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Other cities than Athkatla and BG...


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I'd really like to go to Memnon or Calimport somewhere in ToB, maybe even after both Sendai AND Abazigail. Because you get so many cool items, and nearly no time to try them out!

A hunted castle works fine, too - except it's probably far away from Amkethran.


EDIT: Sorry, dreaming aloud here! But seriously, I think that Tower of Deception is a very nice mod, and the Haunted Castle by Valiant(or any other name, really) would be cool, too. :)

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I'll probably outline a few (not so good, mind you) ideas here:


- The classic one(IWD:TotL): a disaster happened, and PC is at the haunted castle to uncover it(and/or recover a legendary sword/staff/cloak/a suit of armor). Ghosts acts as quest-givers, and, naturally, there are lots of undead/golems/traps around.

- The classic one with a twist: in the first part of the quest you're sent to recover the castle from a tyrant, you fight his soldiers/mercenaries/pet monsters, only to find out that you were actually fighting the good guys(Windspear Hills), and now you have to *defend* the castle from the invading army(NWN2).

- The classic rogue one(DA2): you get invited to the castle, walk around, maybe do a non-violent quest or two(duels are good), but your main quest is entering the castle's dungeon and stealing something/releasing an important prisoner/blowing the entire place to hell/killing the castle's owner(and the dungeons lead to his bedroom, well, naturally).

- Or go pure Castle D'aerthe/Witch-King route: the castle is overwhelmed with monsters, and you're there to clean it out and maybe claim it as your own(de'Arnise).


Out of all these, I like the haunted version the best, because ghosts tell stories: betrayal, love, death, it's all there. Gorion's ghost in ToB was very powerful, as was PS:T Deionarra. The problem with both Durlag's Tower and Tales of the Luremaster(to my mind) was that the stories were too long and non-memorable, but that's just me.

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Thanks a lot for ideas, will think about it.


Btw, Olga, it would be nice to cooperate with you again... ;) Me as an art guy and you as a writer. Pity you most likely don´t want to (just guessing). It was successful once, a time ago...Or?

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Olga, although these meshes are converted from Oblivion mesh format, they are custom made ones by mr_siika, and textures used are also from custom texture pack (made for Oblivion, too, but not by Bethesda), so finally there won´t be a problem with copyrights. All that those people want are proper credits, which is granted by me...

Even I must do a lot of changes in meshes themselves, an idea is not mine, so I can´t proclaim those models as my work. I just corrected them to my needs (but a tedious work I must say and very time consuming, in truth, almost redone :))


Stay in touch and start thinking about a decent story...:)

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I still think it would be very good to publish your structures here, though - first, they look nice, second, it draws publicity, and third, no one but Mike reads this thread anyway.

By the way, you've got backups, right?


(Besides, you might change your mind about co-modding with me. It's one thing if you want me to just write an encounter or two - I'll spend two days writing, send the text to you, wish you luck, advertise the mod when it comes out, and that's that. It's easy, fast, and it's really not a problem for me. But if you want me to really write the whole mod? I'm going to become a bad, bad person. Just ask Lava - I took the Underdark areas from him, said thanks, and categorically stated that his part in the mod was over - *I* will do and decide everything else, from the writing and coding to the color of the main char's underpants to the minor treasure in each chest. I'm not sure you'd be happy with that).

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