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Everything posted by jastey

  1. Thanks for the reminder. This is what you have currently: If you change this to this, it should work in game: Btw: you should tag your mod cre-files with your prefix, too, as well as variables you use.
  2. Thanks for the feedback everyone! @Ulb: I started a list here. Did you see this one or should I place it in a more obvious spot? I guess you won't be the only one looking for this. @Istfemer I don't know about Imoen being a Sorceres but I do agree on her not having to be out of the party. (Well, obviously, considering the mod content.) Concerning Yoshimo: No worries, I didn't change any of his original content, so he's to be met in Irenicus Dungeon etc. just like in the original game. Despite the fact that my mods might change things in the game (like this one or also Ajantis BGII that gives a solution for him to still being alive in the Windspear Hills), I try to change as *little* as possible of the (other) original game content. If he's in party or dead, the player is out of luck and loses a party member when Imoen is taken in Brynnlaw. No miracles here. Concerning Imoen: I think I covered all instances without forsing the player to having to take Imoen into the party. You can just let her wait in the Copper Coronet or even let her die. Irenicus has a great interest in her, and will see to her being in Spellhold himself. Hope that answers the questions.
  3. @Daxtreme What I do to get the coordinates (vertexes) is: open the area in NI, open the graphical view, then just point the cursor to where I want the region to be and note down the x.y coordinates of the vertexes. From those I take the smallest / biggest values etc. As Mike1072 just said, it's just the coordinates in there, so fj_vertex_0 = 3690 + (2240 << 16) means it's the point [3690.2240].
  4. Gibberlings Three / Kerzenburgforum Imoen 4 Ever Experience the BG Saga with Imoen - and the bginning of SoA without pressure! This mod aims at making Imoen a steady companion throughout the whole BG-Saga. Imoen-related story content is being considered, therefore Imoen will be out of party temporarily to reflect the most crucial original game events. This mod makes her rejoin the party after such incidents, so that she can be seen as an actual travel companion in SoD (not finished yet) and BGII. Note: The SoD part is not finished yet. The mod tries to use as many originally voiced lines as possible, but some had to be taken out because they didn't make any sense without Imoen being there (BGII) or with Imoen catually being in the party (SoD). Promotion artwork by Acifer! Mod Page Forum German Discussion Thread at Kerzenburgforum Download
  5. Compatibility Notes for Modders: BGII In I4E, first Imoen will be taken as in the original game after the Promenade fight. She will be released and return to the group as soon as the first meeting with Gaelan is over. After reaching Brynnlaw, she will be taken by a hooded figure, and then be in Spellhold as in the original game. After that, the original game content is unchanged. The mod does two things to remove referencs to Imoen being taken by the Cowled Wizards: PC reply options where the PC tells about their plan on rescuing her from the Cowled Wizards are tagged with a variable to give true if the NPC is met while she is still being taken (although this is only useful for NPC who can be met on Waukeens Promenade, i.e. Aerie.) Game character references about missing Imoen and PC replies for info on Spellhold that include info about missing Imoen are directly changed using STRING_SET into a remark / question of the same context with reference to Irenicus, instead. I4E crossmod variable is "C#IM_ImoenStays": Global("C#IM_ImoenStays","GLOBAL",0) - Inside ID, Imoen gets kidnapped, Imoen is taken by the Coweld Wizards at the Promenade Global("C#IM_ImoenStays","GLOBAL",1) - Imoen is back after the PC talked to Gaelan the first time (slums) - Imoen is spawned beside the PC when he leaves Gaelan's house. No missing Imoen here, Imoen is no longer kidnapped. Global("C#IM_ImoenStays","GLOBAL",2) - Imoen gets kidnapped in Brynnlaw, Imoen is taken by Irenicus inside Spellhold, Imoen is kidnapped Global("C#IM_ImoenStays","GLOBAL",3) - Imoen is back, "normal status": after Spellhold, Irenicus took her soul for Bodhi. Note: During the time until the player enters the slums for the first time, Imoen will be kidnapped like in the original game. I.e. there is time for any "OMG Imoen is gone" talks to happen while the player roams the Waukeens Promenade. I.e. dialogues / banters tagged with Global("C#IM_ImoenStays","GLOBAL",0) could happen here although the I4E mod content will kick in later. This means: Global("C#IM_ImoenStays","GLOBAL",0) is NOT a check whether the mod is not installed, but a toggle of the game events when the mod content kicks in. Trigger for NPC mod compatibility (triggers listed here are *additional* to whatever needs to be used to time the dialogues right!): Use