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Skills and Abilities Mod

Guest morpheus562

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I can only evaluate it on paper, don’t have it installed. But on paper, if anything, those two -2 penalties don't seem to be enough of a disadvantage. I would bump them to -3. (If you can wear armor you should be able to avoid being hit and can handle longer casting times, right?) Or add something else… maybe restrict it from using certain spell schools? I did that with my bard kits in place of bespoke “bard spell lists” and taking away like two schools really focuses the concept in gameplay. Like, my bards not being able to cast evocations really lets other mages shine.  That could be a good way to evaluate it. This kit seems to want to be everything… how could it be modified to make different kits shine? 

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Hello @morpheus562,

A player from the French community came up with what I think is a bug in component #313 !

~Overhaul Proficiency System - Add New Proficiencies and Weapon Styles~
~Vanilla Proficiency Progression~
~Accelerated Proficiency Progression~
~NWN2 Style Proficiency Progression~

In game elves characters lose their  " +1 THAC0 bonus with bows, short swords, and long swords."

I did some test installs, reinstalls , my elf warrior don't get her bonus to TAC0 but whithout this component no issue !

Here some screenshot before  / after :





I did'nt test bonus for other race and class, ! But this component could be a little buggy !

It is still possible that I am doing something wrong. WeiDU.log

Edited by JohnBob
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On 7/7/2022 at 10:46 AM, InKal said:

"- Divine Vengeance (3 pips) - Enemies receive 2 magic damage upon striking the character"

 Nah...not only enemy, AoE damage everyone including party.

Hi @morpheus562, I'm having the same issue with Divine Vengeance. Not only is it causing AoE damage to anyone near the attacker (including the poor character who has the 3 pips of Divine proficiency), it also is a lasting effect, à la Cloudkill. Truly, the gods must be crazy.

I just now installed Skills & Abilities on an otherwise clean install, to make certain this wasn't due to a conflict with another mod. It wasn't.

On the other hand, I'm loving absolutely everything else about this mod! Once this Divine Vengeance bug is fixed, this will be a perma-install feature for me.

Edited by whodisseus
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@morpheus562 Cool cool cool. Out of curiosity, what other issues are you finding with this current version of the mod? Aside from the Divine Vengeance glitch, I've found this most recent patch to be running smoothly. Granted, I'm not using all the features, like revised/added skills for fighters, paladins, etc. (because I'm incorporating the Artisan's Kitpack class overhaul features). But what I am using (bard skills, turn undead overhaul, two-handed strength bonus) are all quite satisfactory.

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I was just downloading both .exe and . zip files. Until now i never thought that there could be a difference between the two versions after decompressed. The .zip contains a file "Skill and abilities" missing in .exe file.

I don't know which one to consider ?

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Devotion 3 (Empowered Healing)
Any Cure and Regeneration spells and innate abilities you use heal 50% more HP, rounded down.  Any Heal and Resurrection spells and innate abilities you use fully heal their subjects and give 1 temporary HP per caster level for 8 hours.  Any Raise Dead and Recall Spirit spells and innate abilities you use heal the subject to 50% their max HP, rounded down, instead of 1 HP.

What say you to this?  It's meant to be useful and thematic.


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