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Gibberling Poobah
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Everything posted by CamDawg

  1. Cheers, check your PMs. You should be able to see Alec's old BG Fixpack forum and his last build.
  2. Believe it or not, BG2 Fixpack was inspired by Idobek's BG Fixpack that he started waaaaaay back in July 2004. He had gotten as far as coding up and modernizing Baldurdash, Dudleyville, and working through many of the errors reported by NI, but it never reached a point where he was satisfied releasing it. Towards the end, in Alec's words, he had included a number of items that weren't strictly bugfixes (probably the equivalent of OBC stuff) which is his main reservation about it today. If it would help, I'd love to see such a project revived, and I can offer Alec's last build of the BG Fixpack. Not that I can contribute much more beyond advice and an occasional spot of code...
  3. Round about line 11717, you'll find the Viconia changes--the spell removal is wrapped up with her prof changes so it's not as easy as commenting out/deleting some stuff. At line 11735 as part of the patch, you'll see this: SET "fx_delta" = 1 Add these two lines below it: SET "known_num" = 0 SET "mem_num" = 0 This will prevent the two spell removal loops from executing. Jaheira is much easier as hers is a standalone patch. Simply comment out/delete her patch at lines 10494 - 10546.
  4. (That's why it's a beta. Please see this thread.)
  5. Stuff for the messenger and guard. I'll leave you to test whether any of this works. tp2: COPY_EXISTING ~kprunn01.cre~ ~override/g3osmsgr.cre~ // messenger ~amng1.cre~ ~override/g3osamng.cre~ // guard WRITE_EVALUATED_ASCII 0x248 ~%DEST_RES%~ #8 // override script WRITE_EVALUATED_ASCII 0x280 ~%DEST_RES%~ #32 WRITE_EVALUATED_ASCII 0x2cc ~%DEST_RES%~ #8 EXTEND_BOTTOM any area scripts where it's appropriate to spawn the guard, i.e. outdoor Athkatla areas: IF GlobalGT("AnomenDecide","GLOBAL",4) OR(2) PartyHasItem("ANOHELM") PartyHasItem("NPSHLD") !GlobalTimerNotExpired("G3OSTakeStuff","MYAREA") THEN RESPONSE #100 CreateCreatureOffScreen("g3osmsgr",0) SetGlobalTimer("G3OSTakeStuff","MYAREA",3600) END Compile this as the messenger's override script, g3osmsgr.bcs: IF !PartyHasItem("ANOHELM") !PartyHasItem("NPSHLD") THEN RESPONSE #100 EscapeArea() END IF Global("G3GuardSpawn","LOCALS",0) THEN REPONSE #100 SetGlobal("G3GuardSpawn","LOCALS",1) CreateCreature("g3osamng",[-1.-1],0) END IF See([PC]) NumTimesTalkedTo(0) THEN RESPONSE #100 Dialogue([PC]) END IF !See([PC]) THEN RESPONSE #100 MoveToObject([PC]) END Compile this as the guard's override script, g3osamng.bcs: IF !PartyHasItem("ANOHELM") !PartyHasItem("NPSHLD") THEN RESPONSE #100 EscapeArea() END IF !Range("g3osmsgr",5) THEN RESPONSE #100 MoveToObjectFollow("g3osmsgr") END And toss this in a d file and compile (you'll definitely want to change the cheesy dialogue): BEGIN G3OSMSGR IF ~True()~ THEN BEGIN G3OSGimmeThat SAY ~Those items are the property of Cor Delryn and he demands their return, as is his right under Amnish law.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItemAll("ANOHELM") TakePartyItemAll("NPSHLD")~ GOTO G3OSGimmeThat2 END IF ~~ THEN BEGIN G3OSGimmeThat2 SAY ~Thank you for your cooperation citizen.~ IF ~~ THEN EXIT END END
