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Everything posted by Frenzgyn

  1. Just to point out (better safe than sorry): I often got also "tile2ee.exe" as a false positive and, unfortunately, it's not only Defender, but other AV software also.
  2. I opened the forum to thank you for the ongoing update, while looking at the commit in the repository .
  3. LOL! Thank you! Ahaha, now I get it . I skipped a lot (I just CAN'T read all that FFS.) but I was really perplexed exactly at that image of Chronos. Thanks for the detailed explanation. It's a lot to process and I think I will gladly stop here. I am just over-pissed looking at the way she sistematically use assets and material from other authors mostly without permission and the efforts she puts in erasing references and links to websites that host official versions of the mods. Just a very few are properly forked version of the official repository. Don't get me wrong, I *knew* all the story (I read it on various forums etc), but looking at it directly lurking in the files or seing the thing in action in a let's play is weirder than I thought. Now, I wanna just put a rock on the issue and forgot as much as I can.
  4. I missed that one, I were genuinely thinking it was original content. This is all extremely fucked up and make me really sad. I don't mind the various choices, I may not like them or the final product but don't judge an author choice in the content she actively created, but all the "Sandrahifying" thing is... awful. I looked at difference in some of her "updated" mods because I wanna see if there were interesting fixes and found the amount of editing she does to readmes, credits and stuff. I am appalled. By the way, I read a bit of that let's play, I was really interested to know more, just out of curiosity, but I wasn't capable of read more thant a bunch of chapters. I need to ask a thing I don't have the moral strenght to search: In that forum I see some detail about "Minsc being eated". What's that? Any one have the guts to elaborate further? I am a curious being
  5. Oh, I missed 1023 to 1026, thanks to JohnBob message, here you are: @1023 = ~[Daeros]Era un demone, ed Hephernaan gli stava promettendo che avrebbe aperto un portale in modo che potesse tornare al Primo Piano Materiale. Dato che il sangue di Caelar non sarebbe stato sufficiente, discutevano di cercare un'altra progenie divina dal sangue meno "diluito".~ @1024 = ~[PC Reply]Un *demone*, in attesa che venisse aperto un portale. Questo spiega molte cose...~ @1025 = ~[Daeros]Già. Sono sorpreso che non mi abbia ucciso o esiliato dopo quello che ho ascoltato. Immagino non si aspettasse che qualcuno entrasse qui, a fare domande.~ @1026 = ~[PC Reply]Hephernaan ha parlato con una creatura oscura - sei riuscito a vedere di preciso cosa fosse? Di cosa hanno discusso?~ And in the Readme: Nota: Questo componente è stato creato con l'idea di semplificare il poter fare rapporto agli ufficiali, in particolare nei primi due accampamenti dove Bence Duncan non è sempre presente, però visto il modo in cui il dialogo con Sir Deggernaut è struttarato, incentrato sullo stato delle informazioni riguardo la crociata, la sua presenza può sembrare più una funzionalità di debug che non un reale personaggio del gioco.
  6. @10038 = ~Eventi Importanti Hephernaan ha i propri, oscuri piani. Lo abbiamo visto di persona dire di essere al servizio della "Fosca Alleanza" - chi o cosa si celi dietro tale nome, posso solo immaginarlo.~ @71 = ~[Torsin De Lancie]Hmm, questo nome mi è nuovo, ma sarà opportuno contattare i nostri saggi e i nostri consiglieri per chiedere informazioni. Se abbiamo contro un'organizzazione segreta, dobbiamo sapere il prima possibile ciò che saremo chiamati ad affrontare.~ @72 = ~[Maresciallo Nederlok]Non mi sorprende che salti fuori il nome di un'organizzazione segreta tra legami dei nostri avversari. La vera domanda è che pericolo rappresenti per noi nella nostra attuale situazione. Dobbiamo raccogliere quante più informazioni possibili su questa "Fosca Alleanza".~ @293 = ~[Risposta del giocatore]Ho ragione di credere che Hephernaan abbia i propri, oscuri piani. Sembra che sia al servizio di una qualche organizzazione chiamata "Fosca Alleanza", e pare che questa sia molto potente.~ @294 = ~[Sir Deggernaut (maschio)]Hephernaan è anche al servizio di un'organizzazione segreta chiamata Fosca Alleanza. Per ora non abbiamo ulteriori informazioni su chi e cosa ci sia dietro questo nome.~ Not 100% (let's say 95ish) sure about "Umbral Accord" -> "Fosca Alleanza", can't remember how was it translated in SoD, i usually play in ENG.
  7. As he said, it is possible using the right branch, but better to stick with the "classic" branch BEFORE EET on BGEE. - The main branch which simply adds the PVRZ and BWP fixes, the safest but EE only, this version must be installed on your BGEE game (before EET if you use it). - The After-EET branch which include the same changes as above, and modify slightly the tp2 with %area_prefix% to allow the mod to be installed after EET and keep the BGEE compatibility (it can therefore be installed before (on BGEE) or after EET (on BG2EE), better to stick to the original one... (the main branch) but if you prefer to install the mod after EET it's possible.
