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Jarno Mikkola

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Everything posted by Jarno Mikkola

  1. Well, there's a mod that try to checks the hitpoints the characters have and fixes them incase they don't. One of them is BGT-weidu. So... you are boned. Of course you can fix it by editing the character in Shadowkeeper. Of course if it's a cleric, you are more than boned, cause it checks the cleric spells and error out with a warning. But that shouldn't be the case, in your case.
  2. Please ellaborate. It will help people to help. Not saying I can do any of that, but I believe in people.
  3. This is the programmer within you that says this. "The count" starts for me from the "first" color, not zero'th one, as we are not dealing with ones and zeros only, aka binary, but of decimal one. Yes, even though it might be flagged as zero in the binary data(I have no way to verify this). Which is why we use the ordinal form of the word "one" rather than the word itself. And if it's not obvious, there's no such a thing as "zeroth" in English, as it doesn't make sense. And yes, wikipedia is wrong.
  4. I would remember it to be the second one in the palette. First being the invisible one.... I said "I would remember", as it's been far too long to know.
  5. You could detect the EE games and restrict the components selection for it, and put a note of it in the no_one_reads_me -file.
  6. But the BG2EE is the original game ... Yeah, you mean to say the non-EE BG2, so either the BG2:SoA or BG2:ToB. Not so sure it still works with the SoA anymore... cause I cannot install it to a modern computer.
  7. Erhm, if this is a non-EE game, the .biff will not contain a " ar8013.ini" file, or so I at least believe. Which is what the above poster said their game was with. "plain old IWD" or something to that effect. How I know this, is I remember looking at the sleeping spawns rutine the old games had, and this is tangential to it.
  8. Actually, that approach is already in use, as SCS can use script that auto force casts the defensive spells on mass. This is also presumed to use a few spell charges... as doing so without them is counter to the intent of not cheating™. As it supposedly uses the minor or regular sequncer spell effects, which would take spell charges away.
  9. 1. .eff file is the "effect" file. As you can use item ability to use an effect, which refers to a .eff file. the .spl file is similarly a spell file, which also can be used to apply a whole spell. They use the opcode 177 to then use the eff files effect. This has their own advantages etc, like the ability to set difficulty to differ from the characters ability casting score etc. 2. Then you archive the files, and extract them to from that archive into your game folder, run the .exe and vola, your mod is installed. And ready to be redistributed. 3... if I would find it ... been a long time since I moded this game. EDIT: yeah, here's one item mod, I helped at. Also note, that overwriting the ax1h01.itm might have side effects, like changing some orcs to be hillarious, as they just got +4 to thac0 and damage bonus, but ouh well.
  10. Ouh you little mind. How lost you are. See, if the first thing the enemy does is attack instead of DEFEND, it does work. It might not be optimal in the long run, but that's not what the game is about...
  11. Well, you should first find out the in code names of the items you want to replace, and then name your replacements to be those exact files... so you can then just copy them over with: COPY ~modname/itemname.itm~ ~override~ After which you can adjust those with NAME1, NAME2, UNIDENTIFIED_DESC, IDENTIFIED_DESC etc etc etc with the weidu commands. Aka: COPY ~modname/itemname.itm~ ~override~ SAY NAME1 ~axe~ And now you know the power of weidu... it can rename items description strings with very simple commands. Of course you will also want to know that the mod can consist of at least of 2 files. A renamed weidu.exe file as setup-modname.exe, and a text file called setup-modname.tp2 that the earlier will take commands from. Also you will likely want to start the whole text file with: BACKUP ~modname/backup~ AUTHOR ~Baptor~ VERSION ~text ... something~ BEGIN ~component name~ ... so it's all out of the way. Also, here's the weidu readme. Not that you need it too much, nor you'll need to understand any of it.
  12. You pick up a mod, open the setup-modname.tp2 file with notepad and look at the code. It's pretty self explanatory on multiple item mods, and here is somewhat tutorial on how to make one. Now, of course you'll need to take in the fact that if you export the .itm form a non EE edition of the icewind dale, you'll need to re-add in the non common effect that came from the items special nature, that it's file name prefix came with, as those were tied in to the items in icewind.exe itself. To figure that one out, you'll want to open the .itm file with Near Infinity or DLTCEP.