the following triggers for content that could fire with this mod or without (with the right timing): Dialogues or Banters *with* Imoen that should happen after she is freed in Spellhold that are general enough so they can also fire with this mod (i.e. was kidnapped by Irenicus, soul taken, PC came to rescue her; will fire once Imoen is in party after Spellhold, should not fire in chapter 2 or 3 pre-Spellhold, should fire with or without this mod): GlobalGT("Chapter","GLOBAL",3) !Global("C#IM_ImoenStays","GLOBAL",1) NPC talking / commenting *about* Imoen being taken pre-spellhold meant to fire before getting to her (could also fire in chapter 4 in Brynnlaw after she was kidnapped *with* this mod, should fire in chapters 2,3,4 (Brynnlaw) without this mod): !Global("C#IM_ImoenStays","GLOBAL",1) Use the following triggers for content that should *not* fire with this mod content (i.e. dialogues or banters with or about Imoen that *explicitely* state that she was taken and held by Irenicus since the Promenade fight (should only fire without this mod. Please note that for BGT+EET, you need also e.g. GlobalGT("Chapter","GLOBAL",3) or they could fire in ID.): Global("C#IM_ImoenStays","GLOBAL",0) Use the following triggers for crossmod content for this mod: NPC commenting on Imoen being taken but released by the Cowled Wizards, to fire in chapter 2 or 3 or also at the beginning in Brynnlaw until Imoen is taken to Spellhold: Global("C#IM_ImoenStays","GLOBAL",1) NPC talk to Imoen after Spellhold and explicitely address the fact that she was taken twice, or that she was still taken by Irenicus although the Coweld Wizards let her go the first time he tried to take her with him at the Promenade fight: Global("C#IM_ImoenStays","GLOBAL",3)
  6. Compatibility Notes for Players: BGII In general: There should be no problem with mods that do not introduce talking NPCs in chapter 2 or 3, i.e. all mods with content that either do not include NPCs or where the content kicks in after going to Brynnlaw, e.g. NPC mods starting in the Underdark or ToB mods. Full compatibility, also content-wise with mods that do insert NPCs in chapter 2&3 or have potentially incomptible content: Afaaq, the Djinni Companion for BG2 and BG2:EE Ajantis NPC for BGII Almateria's Restauration Project "Extended Waukeen's Promenade Cutscene" (independent of installation order) Alternatives (compatibility component of I4E needs to be installed after) Ascalon's Breagar NPC Edwin Romance Fading Promises as of v9 Heroes, Thieves, and Moneylenders IEP Extended Banters as of v5.7 Imoen Friendship as of v3.6 NPC Strongholds as of v8.1 The Artisan's Kitpack as of 21-01-19 Tweaks Anthology "Faster Chapter 1&2 Cut-Scenes & Dreams" (component "Convenience Tweaks and/or Cheats") if Tweak Anthology is installed after. Unfinished Business as of v28beta Yeslick NPC for BGII as of v5.0 Technically compatible, but the mods still refer to Imoen being taken (this only lists mods that might be incompatible due to the mod structure, so this list is incomplete): Saerileth's route to Spellhold if installed *after* Saerileth mod (compatibility component of I4E needs to be installed after). The mod still refers to Imoen be taken, though. Definitely not compatible: The mod is *not* compatible with my "Imoen Is Stone" mod. I4E is not compatible with the Imoen Romance Notes to Install Order: Install I4E as soon as possible and treat it as a quest mod.
  7. Compatibility Notes for Modders: SoD Currently, the mod only introduces Imoen as a party member in Korlasz's Crypt, up until the transition to the Ducal Palace. Here, the check is easy with a simple InParty() check for Imoen. In future versions, the mod will set the variable Global("C#IM_ImoenInSoD","GLOBAL",1) for crossmod detection whether Imoen will join the group again at the first coalition camp (or wait at camp, depending on players' choice.) Inparty Imoen uses the same script name as the original SoD-Imoen (which is Imoen's script name). Both her "final" dialogue inside Korlasz's crypt, as well as the last dialogue state in the Ducal Palace (BDIMOEN 85) stay unchanged in case mod NPCs want to interject (e.g. say goodbye to the PC after defeating Korlasz or say hello/goodbye to Imoen after her recovery). Note: for BG:EE/SoD, Imoen's script name (death variable) is "imoen" for EET, Imoen's DV is "imoen2"
  8. If you encounter any problems with this mod, please post here. Also state which game you are on and which version of the mod you are using.
  9. Compatibility Notes for Player: SoD In SoD, content-wise compatibility could be a problem if NPC mods have dialogues with the PC that assume that Imoen is not in the party but stayed with Duke Jannath to practice magic. Technically, there should be no compatibility problem with other SoD mods. Imoen4Ever is definitely compatible with: Ajantis BG1 Expansion Brage's Redemption Endless BG1 Grey the Dog Jastey's SoD Tweakpack The Artisan's Kitpack Transitions This post will be updated if I have more specific info to share.
