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Posts posted by Endarire

  1. @Angel
    I imagined the zombies as crew members on Balduran's Ship who tried to mutiny or otherwise escape an oath to accompany their captain on what would be the final journey.  Assume a zombie would have this note, and names will be tweaked as prudent to fit the lore:

    "My dearest Amelia,

    As of late, the valorous Balduran, our captain, has been acting much less and less like a dignified man.  An unnatural anger and thirst for power have been creeping over him.  I doubt he realizes just how short-tempered his speech has been, and how quickly his words have turned hostile toward some of the crew.  I fear he sees us with disfavor.  I will speak with him tomorrow before he sets off on our next grand maritime 'adventure.'

    Did I ever tell you how Baludran and I became friends?  We were like brothers, my father taking an interest in his boldness from a young age and treating him like the younger son he never had.  I pray he shall listen to me, and not the mysterious, ill whisperings of Alcander, his new first mate and 'seer,' whose words are like honey to the ears and poison to the soul.

    I will write you again as I am able.  Farewell, my beloved bride.

    Yours exclusively,

  2. @Angel
    Zombie Farm: What are the Zombies guarding?  What scrolls/notes do they carry to infer significance?  Were they plagued and turned Undead?  Did they offend someone?  Was it just a bad day for them with an opportune Necromancer?

    Winter Wolf Breath: May we get an option to make this an AoE?

  3. KNIGHTS OF THE CHALICE 2 finally has a Kickstarter publicly available after more than a year of waiting! Fund, fund, fund!

    I know some of you want more reason to buy.  What is this game?

    KotC2 is a party-based turn-based RPG based on the D&D 3.5 ruleset. Knights of the Chalice 1 was a well-regarded indie RPG (also turn-based, party-based, and D&D 3.5 rules-based), and this sequel offers more classes, more scenarios, a game editor (for new scenarios, stat editing, etc.), and (unless the game author has changed it) the ability to legally sell your modules if they're your property. (No selling your recreation of Keep on the Borderlands, an official D&D module, but your original work is OK.)

    The game author made a more detailed overview of KotC2 and displays various classes, races, and stats in the KotC2 database.


    (I apologize if this isn't the place to mention this.  Noobermeet was the only off-topic forum I found on G3.)

  4. @4udr4n
    Just remember you can revert to previous versions on Google Docs/Sheets/Slides/etc. via Control-Alt-Shift-H OR File >> Version History >> See Version History.  From there, change to a previous version on file.

    I also backed up the Google Sheet before editing anything.

    The to-sort list should have the alternating white and gray backgrounds for cells as the main list does.

  5. EDIT
    I found the old template mods to gain a template - Death Knight, Half-Celestial, Half-Fiend, Lich, or Skeleton Warrior.  (Alleluia!)  To my understanding, this was never updated to EET.  Who's up for it?


    Original Post
    Greetings, all!

    I know the mod Vampire World lets you play as a Vampire.  What mods exist that let you eventually become a Lycanthrope (Werewolf, most likely) or a (Demi)Lich?


  6. @subtledoctor
    Normally, at the start of BG1, SoD, BG2, and ToB, players get the option to make characters with appropriate EXP totals.  My request is to add methods to do this mid-game without using an external editor.

    I assume all characters would start naked or with very basic gear so as to avoid adding these guys to the party then immediately dumping them to keep their stuff.  Spellbook-based casters would start with appropriate spells for their level.

  7. @4udr4n
    I've waited on certain mods to update before focusing on a massive reinstall.  I also got busier with career stuff.  My family has reminded me often about the importance of our game.  It's still happening.

    What are your main goals for installing lots of mods on EET?  I ask because we may have similar goals.

    My goals for installing so many mods was to try lots of content in one run.  If we're installing so much stuff with the intent of using it, we may as well go for more.

    Why use 75% EXP beyond slowing your ascent to level 50ish?  Our family's plan was to recruit NPCs to slow EXP gain and try their stuff.

  8. @Angel
    Quest ideas!

    -Siegeing a city.  ToB has you escaping a city under siege.

    -A dragon egg hatchery.  Dragons come from somewhere, right?

    -Saving a city from a volcanic eruption:  People panicking, lava everywhere, and people wondering if this is the end of the world.  Mass looting.  Various religious interpretations.  Blame pointing.  Etc.

    -Aiding or stopping a madman from taking revenge on a forest that ate his pet or familiar.

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