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Posts posted by jastey

  1. 10 hours ago, Caedwyr said:

    General consensus was that Grey was completely indispensable and the option to pet him was a significant plus.  People were also pleasantly surprised that he could act as a 7th party member when not in the current group.  No one had kicked him out, so I had to tell them about this feature.  He's pretty well liked so far.

    Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad to hear it.

  2. 12 hours ago, Guest themetacognologist said:

    I suspect this is due to me being slightly lazy, they say you need a fresh install of BG1 and 2 to install BGEET and instead I just went to steam and verified local files but doing that doesn't get rid of everything like the stuff in the override folder etc and I'm wondering if this has something to do with it because maybe my previous installation of ascension is messing with it but thats just my guess. 


    Please put logs into a spoiler tag in the future.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Alonso said:

    How is my criticism of PI any less constructive than your criticism of Roxanne's tool?

    You wrote:


    Project Infinity: In most cases it simply doesn't work. Project Infinity is too difficult to use for the vast majority of gamers. Only super advanced power gamers with some programming knowledge (like myself) can make PI work, and even for them it's very difficult. Other gamers who try to use PI just manage to waste their time and get frustrated.

    That's very general and unspecific and therefore not constructive.

  4. 4 hours ago, Alonso said:

    Maybe you should make up your mind about this. In the thread I linked to in the first post you said very negative things about the EET Mod Install Tool (when I talked about reputed members of the community I was thinking specifically about you). Just like with PI, there are clearly other players who managed to install their mods fine by using the EET Mod Install Tool. Still, I'm sure you agree with me that there was a need for you to give that warning. Hadn't you done so I would have happily installed all my mods with that tool, which would have certainly led to nasty consequences for me. By taking a few minutes to warn everybody, you probably saved myself and others countless wasted hours and headaches, and I really appreciate that.

    My sentence was addressed to your words about PI only, I should have pointed that out. EDIT: rereading what I wrote I think this is quite clear. Why are you setting what I said into the wrong context? EDIT2: I get what you wrote now. Let's put it like this: I don't think your "criticism" of PI is any way constructive, and therefore it's not helpful.

    I fully support the idea of mentioning the downs about the EE Setup Tool, but as I said - not everyone is around all the time to update readmes, and also that not all people feel the same way about the topic (saying this without any judgement or implications of any kind).

  5. @Alonso Look, I get that you are unhappy with PI. But there is no need to go around and tell these negative things if there are clearly other players who manage to install their mods fine by using it.

    As for the actual criticism: Of course it would be great if all instructions everywhere were up-to-date and would reflect all aspects of everything. But IE modding is a hobby, done by people in their spare time. Not everyone feels equally about this topic and often RL just steps in the way, too.

    What else do you expect the EET instructions to say? There is no other automated installer and "Don't use either PI nor the EE Setup Tool because both are crap" is probably not a very constructive way to approach this. That is why I have the feeling you just started this thread so you could vent your anger about PI.

  6. 3 hours ago, Guest confused idiot said:

    THANK YOU to the talented people who create all this wonderful content!! 

    I think that's something that could remain here for @K4thos and others involved in the project to read.

    Thank you from me for your work on this, too!

  7. I guess adding WEIGHT #-1 to states would solve the problem. This way, your dialogue will be called with higher weight than the exising ones if the conditions are met.

    IF WEIGHT #-1
    ~PartyHasItem("cdrem")~ THEN BEGIN 20 SAY @8016 
      IF ~Global("MakeRemorhelm","GLOBAL",0)~ 
      THEN REPLY @6047 GOTO 22
      IF ~~ THEN REPLY @6048 DO ~StartStore("Taerum",LastTalkedToBy(Myself))~ EXIT
      IF ~~ THEN REPLY @6049 GOTO 21
      IF ~GlobalGT("MakeRemorhelm","GLOBAL",0)~ THEN REPLY @6050 EXIT
    IF WEIGHT #-1
    Global("MakeRemorhelm","GLOBAL",1)~ THEN BEGIN 26  
      SAY @8022 

    On a different note: I can only advice you also give your mod variables your unique prefix.

  8. 1 hour ago, Anton said:

    BG2 Gavin can't be summoned via Fate Spirits in EET, for some reason.

    What do you mean, does the fate spirit reject to summon him or is his name not listed? Please note that he is not appearing in the alphabetical order.

    Also, for EET, Gavin's name will not be listed if:

    -it is a continuous game and Gavin was not in party in SoA

    -Gavin was in group upon transition to ToB

    -Gavin is dead.

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