  8. Done! There is no hurry on my part. It's a miracle the community is still alive and old mods are still mantained and, honestly, they are not game breaking issues, so I am totally fine: it will be adressed when it will be addressed. I would have gladly "adopted" a few projects, but unfortunately I am almost illiterate in IE Modding and don't have enough spare time, I forget things faster than I could learn . Real life always takes its tolls.
  9. Sorry for being extremely late, I totally miss your question. NOPE, I don't reccomand my fork over v17, not because there is real risk it will break anything, but because it will for sure create confusion on reports and in debugging, expecially for big EET installations. That's the reason why I didn't put up a direct link here till yesterday, when I was directly asked for.
  10. It is, but keep in mind it's totally amateurish, for personal use. It was just a clumsy attemp at fixing something that annoyed me. I hope that at some point, someone skilled have time to take care of the issue. Here is the link: https://github.com/Frenzgyn/Kivan_and_Deheriana
  11. Mantaining is the worst, it lacks the "thrills" of creation, often times it's just the satisfaction of seeing something we cared "fixed" and eventually the kudos from us, the players, and we often forget to be grateful, probably not due to malice, but just because in time we take them from granted or are just overweighted from rl stress. So, I'll just get this chance to say "thank you", not only to Lava and jastey, but to every friendly past, present or future modder that will read theese words
  12. LOL. I guess back in the days the community was a fun place . Honestly I am not even capable of imagine which criteria are used for "do" or "don't" in this specific case, it seems just extremely strange. @Kitanna glad to hear it will have a proper website, nonetheless I suggest to also set a github account as a fallback mirror, it would be very good for issues/bug report and such while website come and go with renewal/hosting/defacing and so on. Redundancy is never bad and I think it is a bit more transparent framework then other places specific like nexus (which I use, however).
  13. If you use PI, no need to rename the setup, it's just the weidu executable and PI use it's own.
  14. It's just a warning of downloading from a non secure connection, namely not an Https.
  15. I have not played TotLM in EET yet, so I don't know what's changed and what's not (I assume almost anything) from IWD, but in that case is easy to "solve" any issue, lore-wise: just assume no-one has solved the Luremaster curse till the time. It's so disconnected from everything else and "out-of-time" by itself to not be a problem, in this regard. HoW is a different story, it has way more connection with places, events, characters and such. I am not saying it can't /should not be done, just that it is not exactly on the same book of TotLM. I admit at first I was very intrigued by the possibility of an IWD in EET, but thinking better it will not add much if anything to the experience. While it would be very nice to revisit some IWD's location in BG setting with new stories/quests/everything, just playing the campaign in another application is... well... I don't know. Not thrilling. I like IWD (and really appreciated the existing mods for IWDEE) and I am very ecstatic to everything regarding IWD2, since we know an EE will never happen (and any tiny improvement/fix/interest is welcome), merely playing IWD campaing in another application is kinda "meh" in my opinion.
  16. Think he refers to a werebadger in the bottom left corner just outside Candlekeep.
  17. If you can't see the problem, you have a problem or you're not being honest with yourself. It's obvious. One could agree or disagree to consider it enough for a change, that's another story, and while in the end it will be only a decision of the author (and whatever it will be I will not complain further), saying "seeking problems where there is none" is detachment from reality. I myself feel conflicted, as I said I HATE to ask for changing names and such things, but it's quite obvious WHY it really gives out bad vibes and no ethimologic study of the origin and use of the word have any sense in this regard. Everyone of us KNOW that per se it is a legit word, used in different meanings in different context and present in the dictionaries. In this particular context unfortunately it very clearly brings to the mind the Shoah, because "plumes of venemous gas of such toxicity as to immediately sear the flesh of creatures it comes in contact with, entering their bloodstream. So deadly is this poison as to instantly slay creatures [CUT]" PLUS the word "Holocaust" is quite unidirectional and has nothing to do with "burn sacrifical offering to a god". Be serious and don't make it a matter of principle when it's not. It's not ideology, it's a just a combined effect of a name and a description that while functionally work, generate unuseful bad feelings.
  18. Poisonous Death? Blistering/Toxic Obliteration?
  19. For what is worth my opinion, I usually don't like all the situations were a word, a symbol or whatever change is requested 'cause it could be perceived as an offence (in general), and by "I don't like" I mean exactly it: it greatly conflicts me, every time. The best way I cold explain the reasoning behind my opinion is using a Lenny Bruce's quote: "It's the suppression of the word that gives it the power, the violence, the viciousness." Anyway I TOTALLY agree that in this particular and unfortunate case it really generates bad vibes. I think that's not the name but the description associated with that name. It's not "an holocaust" (there are also comic book characters by that name and who knows how many other uses), with that description it becames very tied with "THE" holocaust. Honestly, it would make me feel bad every single time I will be going to launch the spell, breaking the immersion. The author's good faith is not even remotely in discussion, it's clear for me that no offence was intended. As I said in all honesty, it really feels bad, not due to political ideologies and such, I get what you mean by political miasma and I agree it's not the right place.
  20. Did I? LOL Completely removed from memory, it was there with a screenshot in the "TO-DO-LIST" . Honestly, extremely low priority.
  21. I can confirm the Proficiency bug also on unmodded BG2EE, honestly I noted it several weeks ago but forgot to report it. Easy to repro: just install the mod, start from ToB, summon the friendly drow and level him up, anyway it is an extremely minor thing, just cosmetic.
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