRR , spell_rev works fine in this setup.


So the Mirror Image Fix error suggests that it doesn't install because the Main Component wasn't already installed, so I think we can safely ignore that for the time being. Although that component really should still be installable even if the user chooses not to install the main component, so I'll have to fix that regardless; if I had to guess, that issue will occur in the non-Revised version of the component as well, because that chunk of code concerning sppr951d.itm has not changed between the official version and my version. The simplest fix would be to simply gate it behind a "make sure the file actually exists in the first place" check, which I'll implement. (e): Now implemented in the latest repository version, fixing that particular issue.

The main component error is a little more...mercurial to me. Creature "G#TFVAMP.CRE" failed to patch correctly, but why is it being patched in the first place? Presumably some global creature patch (a patch that scans all .cre files and potentially makes changes to them depending on if certain criteria at met) at some point in the mod is failing on that particular creature, but I don't know which global patch, I don't know who/what the creature is (except that they're probably some kind of vampire based on the .cre filename), I don't know which mod the .cre comes from, and I don't know why it's failing. If you would be so kind as to do a changelog for that particular .cre filename to see where it comes from, it would be of great help for me to track down the issue; sadly, a Google search for it did not turn up even a single result. Possibly your spell_rev.debug and a copy of the .cre would help as well, though I suspect I'll have to use your changelog of the .cre and create an install that matches your install log in order to figure it out.

Edited by Bartimaeus
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Looks like it belongs to this: https://github.com/RoxanneSHS/TyrisEE

I never found the original link, although if it's an old abandoned mod, I doubt it's been updated anywhere else for modern installs (this was one of many mods I snagged when pulling in every mod I could find when I first resumed playing modded BG a couple years back).

This mod worked fine with SR + SRR prior to the latest SR update though - it's just post SR update (from Oct 2022) combined with SRR fails - SR latest applies cleanly with this mod, so maybe there is some unique interaction, but I assumed something that SRR relied on being present/in a particular format in SR was changed in the Oct 2022 SR (which looked like it accumulated 2 years worth of changes).

Edit: Wow, that was weird, while SR applied cleanly a few days ago (as I described), I just went to re-apply it now and something in the SR mirror image component exhausted 16 gigs of ram on my laptop, forcing the weidu process to die to lack of malloc - that's odd...

Edited by ahungry
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17 minutes ago, ahungry said:

Edit: Wow, that was weird, while SR applied cleanly a few days ago (as I described), I just went to re-apply it now and something in the SR mirror image component exhausted 16 gigs of ram on my laptop, forcing the weidu process to die to lack of malloc - that's odd...

Well...that's very strange. The component is essentially "this list of AoE projectiles should bypass Mirror Image, so scan all .itm and .spl files to see if they use one of the projectiles from this list, and if so, set said .itms and .spls to bypass AoE; also, here are some special cases that we will manually set as well". If it only happened once, I'm inclined to believe it was just a bizarre fluke...probably.

17 minutes ago, ahungry said:

Looks like it belongs to this: https://github.com/RoxanneSHS/TyrisEE

I never found the original link, although if it's an old abandoned mod, I doubt it's been updated anywhere else for modern installs (this was one of many mods I snagged when pulling in every mod I could find when I first resumed playing modded BG a couple years back).

This mod worked fine with SR + SRR prior to the latest SR update though - it's just post SR update (from Oct 2022) combined with SRR fails - SR latest applies cleanly with this mod, so maybe there is some unique interaction, but I assumed something that SRR relied on being present/in a particular format in SR was changed in the Oct 2022 SR (which looked like it accumulated 2 years worth of changes).

Did any other mods touch this file? I installed it straight from the link you provided (and confirmed that G#TFVAMP.cre was in my override) and then installed SRR immediately after, no issue. If some other mod touched this .cre, it may be that I need to install that as well to figure out what went wrong.

Edited by Bartimaeus
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39 minutes ago, ahungry said:

Not that I can see from backup/ history - and the ram OOM error is now happening with SR dispel magic as well, ugh lol - gonna wipe and reinstall to this point, be back in a few hours

Alright, best of luck. Not sure what to try with the bad file for the time being.

Edited by Bartimaeus
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I'd like to prevent some of the new spells from being installed.

For instance, I prefer the vanilla lightning bolt to SRR's.

If I comment out the relevant lines in "main_component.tpa" is this sufficient?

For lightning bolt it's:


/* ---------------- Level 3 ---------------- */

"COPY ~spell_rev\spwi3##\spwi308.spl~     ~override~  // Lightning Bolt
COPY ~spell_rev\spwi3##\scrl1k.itm~      ~override~

/* ---------------- Projectiles ---------------- */

"COPY_EXISTING ~newbolt1.pro~ ~override~  // Lightning Bolt's "new" projectile
  WRITE_SHORT 0x0a 30    // 30 speed

/* ---------------- Priest of Talos Abilities ---------------- */

"COPY ~spell_rev\shared\spcl722.spl~      ~override~  // Lightning Bolt

/* ---------------- Avenger Abilities ---------------- */

"COPY ~spell_rev\shared\spdr301.spl~      ~override~  // Lightning Bolt

What files handle the updated descriptions? I assume I'll need to edit those as well.


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@WanderingScholar "SAY" is what is responsible for giving items/spells/creatures new names/descriptions, so if you comment out a spell like so...

COPY ~spell_rev\spwi3##\spwi308.spl~     ~override~  // Lightning Bolt
COPY ~spell_rev\spwi3##\scrl1k.itm~      ~override~


/*COPY ~spell_rev\spwi3##\spwi308.spl~     ~override~  // Lightning Bolt
COPY ~spell_rev\spwi3##\scrl1k.itm~      ~override~
  SAY NAME2 @515    SAY IDENTIFIED_DESC   @516*/

It prevents the spell and associated scroll resources from being overwritten with SR's main changes, which will additionally prevent any name/description changes as well. In practice, there are certain spells that will cause SR to crash and burn if you prevent them from being installed though, so beware that; generally, most should be okay, Lightning included (...I, too, sometimes miss the old bouncy lightning).

Edited by Bartimaeus
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2 hours ago, WanderingScholar said:

Just a heads up,

The PFMW bug granting immunity to normal weapons still exists in your spwi611.spl

I suppose now is a good time to ask if it hasn't been addressed already.

Have you ported over the fixes from 4.19rc1 into your files?

I've been installing SRR over top.

I did (godrigues and I worked on many of them together...), but it's possible I missed one or two, even though I specifically remember working on that one with him.

Unfortunately, I can report that it seems like normal weapons don't pierce PfMW in either b18, 4.19rc1, or SRR: clearly, grodrigues and I misunderstood how the "Protection from weapons" opcode works, since we both handled it incorrectly.

29 minutes ago, subtledoctor said:

I thought Demi did this intentionally? I like it this way. Just "Pro Weapons."

Well, it should be called Protection from Weapons in that case, or at least make it clear in the description.

Edited by Bartimaeus
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9 minutes ago, Bartimaeus said:

Well, it should be called Protection from Weapons in that case

I distinctly recall discussion of doing just that.

Frankly now I think about it, I think  Demi did not change the spell, for the sole  reason that it might have a deleterious effect on the Rogue Rebalancing Chosen of Cyric fight. Which means this is a bug.

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