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Everything posted by jastey

  1. That is what I would have expected, from how it is scripted. Thanks for trying it out again! So, for now the hint for this encounter would be: only talk to Mikala with your PC directly. Will be fixed in the next version!
  2. @CamDawg Oh, now on my phone I see the linked Video - sorry, my PC showed me a complete empty post. My question was not as subtle as it might have seemed!
  3. Thanks! I hope this will be fixed in the next version where I replaced the trigger with a variable that shouldn't lead to this behavior. It's still strange loading an older save didn't work, though.
  4. Oh, if you would take the time I'd be grateful. In case your tests include compatibility between the mods, make sure you take the new, restructured version of Jarlr's Tweak Pack from here.
  5. Is there supposed to be something in this post, @CamDawg?
  6. Thanks! First I need to correct myself: that tweak from Jarl's Tweakpack is also compatible with BG:EE and EET (starting with the new beta). Jarl uses DELETE_STORE_ITEM, is that a weidu function, too, as I do not find a definition inside the mod package: COPY_EXISTING ~TAERUM.STO~ ~override~ SPRINT ~item_to_delete~ ~MISC75~ LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~DELETE_STORE_ITEM~ SPRINT ~item_to_delete~ ~LEAT08~ LAUNCH_PATCH_MACRO ~DELETE_STORE_ITEM~ COPY_EXISTING ~STOSILEN.STO~ ~override~ ADD_STORE_ITEM ~LEAT08~ AFTER ~LEAT05~ #0 #0 #0 ~IDENTIFIED~ #1 ADD_STORE_ITEM ~MISC75~ AFTER ~DAGG01~ #0 #0 #0 ~IDENTIFIED~ #1 I probably just change it to using REMOVE_STORE_ITEM, too.
  7. That is surprising, since the according dialogue has the trigger "IsGabber(Player1) NumTimesTalkedTo(0)". So, if you load an earlier save and talk to her the first time* with your female NPC, she should initiate dialogue and say "Ah, the saviour of our mines. <CHARNAME>, wasn't it? I thank you.". My suggestions would have been: load an earlier save, if available... The only other option I could think of is ctrl+y the existent Mikala and cheat a new one in via: C:CreateCreature("M3Mikala") If she doesn't talk to you then, I am clueless, I am afraid. *That's a good find, btw: the check for "talked to the first time" is nonsense, of course, and lead to the bug you encountered. This will be fixed in the next version! Thank you for reporting!
  8. Roxanne not only lets the EE Setup Tool pull beta versions and unconfirmed EET versions of mods. The tool also pulls mod versions Roxanne put on Dropbox although the mods are up-to-date with EET compatibility and on GitHub, for example Ascalon's Questpack which the tool appearently downloads from this dropbox link. Dropbox download was never authorized and it is pointless to have it (to say the least) since it pretends to include the current 2.04 of the mod. Why such an additional download would be necessary is not clear to me. Therefore, I can only assume that Roxanne did changes to the mod she doesn't want to be noticed easily. The reason why I am assuming this is that she did changes to other mods in her EET-versions, as well, and also does not stop at including tweaks into what she calls a "fixpack". I can only warn: If using the EE Setup Tool be aware that it pulls mod versions where Roxanne made unauthorized changes to, and that when using this tool, you might not get the original mod author's visions but more of a "Roxanne's EET world and how she would like the game to be". And I will now continue to support a player who encountered a bug in an inofficial mod version of one of my maintained mods I didn't even know existed. "Thank you", Roxanne. (Yeah, the bug is probably mine, but that's not the point.)