  10. Compatibility is a bit on the tough side with this mod since probably all mods assume in SoD that Imoen is not in the party, and in BGII that Imoen is being taken at the Waukeen's Promenade fight and stays in Irenicus' grasps until the PC reaches Spellhold. With the Imoen 4 Ever mod playing BGII gives a totally new gaming experience - at least for those of us who feel bad about Imoen's pain - by taking out the time pressure in chapters 2 & 3. I hope more mods will be made compatible with Imoen 4 Ever in the future. If you are a modder and would like to make your mods compatible and have questions, please ask. This thread aims at giving an overview on compatibility, for players as well as modders who want to make their mods compatible with a game with Imoen as a continuous party member - and BGII without the rushed feeling before Spellhold. Compatibility Notes for Players: SoD Compatibility Notes for Players: BGII Compatibility Notes for Modders: SoD Compatibility Notes for Modders: BGII
  11. Imoen 4 Ever Mod languages: English, German, Polish This mod aims at making Imoen a steady companion throughout the whole BG-Saga. Imoen-related story content is being considered, therefore Imoen will be out of party temporarily to reflect the most crucial original game events. This mod makes her rejoin the party after such incidents, so that she can be seen as an actual travel companion in SoD and BGII. The mod tries to use as many originally voiced lines as possible, but some had to be taken out because they didn't make any sense without Imoen being there (BGII) or with Imoen catually being in the party (SoD). The mod is compatible with SoD and all BGII games: BGII, BGT, BGII:EE, EET. For EET, install the mod dirctly into your EET game folder. For order of install, this mod is to be considered to be a questmod, i.e. should be installd before any NPC or other mods that add interjections into chapters 2&3 in BGII. Promotion Artwork by Acifer! As of v10, the mod has 14 components. The first 5 are for BGII; for these, the 1st component is required to install any of the other, optional components (numbers 2 to 5). Components 6 to 13 are for SoD; for these, components 6 or 7 are required to install any of the other, optional components. Component 14 offers and alternate portrait for Imoen by Acifer. It will be used for all parts of the present game /BG1, SoD, BGII). Content BGII: This mod gives back Imoen in Chapter 2 and 3, right after the first dialogue with Gaelan. The player can then explore and play all quests without any time pressure or moral dilemma about a friend needing rescue. The original game content kicks in again after the arrival in Brynnlaw: Imoen will now be kidnapped. If the optional component is installed, Yoshimo will be then available for recruitment in the Brynnlaw tavern. All(most all) lines referring to Imoen being taken and needing rescue where replaced with references to Irenicus, instead. Content SoD: With this mod, Imoen will be recruitable in SoD. There are several optional components. For one of them, Imoen will remain in your group in the beginning of SoD if she was in BG:EE (If Imoen was not in party in the transition from BG:EE, her presence in Korlasz' Crypt will play like in the original game with no changes.). She will be a party member in Korlasz's crypt up until the point where all party members leave and the PC finds themselves in the Ducal Palace. From there, Imoen will take her role as in the original game. Another component lets Imoen return to the group when the group arrives at the first camp after marching out against the crusade. She will then be available as a party member until the original game events after the PC's fall kick in. More content for SoD offered is reactions to game events and dialogues for Imoen, the original "Imoen studies with Jannath" scene from the scrying pool as a cutscene, the possibility to toggle between Imoen's BG1 and SoD Portrait, and an altered dialogue after the poison attack to give a better reason why she will stay behind. Please refer to the readme to see which other components are available. Alternate portrait by Acifer (component14): Link to Modpage and Readme
  12. The new mod version didn't change anything with regard to detecting the modmerge status of the game it is supposed to be installed in, v18 does exactly the same. If the mod thinks that modmerge is required then it detects what makes it think that modmerge should run, i.e. your game is not correctly modmerged. This can happen e.g. if you let the game resources be refreshed by redownloading a "clean" install of a game that was modmerged before. After that, running modmerge again will not modmerge the game, despite modmerge telling otherwise. First, here is a description of what you can do to clean your game. Secondly, I advice to switch to @argent77 DLC Merger instead of using modmerge in teh future.
  13. jastey

    Imoen 4 Ever

    A mod for BGII and SoD, compatible with all BGII games (BGII, BGT, BGII:EE, EET). This mod aims at making Imoen a steady companion throughout the whole BG-Saga. Imoen-related story content is being considered, therefore Imoen will be out of party temporarily to reflect the most crucial original game events. This mod makes her rejoin the party after such incidents, so that she can be seen as an actual travel companion in SoD and BGII. The mod tries to use as many originally voiced lines as possible, but some had to be taken out because they didn't make any sense without Imoen being there (BGII) or with Imoen catually being in the party (SoD). Promotion artwork by Acifer!
