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Comments on "Progress Reports"


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Guest StarcrosS

Hola! Well, I've been a lurker around G3 for some time (yeah, it's about time I joined, but I don't have that much time...) anyway, this is the first place I've ever posted, so you should feel proud I suppose. :)


Okay, being serious for a while, and going back to the topic; I think you've done a wonderful job, BigRob, 'coz from what I've seen 'Aklon' looks like a truly intresting NPC (now that should make you feel really proud, because I don't like NPC's all that much, :) )


Anyway, I'm not going to do the whole "Preveiw!" or "When will it be coming out!?" thing, but I just thought it would be nice to show that there is someone else intrested in this mod, and good luck with the writing, I guess, hah.


Well, adios.


- StarcrosS


Oo, wait, just one more comment, heh...


QUOTE(Tarayani @ Feb 16 2008, 10:40 PM)


Happy Belated Valentine's Day!


Mayyybe a belated preview would be in order?


Ooooooh, wouldn't that be lovely??


(What do you think? Is our hint too subtle?)


Enthusiasm, I like it, but before long you'll have seen it all! :)

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Thank you, Tarayani for the belated Valentine's wishes. I kind of thought I might get away with it this year without anyone asking.



However, since you and Celticrose asked so nicely (and since I'm feeleing better for nearly being done with Anomen), I'll see what I can dig up tonight that's not seen the light of day before... :)




And thanks for the hit of praise there StarcrosS, it's gratifying that you picked Aklon to de-lurk in for the first time. Welcome to G3, and if you do end up playing Aklon, I hope he's as enjoyable as he looks incomplete. :)

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Guest the unknown muncher

So... are we there yet? :( I don't mean to rush you of course but this mod looks really good, I can't wait to pounce on it :):)


Oh, btw, I like the possibility of Aklon and Anomen becoming friends. I think a lot of people don't give him much of a chance, but he is one of my favorite characters, and not just bacause he is voiced by the amazing Rob Paulsen :(


So, thanks for Aklon, can't wait for him to be released :)

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Terribly sorry, we're not quite there yet, we're still a few towns over. Thanks for the vote of confidence though, I hope Aklon lives up to your expectations.


I personally don't like Anomen, but I'm aware that he has his good points, and though Aklon and Anomen never become bosom chums, I figured that each has a chance to find some respect for the other in those good points, given the right circumstances.


Don't expect it to be a fast process though. :(



This week has been especially bad for writing due to insane RL commitments, however, I'm hoping to polish off Cernd's banters in a few days and move on to the next NPC. After that is quests, the friendship path, interjects and coding.


All I can keep saying is soon, and thanks to everyone for their patience. :)

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Terribly sorry, we're not quite there yet, we're still a few towns over. Thanks for the vote of confidence though, I hope Aklon lives up to your expectations.


I personally don't like Anomen, but I'm aware that he has his good points, and though Aklon and Anomen never become bosom chums, I figured that each has a chance to find some respect for the other in those good points, given the right circumstances.


Don't expect it to be a fast process though. :D



This week has been especially bad for writing due to insane RL commitments, however, I'm hoping to polish off Cernd's banters in a few days and move on to the next NPC. After that is quests, the friendship path, interjects and coding.


All I can keep saying is soon, and thanks to everyone for their patience. ;)


:D Music and some refreshments to better deal with RL commitments :laugh: and to encourage your muse. Write On! (sorry about the pun . . . it's been a long week ;) )

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Good Gravy! I spy progress!



OK, after a hideously busy Real Life couple of months, Cernd's banters are done like a thing which is done. As you can see, it has cost me my ability to make witty comparisons.



That aside, I'm now on to Edwin, and hope to have him done in a similar amount of time, due to the slightly more complicated relationship he has with Aklon. My thanks continue to go out to all of you who have failed to have me assassinated for tardiness and in return I will continue to keep updating you all as progress happens. :D


Good luck with the Edwin banters, (we all know how long-winded he can get :party: )

And if a person could be assassinated for tardiness, well, there wouldn't be many people left around now would there :D


Keep up the hard work! :(




P.S. Love your quip in the footnotes/post script of your post about the 3 different categories of animals in Australia . . . snicker.

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Short answer, not yet, but I promise we'll stop for ice-cream soon. :cool:





Long answer, I'm coming along with Edwin's banters, about half way through now, though I have hit a bit of a snag in recent weeks with the Modder's traditional hard drive crash (am I in the club for real now guys?). Or actually, Modder's traditional hard drive vents fire while attempting a computer upgrade...


Fortunately, I have everything backed up, so no data has been lost, aside from one day's random notes, but I am currently without a computer, so writing has been slowed while I try and organise to have the thing fixed.

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