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Everything posted by jastey

  1. But do you cycle back to the actual vanilla state of the greetings dialogue? Just adding the original reply options at the end is not enough for compatibility, because other mods will add their reply options to the original one but yours will skip them. Unless she lists all the possibilities only once and not again if talked to once more.
  2. @DavidW both this and in the other error message thread were installed with Roxanne's EE Setup Tool, at least I assume so, seeing her EET "Fixpack" in the log. Guest Tommy, out of curiosity: I see Lure of Sirine's Call, Ascalon's Questpack, BG1 Romantic Encounters, NTotSC, the Grey Clan. Any specific reason why you didn't include bgqe (Baldur's Gate Mini Quests and Encounters) to the mix?
  3. Firstoff, what Daxtreme altready pointed out: do not add reply options using EXTEND_TOP. It changes the number count of the existent reply options and will screw up any mod added after yours that adds specific reply triggers or transactions. Really the only dialogue state you can add via EXTEND_TOP is the fate spirit summoning to place your NPC further up, because nearly all mods do that. To your question: if you want to add a new greeting to an existing character in game, EXTEND_BOTTOM will not help you since this only adds new reply options to existent dialogue states. What you can do is add a new dialogue state with appropriate triggers using APPEND ~SCROLL01~ (assuming SCROLL01 is the game DLG you want to add to). Something like this for the first item you mentioned: APPEND SCROLL01 IF WEIGHT#-1 //you need weight so this gets called first ~HasItemEquiped("PXPMLDOR",LastTalkedToBy) Global("Pxpmldor","LOCALS",0)~ THEN pxpmldor SAY @51 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("Pxpmldor","LOCALS",1)~ GOTO PXLAMEDOR END ... // put all your other dialogue states here END //APPEND One note to compatibility, as a rule of thumb: -close (disable) these new greeting dialogues as soon as possible, preferably after they payed once, or your mod will block any other mod added dialog -optimally, your greeting dialogue transitions to the original greeting dialogue to give the original game content and other mods the possibility to play out.
  4. Note to translators: There were four new lines in setup.tra and LC_NOOBER.tra for v19.
  5. This would be really cool, actually. I also completely forgot that he uses 4th wall breaking text, but his presence somehow belongs into Candlekeep imho.
  6. BGT is at 1.20: http://www.shsforums.net/files/file/54-baldurs-gate-trilogy-weidu/
  7. @Kirussen I can't reproduce your problem. The line in question is added by BG1NPC iteself, and only once, so my worry that it might be doubled by some other mod is not true. The problem does not arise if the mod is installed directly "by hand", and also the other mods you listed do not add such a line to BRILLA.DLG.
  8. Thanks, that's indeed a loop.
  9. Ah, I didn't catch you are explicitely talking about unconditioned passback lines (because I obviously didn't look at the example thoroughly enough). BG1NPC had the problem of combining lines for several NPCs where there is no logixal trigger to account for one of them present. Usually, in a mod it is one NPC and then the passback line bears the trigger of this NPC beging present. Since some of my NPCs like to babble a comment into CHARNAME's ear which the original game character isn't even supposed to hear, lest alone comment on it, would it be possible to include the last line spoken by the original DLG as a passback line in your function, no matter the conditions? I can provide examples if you want later when I am back at my computer.
  10. Especially since the sign itself didn't have a link in the old forum software.
  11. @K4thos You should have a "share post" possibility if you click on the "connected dots" symbol:
  12. This means the passback line would be spared if no other mod added differently triggered transactions, but would play out like it is now if the line would be needed because of the transactions? That sounds very cool. The main reason I am using I_C_T(3) with passback as a standard is because I can't be sure another mod didn't add more transactions to the dialogue state I am interjecting to. With this function, the added passback would just be a savety measure in case that's the case. For passback line the function just takes the last line with the original NPC talking? What exactly does this do, what is changed in the dialogue, do you mean the dlg? I do not agree that an empty dialogue box wouldn't disturb the flow of the dialogue, though. For me, an empty box would more look like a bug or "mod added". All in all this sounds like a really good thing to get rid of at least some of the passback lines.
  13. In principle, sure! I'm always for crossmod banters. I'll not write any soon, though. Unless other modders contact me, then I'd be available.
