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Everything posted by Isewein

  1. Turns out the mod finally made it to GitHub. I must say I like those much better than PPE, all things considered. Or maybe I have just grown used to them over the years.
  2. It could be an eccentric collector who wants to build his own little museum (off-screen) - and then should anyone ever come around to doing the area art for it it could become reality.
  3. I don't know, I think it can be enjoyable to roleplay such a character as well. It's easy to recognise the storytelling tropes and warning signs as the uninterested bystander, but history and indeed present times show that it's by no means unlikely for even the wise to succumb to the power of the charismatic.
  4. It would be brilliant if this were to finally see the light of day after all these years. Still the most atmospheric UI out there. Let's make some noise, people!
  5. You should try the DDrawFix if you are not playing the gog version (in which I believe it is included by default). Otherwise consider foregoing the widescreen mod. I found it not quite worth the screen flicker and lag issues it caused.
  6. I hope it's temporary... but I'm getting nasty 403 errord trying to follow any link to the forum. Really hope it's not lost for good. Should have done a backup long ago. Does anyone know what's going on?
  7. NPC Stronholds has some remaining bugs, but none of them gamebreaking. I'd say it's well worth the effort. A much more organic way to experience all the content than multi-strongholds for Charname.
  8. If you do want to give character mods a try, I heartily recommend Kulyok's NPC pack. The writing is lovely and blends in quite well with the tone of Icewind Dale. They are also relatively customisable with regards to their classes.
  9. That'd be hilarious. I can see Eldoth taking undue advantage of the situation. This all sounds great, by the way! I wish I wasn't so busy currently. Can't wait to give BG another go (and am cheekily hoping this mod will be out of beta by then!). Currently I'm stuck in The Temple of Elemental Evil, which I had never played before but is actually quite enjoyable despite its reputation.
  10. I thought it was rather that those around us became prettier...
  11. What a perfect Christmas present! Thank you for your indomitable efforts. The quests sound lovely. Will probably take a while until I get to them, though...
  12. Are you playing EET? If you have the Xan BG2 mod installed, then yes, he will rejoin you in Athkatla as intended. Custom characters or mod NPCs who have not been updated for SoD will remain in your party, but will naturally feature no content for SoD, so you might as well give the new additions a try. That also helps balance out the inflation of experience over the course of the trilogy.
  13. A spear seems much more fitting for him, in terms of flavour. Elves of Shilmista are not known to fight with halberds, and it is an unwieldy weapon for a hunter anyway. It's a question of game design whether balance should be prioritised over coherence. Personally, I think that the logic of "there's a lot of halberds in BG:EE, so Kivan should be proficient with them" which seems to have led to the EE change, or even alternatively "Kivan's halberd miraculously looks like a spear" is a bit circular.
  14. Absolutely. Make sure to take her along to the Underdark.
  15. I'll give it a try and let you know if I manage to do it - can't seem to be able to find instructions for Kit mod adaptation though, so will have to rely on trial and error.
  16. So it seems like this game is actually no vapourware. Who would have thought! I can't lie, the whole unskippable advertisement coupled with paywalled forum shenanigans of BWL always did seem rather dodgy to me. So I never really looked into the plans for this game (talk about advertisement annoyance...) - but now that it appeared on my radar it actually looks extremely promising. Note to self: Listen to Finch more and don't judge a book by its cover. Has anyone backed this / been involved with its creation process?
  17. Would be great to see this adapted for EET! Might & Guile has a Bladesinger kit, but it's coded as a Bard.
  18. Xan is my personal favourite, Ajantis or Isra are probably best for classical courtly romance, Adrian or Sarevok for more shades of grey.
  19. So glad it's still under active development! It looks to become such a great addition to the game.
  20. What is wrong with your sort? Do you really think that the encouragement modders deserve for all their effort *on your behalf* is mocking them?
  21. I fear for the purposes of the Amber mod they wouldn't be recognised as eligible, though, seeing as the second PC romance only kicks in in a MP game.
  22. We should be able to add Jan's Extended Quest to the list, as it does not use chapter variables: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/76673/jans-extended-quest-now-compatible-with-bg2ee#latest
  23. That's a decent enough summary. They are technically compatible, and in my experience there were no jarring conceptual clashes playing with both, either - in fact, their talks complemented each other quite nicely, brushing different subjects, and the difference in mood, while present, never seemed enough to render her bipolar (at least as far I can recall). Then again, I could never quite have enough of Imoen.
  24. I strongly disagree that the Imoen "Romance" (a misnomer really, in its current state) makes any extreme changes to her character. It certainly used to, but I have a feeling that this is one of those mod rumours that stick around, but are based on an older version of the mod. The current one is perfectly enjoyable without engaging in the whole notion of sexual attraction (which admittedly only works for very few characters, although it somewhat fits the themes of the game), offering a touching friendship/sisterhood path, character quests and, most importantly, fixing the plothole of Imoen not being treated as a proper Bhaalspawn in ToB.
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