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Everything posted by jastey

  1. @argent77 thanks again for your answer! @The_Baffled_King I'm not sure I got your reply correctly, but adding x additional transactions with different triggers and different actions to account for the status of the group's knowledge is not an option. It would not work if it's a state with reply options for once, and for dialogue states with transactions it would skip all existing ones, making the mod highly incompatible with other mods that might have added transactions to the exiting onces. Plus, I have 18 variables with up to 5 states. But maybe I got what you said wrong. What my mod does currently is ADD_TRANS_ACTION to the dialogue states in question and then the value set will be evaluated via script. (The mod also adds variables via script where appropriate.)
  2. @argent77 super cool! I could add a "set area script override" script block to baldur.bcs that changes the area script, then it would be one additional script block only and it would cover all areas (and NPC mods too as they could also set the variable if necessary). This is the same mechanics as in NPC banters in SoD (where the area script is set via the NPC override script). A question to this: where exactly is "the" area script defined - I mean the standard AR/bdxxxx.bcs that is attached to each area file. I think I get confused because I know the OVERRIDE, CLASS, RACE etc slots from cre files - where all the individual actions are inside the OVERRIDE and setting this to nothing would just "delete" it. Is the "normal" area script as it was in the classic engine a slot like these categories or is this something different? Because the possibility to set the area script to something else and reset it by setting it to "" did not exist in BGII, did it? I'm not sure I understand this sentence, but if I trigger the area script change via baldur.bcs is shouldn't make any difference, right? I see two possible problems: 1. In case the area script of the current area is set to the example script myscript.bcs and the player changes areas while it runs - this might mess up either my script or the area script of the left area? I could prevent this by adding a "if this script was called (or is still active) but no variable is detected, reset to the normale area script" fail safe. But this technique is also used for NPC banter which take a while to complete so it should be kind of stable. I never tried to leave an area while they happened. 2. This procedure of set variable -> call baldur.bcs -> call myscript.bcs -> reset area script might take a little moment. It could fail to set my variables just in case e.g. two (paused) dialogues are started one after the other in too short time for the scripts to run through. If the second dialogue (as an example) sets the same variable to a lower number, the higher number could be lost because the scripts didn't finish running. Same situation in case there is a cutscene with a dialogue afterwards, maybe. I would assume chances of this are rather slim, though.
  3. Thanks for your answers. Switch(): I'm not sure. If I understand correctly the Switch() trigger would give different responses depending on what value the according variable specified has. What I need is a way to count a variable up - and only up, despite the value of another trigger variable jumping from lower to higher ot lower values. An example, although I'm sure you don't need it to understand. Let's say I have a variable KnowsLocation which keeps track whether A Location is known to the group. KnowsLocation = 1: group heard about it KnowsLocation = 2: group knows how to travel there KnowsLocation = 3: group visited The Location. What I want to prevent is that, after already traveling to this example area, they might hear it being mentioned by someone else which would set KnowsLocation back to "1". If I do not use another set of variables to keep track this would mean that although the party already visited, the KnowsLocation would be reset to a value which would indicate that they only heard about it, giving NPCs and quest characters all sorts of wrong reply options and reactions. Ooh, that's a good idea. I didn't think about this. That's a really cool idea. I could do the same to area scripts, actually. Instead of having all 250 script blocks I could set one extra trigger variable which sets the area script to another that does the "variable setting" and afterwards changes back to the area script in question. This would mean I have more files in the override unless I'd find a smart way to use only one script for all areas. Would there be any obvious reason not to use this for area scripts? I know NPC banter are triggered this way, to it should be save or would this be a "trick" that could mess up area scripts if too many mods would use it too intensely? Also, can I be sure that in SoD, area scripts of the master area are always also executed in the "lower" areas attached to it or is it not that trivial?
  4. What would the impact on an area script or an NPC override scrip be? Would such an amount of script blocks lead to any lagging/ impact with regard to the specific areas and / or the NPC in question?
  5. I could decrease the number of blocks significantly by not working with variables that get counted up but just using unique variable names for all instances. That would mean I'll introduce ~80 global variables. The concept of the mod is tracking knoweldge the party gathers. Depending on how detailed the info is, the value of the variable gets counted up. This means that I need script blocks that keep track of what the group already knows in case they encounter an info point which would decrese the variable. If I'd work with unique variables for all instances I can just set the variables at the info points (e.g. in dialogues) and wouldn't have to care about variables being decreased again. It would mean I'd have to work with OR structures to know what is already known to the group, though, as I wouldn't be able to work with GlobalGT/GlobalLT any more. I'm not decided that would be a good idea yet, as it would mean I wouldn't be able to use OR structures for more than one variable(group) any more.