  6. Toss this in a .d file and compile it: EXTEND_BOTTOM COR 24 IF ~~ THEN DO ~TakePartyItemAll("ANOHELM") TakePartyItemAll("NPSHLD")~ GOTO g3newcor END APPEND COR IF ~~ THEN BEGIN g3newcor SAY ~Gimme that stuff!~ IF ~~ THEN GOTO 25 END END EXTEND_BOTTOM HPRELATE 5 IF ~~ THEN DO ~SetGlobal("AnomenIsKnight","GLOBAL",1)~ GOTO g3newprelate END APPEND HPRELATE IF ~~ THEN BEGIN g3newprelate SAY ~You are granted this armor, with which to serve.~ IF ~~ THEN DO ~GiveItemCreate("ANOPLAT", "Anomen", 0, 0, 0)~ EXTERN ANOMENJ 97 END END This includes an extra line for Cor. If you don't want Cor to have one, replace the EXTEND_BOTTOM and APPEND for Cor with this instead: ADD_TRANS_ACTION COR BEGIN 24 END BEGIN END ~TakePartyItemAll("ANOHELM") TakePartyItemAll("NPSHLD")~
  7. Ok should I then make a clean backup before or after installing BG2 Fixpack. Are there a date for the next release? Itm seems to be nice work, so Heh. Let me provide a bit of insight into the internal workings of Fixpack releases: the beta was originally scheduled for March 4, but I kept trying to make one last heroic run at the Pending Fixes forum. So while I could offer future release dates, I can assure you that they would be completely meaningless. For a clean backup, probably after the official patch.
  8. BG2 Fixpack should now take the pace of Baldurdash in those install orders.
  9. The GROUP flag came about in discussing component management with an abnormally large number of independent components, e.g. BG2 Tweaks, and was added as a feature in WeiDU v192. Previously WeiDU lacked a satisfactory way to organize such a modâ€"the closest feature would be the top level ASK_EVERY_COMPONENT, which only allows for a single all-or-none approach. The solution is a new component flag, GROUP, with the following syntax (and example): GROUP string BEGIN ~100% Learn Spells~ GROUP ~Convenience Tweaks~ // component code BEGIN ~Identify All Items~ GROUP ~Convenience Tweaks~ // component code BEGIN ~Give Edwin his BG2 Stats~ GROUP ~NPC Tweaks~ // component code BEGIN ~ Give Jaheira her BG2 Stats~ GROUP ~NPC Tweaks~ // component code Upon installing the mod, the player is now presented with meta-options on each group at a high level: Would you like to display the category [Convenience Tweaks]? [Y]es/[N]o Would you like to display the category [NPC Tweaks]? [Y]es/[N]o Selecting [N]o on any group suppresses those options from being displayed, leading to a simpler and more controlled installer experience for the player. In the provided example, selecting [N]o to Convenience Tweaks and [Y]es to NPC Tweaks would result in WeiDU starting installation by asking to install the Give Edwin his BG2 Stats component. GROUP operates independently of SUBCOMPONENT, meaning you can use both to organize the mod as needed. A few other items of note: A component can belong to multiple GROUPs; a component is not offered for install if and only if none of its member groups are selected You could, in theory, have two components in the same SUBCOMPONENT grouping but different GROUPs. Don't do this. If some components of a mod are in a GROUP, but others are not, the non-GROUPed components will always be presented. Using a GROUP anywhere in your mod will act as an implied ASK_EVERY_COMPONENT tp2 flag.
  10. Finally wrote my updated Cromwell/Cespy upgrade tutorial. Enjoy.
  11. All 2da tables (including the XP ones) modified by G3/Tutu Tweaks have been extended out to level 50.
  12. Baldurdash is now a protected (not publicly accessible) forum at SHS, unfortunately.
  13. It's an unspoken rule of modding--anything posted publically will inevitably be because of something silly you've done. See 90% of my bug reports in the WeiDU forum for verification.