  9. Hi @K4thos, please rename the "Ascalon's Questpack Update Project" to just "Ascalon's Questpack" and also change the link to the official last release: https://github.com/Gitjas/AC_QUEST/releases/latest Also: Adalon's Blood is now on https://www.baldurs-gate.de/index.php?resources/adalons-blood-silberdrachenblutmod.5/ Ajantis BG1 Expansion: https://www.baldurs-gate.de/index.php?resources/jasteys-ajantis-bg1-expansion.2/ Sir Ajantis BGII: https://www.baldurs-gate.de/index.php?resources/jasteys-sir-ajantis-für-bgii-npc.9/ Ascalon's Breagar should also be called from the latest release: https://github.com/Gitjas/ACBre/releases/latest NTotSC moved to SHS's GitHub repo but that's just cosmetics as the link still works (still I would appreciate the update): https://github.com/SpellholdStudios/NTotSC/releases/latest Thank you.
  10. I'm still here. What exactly do you mean she won't talk to your PC - Mikala is there but "has nothing to say to you" (as it was displayed in the old game) if you click on her? Is it the first time you talk to her, or did you already tried talking to her with someone else or the PC not being in the first slot? Also, it would help if you tell me which version of the mod and which game (BG:EE / BGT / original BG1 ...) you are playing.
  11. This does make a lot of sense and it's what @AstroBryGuy did for the BG1 NPC romances, I think. But it needs more rearrangement of the tp2 than just adding another small component. (OK; it actually only requires cutting and pasting nearly everything from the tp2 but it's still a rearrangement.)
  12. Just a heads up: Jarl's Tweak Pack offers this exact move, too (that mod is BGT, only). The setup name is "Setup-JA#BGT_Tweak" and the component number is 153 ("Move Dagger of Venom and Shadow Armor from Taerom's Shop to Silence's Shop"). That's for version 2.0.0 still in beta, but the former version included this move, too. Also, Jarl's Adventure Pack component 0 does this too: ~Setup-JA#BGT_AdvPack.tp2~ 0 So, if I add REQUIRE_PREDICATE NOT MOD_IS_INSTALLED ~setup-mih_ip.tp2.tp2~ 0 @187 /* ~Skipping - is already installed via Made in Heaven: Item Pack~ */ to Jarl's Tweakpack, would it detect your component correctly?
  13. What CamDawg said and why do you not want the ids to interfere with the new timer value - isn't it unimportant what it looks like once you replaced it? Even if there is a mod that adds a lot of new entries to the ids and the player deinstalls it midgame, Aran would be reinstalled after it so the timer should be ok, again? Thanks for the discussion and also the short version from @CamDawg as I will need this, too.
  14. The mod is calles Crossmod Banter Pack but would it be the right place for crossmod that needs the other mod but is e.g. interjections into a quest mod also? (Ajantis for example has some very strict opinions to some of the Alternatives offers and really can't wait until the dialogues are over...) It should work the same way than NPC-NPC crossmod banter, I mean with respect to how it would be handled by the Crossmod Banter mod and should be ok, or does anyone disagree?
  15. Yes, it was me, not the function. I realize only now that you considered way more possibilities for the ToB spawning and the deactivation of original DV at the fate spirit summoning than I was aware of. Once again I bow to the degree of organisation and consider-it-all you show in EET! Thank you for looking into this!
  16. Hi there @K4thos did you have a chance to look at the raised topics?
  17. Congratulations on the release! You should make more advertisment that the item pack also contains some very cool tweak options! But... but... How could you?! The ring of wizardry at FAI is one of the free, supercool magic items I heavily rely on for my mage.
  18. It is so awesome to see an update to this mod. Thank you!
  19. Indeed! Thank you for the report, this will be fixed in the next version. To end the loop, type the following into the cheat console: C:SetGlobal("C#AjantisInHell","GLOBAL",3)
  20. Welllll, that's not worse than the -nobody reads the manual, there is surely a man around who can explain it to me- approach some women are using. Aaaand $5 into the sexism piggybank, both of us!
  21. Cool. Thank you for the explanations! @Gwendolyne You mean I should just have looked into the weidu readme?...
  22. @Ardanis Thank you very much! I moved the "SPRINT debug ~~" so it doesn't patch the NoAction() blocks with the former block number. What does ~%MATCH2%~ mean and is there a list of these (weidu) variables and functions somewhere?
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