  13. Is there a chart that shows what protections and removal spells can be used against each others ? There's a very old thread somewhere where this is shown for the vanilla spells...
  14. I have no idea, but perhaps the idea would be to getting rid of the horrible whole slaught defensive prebuff riddiculousity that is ingrained into the SCS scripts. You want them to have shield... cheat a little and set the AC to 6 instead of the 10, remove the spell and the spell charge, and all the while checking that you didn't make the thing impossible to kill. This will make it so that it's not a choore to kill all the low level mages that you'll encounter, while using the same old 4 spells you need in every encounter from start to end. After all, the enemies have x100 more spells slots and likely all the time in the universe.
  15. Really ? You can't look up at all, to Alien's signature and the link to the introduction on how to use pee. Ouh man.
  16. Did you start a new game/campaign after installing every mod you have, as not doing that will not give/update the full dialog.tlk file in the save game. Which is what is likely to lead into this problem.
  17. Hmm, so that could be part of the problem. As if the game is an old install from a former non Windows 10 system, it could be stuck to not being able to be overwriten by the cdtweaks-v9.exe archive. But then, the fix is easy, uninstall the game in Steam. And then edit the game path in Steam, and then Reinstall it. And then running the game once, and only after those steps, reinstall the mod.
  18. You need to push the zero -key, and then Enter. That is, if you wish to install with the English language. And you have got to also be aware that if the window becomes inactive, you can re-activate it with simply pushing one of the bounders, as without that, your key entries will not do a thing.
  19. But we did say you had to install it too, making it like 5 GBs with room to cache. And so your privilage, doesn't match with our database, so you can go ahead and go fuck yourself. Thing is, I don't think it does. One could suppose that the so called ten towns are so few in population, that there's really no guards to go around, or with Targo's being infiltrated by goblins in their warehouse, while they are also under a siege by them, and the player gets into the town by a sea via a boat, the guards are dead. Now, I never got into Kuldahar in IWD2, so I can't comment on that front. But in IWD, the Kuldahar was populated by a few store vendors, who became hostile if you robbed then via pick pocket, and then went hostile and then called help to make the whole town hostile on the party's rear end.
  20. So what kind of permissions does it ask ? A picture/screen capture would tell more than a 1000 words.
  21. Yeah, and a pirated copy is a "free" one. So what ? You still have to download the thing, have the storage space to store it and install etc.
  22. But how many of those are TOWN areas ? Cause if I read this(the very first post) correct, termix doesn't have the game, so they can't take a peak: of yeah, this is a town area, so there shouldn't be bandits of the player robbing every indoor area they can get into by disabling lock.
  23. You people do know that the Internet doesn't compute/intergrate the intent to the characters in your replies. PS, @Gwendolyne, you might have missed the fact that the IWD2 was specified. Specifically as there's a gigantic hole in knowledge of IESDP about the area codes of IWD2.
  24. Installing what ? The only thing you need to do on Windows 10 is to install the game to your own (profile) folders, so you have all the "permission" on it. Aka, install the game into here: C:\Users\<windows username>\Games or whatever\BG2\ And yes, in Steam, you can do this "easily". Thing is, you are not the only programmer on the computer, so it's very unlikely that you are the only "profile" on it. And then when you purchase a game, you infact licence the the programs, you don't own them, so again, permissions are not entilely yours either. Yes, this in unfortunate, but welcome to reality of things bigger than you. It's called craft.
  25. Why the F would Weidu need to be able to uninstall it's stuff at all ? Cause if the other thing is possible to do 100%, then this is completely unneeded. Like seriously. Cause if it takes a .tp2 file and is able to do everything in it without any questions, and without weidu(.exe), then weidu becomes irrelevant to it. But I bet that's a hard job to do, so sure at first this would be a one off ... at first.
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