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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. Referring to your Hades thing, the issue with Temnix is that when he produces stuff he does things well, but given that he is overly-ambitious he never releases working stuff or simply destroy his own work to the scorn of himself (wasting his own time) and never listen to people like GraionDilach that are trying to be helpful with the same tone he uses towards the community. After reading what I wrote above, I don't recommend you to use this mod. There are mods by Temnix that are complete and should be working, so go for these (they are a few, considering his self-destruction habits).
  2. I always tried that .dll and it didn't work in my game either. Given the lack of CLEAR images showing you how it's supposed to be (not the lack of images), I simply moved from Original to EE because UI is one of the things you have to experience almost non stop in BG. If you ever happen to succeed, please, post your progress and show the world how it's supposed to be.
  3. Another reason you could wait is being able to try InfinityUI when it comes out as a stable release. LEfreutUI has that issue of moving the buttons that I dislike very much; was hoping the russian community would come out with their UI but it came to nothing in the end.
  4. I'm reading your experiences day by day. If I was you, I would actually finish the game. Yes, you met bugs, but you also experienced the content; next time you will do better by halving the content you would be installing. If I was in your place I would also finish Seatower (it's not complete yet from what I seem to remember, so if you did, next time you could actually avoid installing it). All In all, keep playing. And I say this as someone who got suggested by Jarno (thanks Jarno) to play BP ascension when DavidW didn't yet adopt it and I had more than 10 playthroughs wasted only to realize he wrote bullshits as always. Thanks Jarno for suggesting me to install shit mods and ruining many playthroughs. I wonder if someone else had read your useful tips and was left with a wasted playthrough.
  5. so you're telling me that the mod for once doesn't punish evil players, but actually makes it so that it is rewarding to do something that is barred to good charnames? Sounds equivalent to baldur's gate design, but in reverse (for once).
  6. I will share my idea concerning this component: I always installed Dark Side kobolds in my playthroughs only to regret it a bit later. I tried it around 10 times (Try as played 10 different playthroughs with 10 different charnames), and each time I played it with different parties and different level party just to realize if I was not enjoying it due to the way I played. Was I under-leveled? Did I have a bad party management? Did I have the wrong party composition? Even when I was high level, I didn't experience fun; it was aggravating and it made me dread going into the mines if I had a low level. The component does not feel rewarding at all, and the kobolds provide more hassle than intended, without the xp that they should be at least giving. I will go a little further too - even if it's clear that component was taken from Dark side, it made me re-evaluate all of SCS content and made me ask if it was worth it having most of the components installed only to turn out that I didn’t need them because I over-valued them and simply installed to the habit. For BG1 nowadays I would always recommend a minimal scs list: There is even another thought that went through my mind – most of the mods component are not catered for me. I’m not Morpheus562 or Davaeorn – I enjoy playing but there is a clear design with some of the choices that do not reasonate with me at all.
  7. Hello, A year has passed. I'm wondering if you are still supporting this or not.
  8. Don't worry, the discord link brings to a discussion of people talking about the esc button being moved in lefreut ui being one of the reason for not using it.
  9. hey, please add a tweak to revert the cancel button to where it was before. https://discord.com/channels/205226905870270466/531043595252137985/1172942671539601428
  10. Planning to install the nostalgia pack for my next playthrough (hopefully it will be in one week). Let me know if you are planning to update
  11. I may have asked this question in the past (And I think I've done it), but my next install should be in my native language (Spanish) while I would like for all mods to be installed in English, so I can realize when I'm playing mod-added content. Is it possible, and what measures should I adopt to be sure everything goes fine ?
  12. Should I install the 1pp high quality music on EE?
  13. I don't know if it's a bug, but elemental princes have weaker weapons than their elemental servants.
  14. hello, do the item tweaks also change the description of the items?
  15. This is the best topic on reddit about how to improve Throne of Bhaal, if anyone is curious.
  16. Hello Dave, I will be trying this. Not sure when, and the recent release of Argent77 makes me happy because it seems we are now getting many alternatives to projectinfinity.
  17. Thanks a lot to you both. I will be reinstalling EE soon due to your fast answers
  18. I'm copying the issue opened for Andrea's colombo mod Nostalgia pack (https://github.com/SpellholdStudios/Nostalgia-Pack), hoping that someone knows an answer for the questions below. 1. I would like to report: https://www.gibberlings3.net/forums/topic/36625-bug-v16-unique-icons-makes-flaming-fist-helms-green-on-bgee/#comment-327620 2. I use the "Unique icons" component made by Lava inside G3 Tweak pack. I'm wondering: how does it behave with the component Restore BG Item Icons & Appearance? 3. The pack offers a component named "UNDO EE changes" that does the following: > Remove extra items added to stores and characters that are not part of one of the new NPCs' storyline. This includes extra copies of items that were already there (e.g. Gauntlets of Weapon exprtise), new items added by the Enhanced Editions, and copies of BG2 items (e.g. katanas, wakizashis, ninja-tos.) > Restore original stock in the Friendly Arm store. I wonder three things: a) I use "Argent77 Enhanced Edition npc" to disable both the npc and items. I take the component from the Nostalgia pack overlaps? b) I would like to ask, if there is an overlap, to split this component in two or more subcomponents. c) The mod seems to revert the poison change made by Beamdog. Two questions: does it also change the "text" of the class using the poison or is the mod simply putting a spcl423.spl on the override? Does anyone know an answer for the questions above ?
  19. Am I wrong, or you didn't use the method highlighted here?
  20. Thanks for both of your mods. Hopefully, they are not a send-off. I will have to think about which parts to install in my Bg compilation.
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