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Skills and Abilities Mod

Guest morpheus562

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2 hours ago, morpheus562 said:

Any bard song that doesn't use op321 to cancel its effects before re-applying its effects is going to run into an issue with the Bardic Hat introduced in SoD. That allows bard songs to last multiple rounds and will cause bardic buffs to stack. @Lurker, please feel free to reach out to any mod author if you are seeing an issue with their songs stacking on themselves.

Sorry to have devolved your mod's thread somewhat, but since you and D5 are still discussing the bard song issue, I thought maybe tagging @The Artisan might be okay? I'm not active on SHS.

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Hi I find there is a bug with the modified weapon style component with EEex’s lshift show target buffs component. As the additional bonus, penalty of style is implemented as permanent buff, it shows as (no name) when I use the show target buff feature. Wonder if there’s a workaround for it? @morpheus562

Edited by dunehunter
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5 hours ago, morpheus562 said:

I'm not sure what penalty of style you are referencing? Are you saying people are receiving penalties for not having pips in a weapon?

EDIT: I took a look and it is not an error, nor are the effects permanent. What you are seeing are the repeating effects that grant the bonus proficiency abilities. The reason it is showing up as (no name) is solely because EEex is able to peak behind the hood and allow the user to see the mechanics at play, and I simply don't have them named since there is no way outside of EEex or the radar overlay mod to be able to see these at work.

yes these are shown because of EEex, I wonder if these can be hidden so EEex doesn’t show them?

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I was checking the component Update Weapon Fighting Styles (2H Weapons, 1H Weapons, Sword & Shield).

You are making me reconsider not going two weapon style for once, at least in BG1
But still, in BG2, I feel like the two weapon style is still superior to all the other style in BG2. Can anything at all be done for this? I doubt it. 

In the readme, it would be cool to have a table comparison between the weapon styles in: [Classic BG] [BG:EE] and [Skills and Abilities].


Edited by Morgoth
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This is a file comparing the skills: https://easyupload.io/dejin8

I don't know if you're interested copying it into the readme, but you are welcome to do so (that's what I was looking for when checking the styles).

I was a bit surprised, because I didn't notice before, that you removed the critical on two-handed weapon style. I guess you went for it due to the 1.5x bonus to strength damage? So, critical hits vs consistent damage, and consistent damage surely takes the crown.


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Привет. Спасибо за моды! У меня проблема с созданием свитков добавления заклинаний. После создания свитка постоянно проигрывается анимация. И звук! Мне больно в ушах. И неважно, кто создает свиток. Друид или маг. Эта постоянная анимация НЕ мешает вам создавать новые свитки. Если поставить твик на минимум модов - перевод, интерфейс и т.д., то анимация проигрывается только иногда, например когда выходишь из комнаты. Или вы меняете оружие. В общем, вы что-то делаете. Вопрос: как отключить анимацию или хотя бы звук создания прокрутки? Мои бедные уши! Я заметил. Что, например, создание свитков не совместимо с антологией твиков, точнее с ее твиком на более быстрое перемещение и скорость колдовства вне боя. Ну не совместимо. Свитки создаются, но анимация становится бесконечной. Так же как и с другими твик паками. И почему-то иногда этот твик не ставится в очередь. То есть надо ставить сначала его, а потом уже другие ваши твики. Я играю на своем смартфоне.


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Really enjoying this mod, but it's got an odd interaction with the Faiths & Powers Battleguard kit. The Battleguard is supposed to be able to achieve proficiency with any weapon, but in-game is limited to cleric weapon groups and cannot attain more than specialization in the Divine skill - here's what I'm seeing ingame, and here's my weidu log if needed. Not sure if the issue is from this mod or from F&P, so apologies if this is a false positive.

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