  6. If I add many script blocks to (bd)baldur.bcs (bdbaldur.bcs for BG_SoD, baldur.bcs for EET), is there a noticeable impact (lagging etc.) to be expected (EE engine)? I'm talking about ~250 script blocks for SoD. I'll tagg all of them with some kind of %IT_IS_SOD% variable in the hopes it will make the engine skip them faster in the other parts of the game. All of the script blocks are true once max.
  7. Hi Guest mindrot, please post the contents of your weidu.log here inside a spoiler.
  8. At least i didn't run into one so far, and never heard of any. As I said, If you look at some talkative NPC mods I would assume that's more dialogue states (also with triggers) than you'd need for your BG1 - flexible - story mod idea. One thing I don't know is if you'd make the order inside the dlg arbitrary and WEIGHT all dialogue states, whether that would have any influence. What I mean is that most NPC mods just give the dialogue states unique triggers so the engine searches from top to bottom until it finds the true one. Maybe it takes longer if the whole file needs to be checked because there are WEIGHTed states. But then, I guess the engine would have to check the whole dlg always to find WEIGHted states, so it probably looks through the whole file anyway. - I'm not a good source for these kind of questions, though. I'm rather ignorant with regard to which actions get processed first or instantly or whatever, as long as it works in the game. Exactly. If you have a look at Ajantis' PID in BG1NPC (bg1npc/pid/x#ajpcfl.d) and imagine all those different states combined to (almost) one (I think I separated between flirt and engaged), you get an idea about the scope of what made the classic engine hickup.
  9. Are you concerned with dialogue states per dlg or with reply options in one state? For the former I don't see a problem (I don't think any dlg hit a wall and some mod NPCs have a lot to say). For the latter - I did recode Ajantis' PID because before hand it was one state and then all reply options with different conditions lead to the dialogue hang for a second or two before it opened - that was the old engine (Tutu), though. Split it up in several dialogue states sorted by conditions still having a lot of triggered reply options made it work fine.
  10. UNSOLVED_JOURNAL works in a dialogue state (I put it usually at the end before the EXIT but it can also be used in different order with the other actions I think). It does not work in a CHAIN as a local NPC specific transaction, i.e. if you put a DO ~transactions~ behind the line of the one NPC talking, so here you'd need to use AddJournalEntry(). UNSOLVED_JOURNAL only adds one/works only for one. If you have mutliple, you need to use AddJournalEntry().
  11. Congratulations on the release! How do you realize lore bonus for reading a book? As far as I know it's not possible to detect whether the player had a look at an item description, so I am curious.
  12. bg1ub updates to v16.4! v16.4 comes with an updated Spanish translation by OmegaZeroVIII and some improvements. Changelog: - Changed syntax of Kivan's interjection with Tazok to make it more stable (I_C_T instead of I_C_T2). - Spanish version updated and completed by OmegaZeroVIII. - Corrected entry for "Beregost_House08_L2" in cpmvars.tpas. - Readme updated.
  13. Pocket Plane Group PPG official GitHub Mirror BG1 Unfinished Business BG1 Unfinished Business ("BG1UB") is a mod designed to restore many of the cut items, quests, and encounters from the original Baldur's Gate game's final release, as well as try to tie up some of the "loose ends." As usual, BG1UB should be compatible with most other WeiDU-based mods, and should be installed after either conversion. BG1UB is compatible with Baldur's Gate 1 (with or without Tales of the Sword Coast), Tutu, BGT, and Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. v16.4 comes with an updated Spanish translation by OmegaZeroVIII and some improvements. Changelog: - Changed syntax of Kivan's interjection with Tazok to make it more stable (I_C_T instead of I_C_T2). - Spanish version updated and completed by OmegaZeroVIII. - Corrected entry for "Beregost_House08_L2" in cpmvars.tpas. - Readme updated. Download at PPG GitHub Mirror Mod's Homepage Discussion Thread at G3 Discussion Thread at BeamDog's