  14. Spellhold Studios Fade Fade is a shadow thief, under the employ of Aran Linvail. With her crimson hair, crimson eyes and lashing tail, she is definitely not your regular elf-on-the-street; she is a fey'ri, a part succubus with a temper to match. At first, her reasons for joining the party are unclear - is she a spy? Or something else... The mod is compatible with all BGII games: BGII, BGT, BGII:EE, and EET. Version 5.3 comes mainly with a bugfix of v5.2. Changes: -added reply options to slave traders now compatible (using EXTEND_BOTTOM instead of replacing a whole dialogue state) -fixed stutter after final lovetalk (v5.2) -typo corrections Forum Download
  15. Pocket Plane Group NPC Flirt Pack It doesn't make sense that the BG2 romance NPCs call all of the shots in the relationship, right down to when it is and is not appropriate to show a little affection. Besides, who among you can say that you've never felt Aerie, Anomen, Jaheira, or Viconia just needed a hug? So now things are different. Now your PC can show his/her fondness any time. And the NPCs will flirt back, meaning the romance doesn't have to end after the last LOVETALK. The flirts add hundreds of lines of text and dialogue to all four Bioware romance NPCs. Each NPC has at least one new potential epilogue, depending on the choices the player makes. Version 1.05 comes with a Russian translation by Arcanecoast & AERIE TEAM (Austin, Staylos, Aldark, Alina, Accolon, Vit MG, Toxeus)! The mod is compatible with all BGII games: BGII, BGT, BGII:EE, and EET. Forum Download from the Mod's Page
  16. Jastey's SoD Tweakpack For SoD, EET, and BGT! This tweak pack is mainly meant for the SoD part of BG:EE (except for the last component which introduces Imoen's SoD portrait into BGII). It deals with some tweaks that I found useful for my own game. Components: 1 Ending Independent on PC Replies: 2 Do Not Miss NPC-PC Dialogues 3 Skip Korlasz's Dungeon 4 More Dialogue Choices & Prevent Dead Ends 5 Use Imoen's BG1 and SoD Portrait for BGII in EET&BGT 6 Restore scripted Abduction Scene Fight 7 Adjust PC's Starting XP at Beginning of SoD, by subtledoctor 8 SoD Ending: jastey's Tweaks 9 Make Portal Close from Dragonspear Castle (Aun Argent survives always) 10 Hephernaan takes Dragonspear Vault Key Visit the Modpage Download from G3 Download from GitHub
  17. @Jarno Mikkola I strongly advise against zipping .debug and. log files, because it decteases the chance of people actually looking at them (I will not spend the time to download and unzip to be able to look at a weidu.log file). Instead, you can copy the content of such (text) files into spoiler tags. Et voilà: even less attachment space needed, even higher readibility.
  18. Jarno, the OR(4) condition is for Jan not there/able to talk or Jan present BUT dialogue already run, so the OR(4) is correct. Because, why would I check for Jan not being able to talk AND not being in the area AND not being in the party? This makes absolutely no sense.
  19. 3. currently these are inkompatible, because the mod assumes the Imoen in ID to be the temporarily one - for BGII(:EE). It would be no problem to use a continuous Imoen if these mods could be detected ingame, though. 2. Imoen Romance bases around Imoen being away for one third of the game (the PC has dreams about her during that time), and also that Imoen never met any of the BGII NPCs. This mod will never be compatible with the Imoen Romance mod unless the Romance mod is heavily rewritten. Imoen Friendship I wanted to have a look at, if this mod makes the whole story on Imoen having been away then there is no chance, either, but I didn't check on that, yet. For all other mods, the problem is that no mod checks the chapter number but only whether Imoen is in party, so usually banters with her that are supposed to fire post Spellhold will fire in chapter 2&3. 1. there is no other story arch than that there is Irenicus who made it clear that he will come for the PC, so the PC going after him when they feel ready is the idea here.
  20. Jarno, stop posting nonsense. The OR(4) is correct, because ONE of these 4 will enable this. Jan can only talk if he is present PLUS in Party PLUS able to talk PLUS the variable is still at "0". So if either one of these is not true, his dialogue will not trigger. Makes sense? But, the variable needs to be "1", not " 0", that was a mistake in my template. Thus this: ~OR(4) !InParty("Jan") !InMyArea("Jan") StateCheck("Jan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("xx_janchain_run","LOCALS",0)~ needs to be this: ~OR(4) !InParty("Jan") !InMyArea("Jan") StateCheck("Jan",CD_STATE_NOTVALID) Global("xx_janchain_run","LOCALS",1)~
  21. If you click on the attachment, it should bring you to your posts. Edit the posts to delete the attachments.
  22. I don't seem to be able to do this for you. But if you click on your profile name in the above right corner, you should see a menue that leads you to your attachments directly, where you can edit and delete them:
  23. Thanks for the reminder. This is what you have currently: If you change this to this, it should work in game: Btw: you should tag your mod cre-files with your prefix, too, as well as variables you use.
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