  14. Though it looks ugly, the multi-ADD_KITs is probably the simplest way to approach this. Unfortunately, you don't know to which column your kit gets appended in weapprof.2da (clasweap.2da is unimportant in BG2; though I have different lines for it in the tutorial it actually makes no difference at all). So you'd need to first determine the column number in clasweap.2da before you can start throwing S_2_E sequences at it. Not to say it can't be done, it was just a complication with which I didn't want to bother when I wrote the tutorial. (Now that I've mentioned it, I'm sure bigg will now add a %yourkit_weapprof_column% variable in WeiDU v211, coming out Thursday. ) If you did determine the column, you could probably save yourself some trouble by copying the parent class' values to save yourself some logic checks--barring, of course, that your kit is supposed to have radically different profs.
  15. Navigate to the file. Highlight it and press f2, or right-click and select rename from the menu.
  16. You can use a lot of shucking and jiving to get around these restrictions. Unfortunately it generally raises a fair number of incompatibility issues and other design tradeoffs that are suboptimal. I pioneered a lot of these tricks with SPC because I wanted to keep the kits as close to the author's original idea as possible. In general though I don't think the tradeoffs are worth it.
  17. Most of the various files used by the engine are just text files with different extensions. 2da, ids, and tp2 files are all text files, so you can just rename your file from foo.tp2 to foo.2da and it'll work just fine.
  18. Your class isn't jiving with the kittable line: ~K_C_D K_C_E K_C_G K_C_H K_C_HE K_C_HL K_C_HO~ This tells the engine to display the kit as a cleric selection. Change these to the fighter kittable values: ~K_F_D K_F_E K_F_G K_F_H K_F_HE K_F_HL K_F_HO~ edit: NiGHTMARE's faster.
  19. The class is the second number in the unusabiity line: 0x00000004 2 The above is the kensai kit. The second number is from class.ids: 1 MAGE 2 FIGHTER 3 CLERIC 4 THIEF 5 BARD 6 PALADIN 11 DRUID 12 RANGER The usability flag doesn't determine the kit; it's the cclass value, above, that does. Hardcoded, unfortunately. The multi-classes have little flexibility for change. Glad you found the tutorial helpful, and good luck.
  20. It certainly would. Updated the first post.
  21. One correction... SAY #12345 means to use the existing strref 12345 from dialog.tlk. SAY @12345 means to use @12345 from the associated tra file (i.e. adding a new string to dialog.tlk). edit: And some crossposting. Glad to hear it worked SL, nick work NM.
  22. If you could, post line 16 and about 5-10 lines above and below it. (NiGHTMARE's probably correct in suspecting a missing tilde.)
  23. We're pleased to announce three new mini-mods as part of our 8-mod anniversary barrage. Moinesse's Avatars - v1 This WeiDU mod contains a series of new avatars and paperdolls for BG2. Avatars are the graphics of your characters as they walk around the game world and paperdolls are the graphics that show on the inventory screen. Plasmocat's Portrait Pack - v1 This WeiDU mod provides a wide variety of ethnic portraits for the Baldur's Gate II protagonist and also alternative portraits for 13 of the joinable NPCs. Shards of Ice - v1 Icelus' little WeiDU collection of miscellany. From ice: "The two quests really aren't all that bad. Not really. Well, not too much. If you install the Summon Cow spell restoration component, however, you should be ashamed of yourself. Really."
  24. The biggest issue is that the buttons on the bottom menu (spellcasting, thieving skills, etc.) are hardcoded and can not be changed. So while you could grant a bard thieving abilities, the corresponding buttons would not appear--he already has the thieving button--he could disarm traps and open locks, but there's no detect traps button. Similarly, trying to recreate a skald via a thief kit would mean no spellcasting or bardsong. There's no kittable class that has spellcasting and a full range of thieving skills. You couls write a script that would allow your character to do various actions via hotkey, but's it's probably overkill for what you're trying to do.
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