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Everything posted by jastey

  1. There are two official downloads for Ajantis BGII: Kerzenburgforum and G3. Both packages are the same and contain the setup-ajantisbg2.exe. Make sure you downloaded the windows package.
  2. Imoen becoming the god of murder is not content of this mod. But it is an intriguing idea, I have to admit.
  3. https://github.com/AngelGryph/MadeInHeaven_ItemPack/tree/master/mih_ip/docs
  4. I think it is safe to assume jcompton will not finish Nalia Romance ToB, and that there won't be a ToB part for this mod.
  5. No, unfortunately not. Imoen Romance bases its contents on the separation, it would have to be partly rewritten and plus, the author is retired.
  6. It even works for G3. Yes, thank you for that, it's one of the details that shows the spirit of this place.
  7. Tyris v5 needs fix for EET, corrected tp2 is here (needs adjustment of version number for next release, though).
  8. Sarah v5 needs fix for EET, corrected tp2 is here (needs adjustment of version number for next release, though).
  9. Auren v10 needs fix for EET, corrected tp2 is here (needs adjustment of version number for next release, though).
  10. @Lightbringer Well, I didn't say problems arent's possible, I only said they didn't do much harm so far. I had a look at the mods and for Auren and Sarah it's what I said, but for Tyris it's actually a typo so that's a real bug. I've attached the corrceted tp2s to this post, I'd suggest you deinstall the mods again, replace the mod's tp2s with the attached (in the mod folder), and re-install (hopefully without errors or warnings). EDIT: Attachments removed. All mods are updated.
  11. That error results in a wrong order in the tp2: the use of the EET_NPC_TRANSITION function needs to be moved down the file after the compilation of the relevant script files it is supposed to patch. It's totally logical if you think about it, but it's a common mistake in NPC mods and wasn't noticed until I poked about it (having made the same mistake and wondering why the scripts weren't patched, I'm not exactly proud of it but relieved I'm appearently not the only one) and k4thos added a warning to the EET release, the warning you are seeing here. Short version: the mods need to be updated. For you: as long as the mods installed "with warnings" you can probably just play as normal, considering that error was in there the whole time before, too. What can basically happen is two things: the NPC will remain at the original spot if he/she didn't join the party although he/she shouldn't (e.g. BG1 version is still "available" in BGII but has all the BG1 scripts), the second that the ToB script doesn't get assigned after the transition to the talking heads, but since in your error log above the ToB script is the one that couldn't be patched, that shouldn't be a problem. Tagging @CamDawg because I don't know who updates those mods currently.
  12. The Crossmod Banter Pack is a BGII mod only. It's irrelevant for BG1. In BG1, NPC mods have their crossmod content inside the actual mods and install order is important to get it, but for your list of mods above, it's also irrelevant as you have only one mod NPC mod (Glam's Pack).
  13. The weidu.log lists the install order. For questions regarding Glam's NPC Pack you'd need to ask @Glam Vrock .
  14. I still am not sure whether you refer to a lack of dialogues (popup windows with text to click through) or the actual voicing, i.e. sound output. As a rule of thumb, tweak packs go after NPC mods. The recommended install order would be BG1NPC - CoranFriendship - Glam's NPC Pack - Tweaks. Reason is that otherwise, the tweak pack cannot alter the mod aded files. If you have explicit questions to Glam's NPC Pack, the forum is here.
  15. I don't think you'll find anyone here who knows what exactly Roxanne's EE Setup Tool does, sorry, with all her silent tweaks to EET and her inofficial mod versions etc. I don't think there is anyone here who can answer any questions to that tool. Theoretically, what you need to know for EET is that EET_End.exe needs to be deinstalled if you install any mods, and there are some tweak mods that should go last in install order (and at the very end EET_End.exe needs to be installed before you play). EET_End.exe can just be installed/deinstalled like any mod by double-clikcing the "EET_End.exe" (on Windows).
  16. First off: BG:EE and BGII:EE are at 2.5 now, I recommend you update your games (although do not do this while playing a modded game, it'll destroy your installation). Second, we'd need to see your weidu.log, just copy the contents here into a spoiler. Then, which game are you playing? I'm a bit confused because you list BG1 and BGII mods. Also, did you use an automated installed for your install? M last question is what you expected to see. You say voice and banter, but you also talk about missing PID ("klicktalks"), which are different things. Which NPC do you refer to? Where are you in the game and what exactly did you do and what exactly are you missing?
  17. Thanks for the kind words! Plans, yes, but I really don't know when I'll come to those, as NPC-NPC banters is nothing that flows easily for me. Giving her a base structure with joining the group and moving with the camps is easy enough, but filling her with life is the actual task. And probably, she will never be as fledged out as the original NPCs, the mod wasn't meant to turn out into (another) NPC mod I have to write...
  18. Have a look here to which mods are compatible officially. As for NPC mods, it's save to assume those not on the list *not* to be compatible.
  19. %tutu_var% is indeed only needed for original BG1 resources if you are modding for Tutu. Keep in mind that only dlgs can be patched that are already in the game. I.e. the second mod needs to have the crossmod content and the first needs to bei installed. The second needs a check whether the dlgs is present in game or it will fail in case that's not the case.
  20. I would useNI to export the dlg as a weidu d-file. There you can directly see the state number. Short answer: I_C_T into any dlg is possibe.
  21. You can use PI to install EET, but as far as I understood you'll need to do more by hand (PI will not mod the BG1 install, make the basic EET, and mod the EET for you in one go). As for plans on EET official release, there is a current release which is working just fine, but all in all, I'm also the wrong to ask.
  22. Thanks for the info, I am updating Edwin Romance currently. @DavidW What would the mod patch instead (in case that can be answered quickly)?
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