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Skills and Abilities Mod

Guest morpheus562

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Apologies if it's been asked already, but is there any chance that the HLAs will be added to the various NPC mods in IWDEE?  I assume they have to be added per kit, so the custom kits a lot of the NPCs use (Karihi's Pyromancer, Orra's custom FMC etc.) would have to be individually modified?  Which sounds like a pain so I understand not doing that.  I only ask because Minerva actually has them (Fighter/Artificer) which I found odd if there weren't any plans to add them to the NPCs.

Edited by zuulforrest
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Thank you for your amazing mod! I'm using the bard skills and wizard slayer fixes now, but the more I read through the changes, the more I'm leaning toward installing this for when I get to BG2. I had one compatibility question—Do you know if this works with the 5E Spellcasting Mod from @subtledoctor? I saw it mentioned earlier in the thread but wasn't sure on the status of it.

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6 hours ago, morpheus562 said:

HLAs should apply to everyone in IWDEE if the component is installed? I don't think npc mods would do anything to prevent that.

Unfortunately no, the only custom-kitted NPC I've found that has HLAs is Minerva at artisans-corner.com.  The Icewind Dale NPC mod NPCs at pocketplane.net have them, but those are stock kits.  Dusky and Dandjelion at weaselmods.com also have them and are stock kits.  The ones I've confirmed do not are:

Karihi - Pyromancer, Mage

Orra - Fighter/Mage/Saishi, Fighter/Mage/Cleric
L'anna - Mythseeker of Mythrien Sarath, Paladin
Hommet - Deadly Blazing Necromancer, Mage
Urchin - Don't know this one, I don't have a save with him in my party and what I think is his kit in EEKeeper just says L#URCH.. iirc from when I edited him once his class was Hag Abomination or something, not even a stock class.  Could be wrong

I haven't tested the other NPCs from weaselmods, but most of them are also custom kits.

I remember from awhile back when I was playing EET with Skills and Abilities, the new HLAs like Great Charisma etc. did not work on the custom kits from Might and Guile and other such mods, which is what led me to believe they were added per-kit.  I haven't tried them in EET in several months.

I'm not a modder by any means so it's just conjecture on my part 😛
I really appreciate the mod though, I couldn't live without it anymore.

Edited by zuulforrest
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