  14. What assassins? You mean as a reply option? What do you want Duke Eltan to reply?
  15. Gibberlings Three BG1NPC Project This mod expands on the depth of character and levels of interaction with the NPCs from the BG game. When BG2 was released, one of the major improvements in many peoples' eyes was the increased level of interaction one could have with the party members. This mod was developed to allow BG players a similar experience. NPCs in your party now have banters with the PC, with each other, and small side-quests of their own. Version 26 comes with bugfixes and a new component by Angel: The BG1 NPC Project: Kivan's Proficiency with the option to change Kivan's weapon pips to spear (or halberd). Now the legacy spear quest reward for Kivan makes more sense because Kivan can have weapon pips in spears instead of halberd in BG:EE! Thank you very much to Angel for providing this component! Changes: - New component: "Kivan's Proficiency Tweak", by Angel - Kivan should count Gerde's ankheg kills correctly. - Kivan should not reference Prism in Mutamin's garden if he didn't meet Prism. - Ajantis should not ask Shoal to revive the companion if they didn't die. - Faldorn should correctly banter with Kagain. - Halbazzer's dialogue for upgrading the armor should not block his dialogue. - "Read Gorion's letter" will also trigger in Candlekeep Catacombs. - "KnowBhaal" variable will only set after letter was read aloud if Gorion's letter is in party's inventory. - Journal entry for Garrick's quest should close properly for all language versions. - EET: Tana'ri should be copied to override. - Compatibility with Shades of the Sword Coast: Bentley will only react to Eldoth if he can see him. - revised Ajantis' shield colors and BAMs from Sir Kill. - corrected entry for "Beregost_House08_L2" in cmpvars.tpa. - Russian version now uses setup.tra out of English language folder. - added check to forbid installation after EET_End. - Updated bg1npc.ini with regard to install order syntax. - Typo corrections. Read the Readme Project Page Mod Forum Download BG1NPC at G3 Download at G3 GitHub Mirror
  16. Cheat your way into the city and talk to the characters, then you'll get an idea. My experience is that wihtout changes, all character inside the city are talking as if the bandit thread is over.
  17. If there is answers to updates this quickly I ususlly expect a "does not install" bug report. Thanks for the feedback!
  18. Most recent changelog see last post! BG1NPC updates to v26 with bugfixes. Thank you to Coland (Italian) and Arkie (Russian) for updating the language versions to the v26 changes! Version 26 also comes with a new component by @Angel ! Thank you very much to Angel for providing this component. Now the legacy spear quest reward for Kivan makes more sense if Kivan can have weapon pips in spears instead of halberd in BG:EE! Description from the readme: The BG1 NPC Project: Kivan's Proficiency This component will give a choice to alter Kivan's weapon proficiency pips to either halberds or spears. This is interesting insofar, as the quest item Kivan receives from Thalatyr is a spear, whereas he comes with pips in halberd in BG:EE. Option one: Kivan uses spears. This option will give Kivan 2 pips in spears, and also replace two halberds in teh game with spears (one in the cave in Dryad Falls, another in the Cloakwood Mines level 3. Option two: Kivan uses halberds. This option will give Kivan 2 pips in halberds. Changelog v26: - New component: "Kivan's Proficiency Tweak", by Angel - Kivan should count Gerde's ankheg kills correctly. - Kivan should not reference Prism in Mutamin's garden if he didn't meet Prism. - Ajantis should not ask Shoal to revive the companion if they didn't die. - Faldorn should correctly banter with Kagain. - Halbazzer's dialogue for upgrading the armor should not block his dialogue. - "Read Gorion's letter" will also trigger in Candlekeep Catacombs. - "KnowBhaal" variable will only set after letter was read aloud if Gorion's letter is in party's inventory. - Journal entry for Garrick's quest should close properly for all language versions. - EET: Tana'ri should be copied to override. - Compatibility with Shades of the Sword Coast: Bentley will only react to Eldoth if he can see him. - revised Ajantis' shield colors and BAMs from Sir Kill. - corrected entry for "Beregost_House08_L2" in cmpvars.tpa. - Russian version now uses setup.tra out of English language folder. - added check to forbid installation after EET_End. - Updated bg1npc.ini with regard to install order syntax. - Typo corrections.
  19. The mod updates to v7.1. All language versions are complete again. Polish: by memory Russian: by Arkie Thank you very much for the translations!
  20. I'm especially fond of polite anonymous guest posters. Kudos.
  21. @Lauriel sorry! I thought you are firm with it, lol. Making a pull request is easy if you know how. Until I got there I found it completely un-intuitive, though. I don't know who designed the routine but it is *not* intuitive. (Sorry guys).
  22. @Laurielfeel free to make pull requests. It's probably the fastest way and also makes sure the link goes to where you want it.
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