  14. Version v11.4


    A mod for BGII and SoD, compatible with all BGII games (BGII, BGT, BGII:EE, EET). This mod aims at making Imoen a steady companion throughout the whole BG-Saga. Imoen-related story content is being considered, therefore Imoen will be out of party temporarily to reflect the most crucial original game events. This mod makes her rejoin the party after such incidents, so that she can be seen as an actual travel companion in SoD and BGII. The mod tries to use as many originally voiced lines as possible, but some had to be taken out because they didn't make any sense without Imoen being there (BGII) or with Imoen catually being in the party (SoD). Promotion artwork by Acifer! Read the Readme Project Page Forum at G3 Readme: English, German
  15. I think something is heavily scrumbled in your install. I'd advise to start with a fresh game install, add the mods you want, and start a new game.
  16. You need to patch the dialogue to the cre. I'm on my mobile phone, I'll post the code when I'm back on my computer.
  17. Are you playing with an older save game in a newly modded game? That could explain such behavior.
  18. In the d-file, you need to replace the placeholder DLG Name with the real one, as I wrote above. If you don't understand my advice because of modder slang or so then tell me, but having to repeat the same advice three times leaves me a bit helpless.
  19. No, you actually didn't, not if you posted the currwnt d-file. In your .d-file: -Remove the two question marks at the Ende. -use the correct DLG name as I posted above
  20. You called the dialogue file of Artemus ~PEARTEMU~ , so in my template code you need to replace ~Artemus~ with ~PEARTEMU~.
  21. The text "README" does not appear in this tp2. Is this the one that produced the above error debug? But I spot something. I do assume that here: AT_INTERACTIVE_EXIT ~VIEW Kaya/ModKaya.txt~ there is a tilda (~) at the wrong place. I guess it should be (I'm not sure how to use AT_INTERACTIVE_EXIT , though). AT_INTERACTIVE_EXIT VIEW ~Kaya/ModKaya.txt~ Is this the readme, though? Standard is to call the readme at the beginning and also add the version number os it is displayed in the debug file - spares a lot of hassle: VERSION ~Beta 4~ //pre README ~c#brage/readme.c#brage.%LANGUAGE%.html~ ~readme.c#brage.english.html~ right after the AUTHOR tag. btw: the AUTHOR tag is supposed to give a place where people can get help if they run into install errors with your mod, it will be displayed if installation terminates due to an install error. That would be an email address or a forum link, usually. In case you weren't aware.
  22. I use "fj_are_structure", what is the difference to "fj_add_are_structure" or is this a typo? I used this for a hidden trigger area. (I do not assign a script in the mod, but it should work this way): /* area patches: give caravan site detection trigger (AR4100 Archaeological Site) */ COPY_EXISTING ~%ArchaeologicalSite%.are~ ~override~ LPF ~fj_are_structure~ INT_VAR fj_type = 0 //trap fj_box_left = 3618 //smallest x fj_box_top = 2087 //smallest y fj_box_right = 3827 //biggest x fj_box_bottom = 2240 //biggest y fj_loc_x = 3700 //between smallest and biggest x fj_loc_y = 2100 //between smallest and biggest y fj_vertex_0 = 3690 + (2240 << 16) fj_vertex_1 = 3805 + (2236 << 16) fj_vertex_2 = 3827 + (2129 << 16) fj_vertex_3 = 3722 + (2087 << 16) fj_vertex_4 = 3618 + (2185 << 16) STR_VAR fj_structure_type = region fj_trap_detect = 100 fj_trap_active = 1 fj_trap_status = 0 fj_name = c#becara //<- script name of the trigger area fj_reg_script = c#becara //<- this would be the assigned script name END
  23. Always do JoinParty() last in the action list. The SetGlobal should be before that, or it will not be executed, at least not reliably. These actions should always be last (there might be more): -JoinParty() -EscapeArea() -EscapeAreaDestroy() -MoveBetweenAreas() For you this means, use this and see whether it might solve your problem: IF~~THEN REPLY ~No. It’s just a mistake. Come, we should be moving.~ DO ~SetGlobal("Z9MAIEVJoin","GLOBAL",1) JoinParty()~ EXIT
  24. @pierpoljack The quest Babysitting in Nashkel does not add a character to the South Beregost Road area, and it only uses custom cres. If there is a mixup of dialogue I am not sure how it happened in your game. Since you are on BG:EE you can look at the girl's stats via cheat console. Assuming you have the cheats enabled, put the cursor on the girl, then press ctrl+m. Post her script name and dialogue file name here. Please also press "x" and put the area code and coordinates here, just in case.
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